< 1 Phexros 4 >

1 Kanaafuu waan Kiristoos foon isaatiin dhiphateef isinis yaaduma akkasiitiin hidhadhaa; sababiin isaas inni fooniin dhiphate cubbuu dhiiseera.
Since, then, Christ suffered in body, arm yourselves with the same resolve as he; for he who has suffered in body has ceased to sin,
2 Kanaafuu inni bara jireenya isaa kan foonii isa hafe sana akka fedhii Waaqaatti jiraata malee akka hawwii namaatti hin jiraatu.
and so will live the rest of his earthly life guided, not by human passions, but by the will of God.
3 Yeroon isin duraan waan ormoonni hojjechuu jaallatan sana jechuunis jireenya gad dhiisii irratti, hawwii foonii irratti, machii irratti, addaggummaa irratti, gar malee dhuguu fi waaqeffannaa waaqota tolfamoo kan jibbisiisaa taʼe irratti balleessitan sun haa gaʼu.
Surely in the past you have spent time enough living as the Gentiles delight to live. For your path has lain among scenes of debauchery, licentiousness, drunkenness, revelry, hard-drinking, and profane idolatry.
4 Isaanis sababii isin gara jireenya gad dhiisii akkasiitti isaan wajjin hin fiigneef ni dinqisiifatu; isin arrabsus.
And, because you do not run to the same extremes of profligacy as others, they are astonished, and malign you.
5 Garuu isaan Waaqa warra jiranii fi warra duʼanitti muruuf qophaaʼe sana duratti deebii ni kennu.
But they will have to answer for their conduct to him who is ready to judge both the living and the dead.
6 Kanaafuu karaa fooniitiin akkuma namaatti akka isaanitti muramuuf, karaa hafuuraatiin immoo akka Waaqaatti akka jiraataniif wangeelli warra duʼanii jiranitti iyyuu lallabameera.
For that was why the good news was told to the dead also – that, after they have been judged in the body, as people are judged, they might live in the spirit, as God lives.
7 Dhumni waan hundaa dhiʼaateera. Kanaaf akka Waaqa kadhachuu dandeessaniif dammaqaa; warra of qabanis taʼaa.
But the end of all things is near. Therefore exercise self-restraint and be calm, so that you may be able to pray.
8 Waan hunda caalaatti jaalala hoʼaa waliif qabaadhaa; jaalalli cubbuu baayʼee dhoksaatii.
Above all things, let your love for one another be earnest, for “Love throws a veil over countless sins.”
9 Guungummii malee wal keessumsiisaa.
Never grudge hospitality to one another.
10 Tokkoon tokkoon namaa kennaa warra kaan tajaajiluuf argate kam iyyuu akkuma abbaa imaanaa amanamaa kan ayyaana Waaqaa bifa garaa gaaraatiin jiru sanaa tokkootti itti fayyadamuu qaba.
Whatever the gift that each has received, use it in the service of others, as good stewards of the varied bounty of God.
11 Namni dubbatu kam iyyuu akka nama dubbii Waaqaa dubbatuutti haa dubbatu. Namni tajaajilu kam iyyuu akka Waaqni waan hunda keessatti karaa Yesuus Kiristoosiin galateeffamuuf jedhee jabina Waaqni isaaf kenneen haa tajaajilu. Ulfinnii fi humni bara baraa hamma bara baraatti isaaf haa taʼu. Ameen. (aiōn g165)
When anyone speaks, they should speak as one who is delivering the oracles of God. When anyone is endeavouring to serve others, they should do so in reliance on the strength which God supplies; so that in everything God may be honoured through Jesus Christ – to whom be ascribed all honour and might for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
12 Yaa michoota jaallatamoo, qorama akka ibiddaa kan amma ittiin dhiphachaa jirtan kana akka waan wanni haaraan isinitti dhufeetti hin dinqisiifatinaa.
Dear friends, do not be astonished at the trial of fire that you are passing through, to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
13 Garuu isin yeroo ulfinni isaa mulʼatutti akka baayʼee gammaddaniif waan dhiphina Kiristoos keessatti qooda fudhattaniif gammadaa.
No, the more you share the sufferings of the Christ, the more may you rejoice, that, when the time comes for the manifestation of his glory, you may rejoice and exult.
14 Yoo maqaa Kiristoosiitiif jettanii arrabsamtan isin eebbifamoo dha; Hafuurri ulfinaatii fi Hafuurri Waaqaa isin irra boqotaatii.
If you are insulted for bearing the name of Christ, count yourselves blessed; because the divine glory and the Spirit of God are resting on you.
15 Isin keessaa namni kam iyyuu akka nama nama ajjeesuutti yookaan akka hattuutti yookaan akka nama yakka hojjetuutti yookaan akka nama dubbii namaa keessa seenuutti hin dhiphatin.
I need hardly say that no one among you must suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or a criminal, or for interfering in matters which do not concern Christians.
16 Garuu namni tokko yoo sababii Kiristaana taʼeef dhiphate maqaa sanaan Waaqa haa galateeffatu malee hin qaanaʼin.
But, if someone suffers as a Christian, they should not be ashamed of it; they should bring honour to God even though they bear that name.
17 Yeroon itti murtiin mana Waaqaatii jalqabu dhiʼaateeraatii; murtiin kun yoo nurratti jalqaba taʼe dhumni warra wangeela Waaqaatiif hin ajajamnee akkam haa taʼu ree?
For the time has come for judgment to begin with the house of God; and, if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who reject God’s good news?
18 “Erga qajeeltonni fayyuun rakkisaa taʼe, namni Waaqatti hin bullee fi cubbamaan maal haa taʼu ree?”
If “a good person is saved only with difficulty, what will become of the godless and the sinful?”
19 Kanaafuu warri akka fedhii Waaqaatti dhiphatan lubbuu isaanii Uumaa isaanii amanamaa sanatti imaanaa kennatanii waan gaarii hojjechuutti haa fufan.
Therefore, I say, let those who suffer, because God wills it so, commit their lives into the hands of a faithful Creator, and persevere in doing right.

< 1 Phexros 4 >