< 1 Qorontos 7 >

1 Waaʼee waan isin naa barreessitan sanaa, namni tokko utuu fuudhuu baatee isaaf gaarii dha.
Concerning now [the] things about which you wrote (to me *KO*) [It is] good for a man a woman not to touch;
2 Garuu waan halalummaan jiruuf dhiirri hundi niitii ofii isaa haa qabaatu; dubartiin hundis dhirsa ofii ishee haa qabaattu.
Because of however sexual immorality each man his own wife should have, and each [woman] the [her] own husband should have.
3 Dhirsi waan niitii isaatiif malu haa guutuuf; niitiinis akkasuma dhirsa isheetiif haa guuttu.
To the wife the husband the (debt *N(k)O*) (good will *K*) should fulfill; likewise now also the wife to the husband.
4 Niitiin dhagna ofii ishee irratti aangoo hin qabdu; kan aangoo qabu dhirsa. Akkasuma immoo dhirsi dhagna ofii isaa irratti aangoo hin qabu; kan aangoo qabdu niitii dha.
The wife [her] own body not has authority over but the husband; likewise now also the husband [his] own body not has authority over but the wife.
5 Yoo kadhannaatti jabaachuuf jettanii yeroof itti walii galtan malee wal hin didinaa. Ergasiis akka of qabuu dadhabuu keessaniin Seexanni isin hin qorreef deebiʼaa wajjin jiraadhaa.
Not do deprive one another if surely even when by mutual agreement for a time, that (you may be devoted *N(k)O*) (to fastings and *K*) to prayer and again together the same (may be, *N(k)O*) so that not may tempt you Satan through the lack of self-control of you.
6 Kanas ani eeyyamaan malee ajajaaf hin dubbadhu.
This now I say by way of concession not by way of command.
7 Ani utuu namni hundumtuu akkuma koo taʼee nan hawwa ture. Garuu namni hundi kennaa ofii isaa kan Waaqni isaaf kenne qaba; inni tokko kennaa tokko, kaan immoo kennaa biraa qaba.
I wish (now *N(k)O*) all men to be like even myself; But each [their] own has gift from God, (one [has] *N(k)O*) indeed this, (one *N(k)O*) however that.
8 Ani warra hin fuudhinii fi warra hin heeruminiin, haadhota hiyyeessaatiin illee akkanan jedha: Isaan yoo akkuma koo fuudhaa fi heeruma malee hafan isaaniif wayya.
I say now to the unmarried and to the widows, good for them (it is *k*) if they shall remain as also I. myself also I. myself
9 Yoo of qabuu dadhaban garuu haa fuudhan yookaan haa heeruman; hawwiin gubachuu irra fuudhuu yookaan heerumuu wayyaatii.
If however not they have self-control, they should marry; better for it is (to marry *NK(o)*) than to burn with passion.
10 Warra fuudhanii fi warra heerumaniifis ajajni ani kennu kana: Ajaja kanas Gooftaatu kenna malee ana miti; niitiin dhirsa isheetiin gargar hin baʼin.
To those now having married I give this charge — not I myself but the Lord — A wife from a husband not is to be separated;
11 Yoo gargar baate garuu utuu hin heerumin haa jiraattu; yoo kanaa achii dhirsa isheetti haa araaramtu. Dhirsis niitii isaa hin hiikin.
if however indeed she shall be separated, she should remain unmarried or to the husband she should be reconciled; and a husband a wife not is to send away.
12 Warra hafaniinis ani akkanan jedha: Kana immoo anatu jedha malee Gooftaa miti; obboleessi kam iyyuu yoo niitii amantii hin qabne qabaate, yoo isheenis isa wajjin jiraachuuf fedhii qabaatte, inni ishee hin hiikin.
To the now rest say I myself — not the Lord: If any brother a wife has unbelieving and she consents to dwell with him, not he should divorce her;
13 Dubartiin tokkos yoo dhirsa amantii hin qabne qabaatte, yoo innis ishee wajjin jiraachuuf fedhii qabaate, isheen isa hin hiikin.
And a woman (if *NO*) (any *N(k)O*) has a husband unbelieving and (he *N(k)O*) consents to dwell with her, not she should divorce (the *no*) (husband. *N(k)O*)
14 Dhirsi amantii hin qabne karaa niitii isaatiin qulqulleeffameeraatii; niitiin amantii hin qabnes karaa dhirsa isheetiin qulqulleeffamteertii. Yoo kanaa achii ijoolleen keessan xuraaʼoo taʼu; amma garuu qulqulloota.
Has been sanctified for the husband unbelieving in the wife, and has been sanctified the wife unbelieving in the (brother; *N(k)O*) else then the children of you unclean are, now however holy they are.
15 Namni amantii hin qabne garuu yoo gargar baʼuu fedhe gargar haa baʼu. Obboleessi tokko yookaan obboleettiin tokko haala akkasii keessatti hin hidhaman; Waaqni akka isin nagaan jiraattaniif isin waameeraatii.
If however the unbeliever separates himself, he should separate himself; not has bee under bondage the brother or the sister in such [cases]; Into however peace has called (you *N(K)O*) God.
16 Yaa niitii, ati dhirsa kee ni fayyifta taʼaatii maal beekta? Yookaan yaa dhirsa, ati niitii kee ni fayyifta taʼaatii maal beekta?
How for know you, wife, if the husband you will save? Or how know you, husband, if the wife you will save?
17 Tokkoon tokkoon namaa garuu akkuma jireenya Gooftaan kenneefiitti, akkuma Waaqni isa waamettis haa jiraatu. Waldoota Kiristaanaa hunda keessattis ajajni koo kanuma.
only except to each as (has assigned *NK(o)*) the Lord to each as has called God so he should walk; And thus in the churches all I prescribe.
18 Namni tokko waamamuu isaatiin dura dhagna qabatee ture? Inni nama dhagna hin qabatin taʼuu hin qabu. Namni tokko waamamuu isaatiin dura dhagna hin qabannee? Inni dhagna hin qabatin.
circumcised anyone was called? Not he should become uncircumcised; In uncircumcision (has been called *N(k)O*) anyone Not he should d be circumcise.
19 Ajaja Waaqaa eeguutu faayidaa qaba malee dhagna qabachuun yookaan qabachuu baachuun faayidaa hin qabu.
Circumcision no [thing] is and uncircumcision no [thing] is but keeping [the] commandments of God.
20 Tokkoon tokkoon namaa haaluma yeroo Waaqni isa waametti keessa ture keessa haa jiraatu.
Each in the calling in which he has been called, in this he should abide.
21 Ati yeroo waamamtetti garba turtee? Yoo akkas taʼe inni si hin yaaddessin; yoo bilisa baʼuu dandeesse garuu itti fayyadami.
Slave [being] were you called? not you should it concern; but if even you are able free to become, rather do take advantage.
22 Namni yeroo Gooftaadhaan waamametti garba ture inni gooftaadhaaf bilisa; akkasuma immoo namni yeroo waamametti bilisa ture inni garbicha Kiristoos.
The [one] for in [the] Lord having been called [being] a slave a freedman of [the] Lord is; likewise (and *k*) the [one] free having been called a slave is of Christ.
23 Isin gatiidhaan bitamtan; garboota namootaa hin taʼinaa.
With a price you were bought; not do become slaves of men.
24 Yaa obboloota, tokkoon tokkoon namaa haaluma yeroo itti waamametti keessa tureen fuula Waaqaa dura haa jiraatu.
Each wherein that he was called, brothers, in that he should abide with (*k*) God.
25 Ani waaʼee dubarran qulqulluu ajaja Gooftaan natti kenne hin qabu; garuu akka nama amanamaa taʼuuf araara Gooftaa argate tokkootti yaada koo nan kenna.
Concerning now the virgins a commandment of [the] Lord not I have, judgment however I give as received mercy from [the] Lord trustworthy to be.
26 Sababii rakkina ammaatiif jettanii akkuma jirtanitti turuun isiniif gaarii natti fakkaata.
I think therefore this good being because of the being present necessity, that [it is] good for a man in the same manner to remain.
27 Ati niitiitti hidhamteertaa? Ishee hiikuu hin barbaadin. Ati niitii irraa hiikamteertaa? Niitii hin barbaadin.
Have you been bound to a wife? Not do seek to be loosed; Have you been loosed from a wife? Not do seek a wife.
28 Ati garuu yoo fuute cubbuu hojjechuu kee miti; durbis yoo heerumte cubbuu hojjechuu ishee miti. Taʼus addunyaa kana irratti warra fuudhanii fi warra heeruman rakkinatu argata; ani immoo rakkina kana jalaa isin baasuun barbaada.
If however also you shall marry, not you did sin; and if shall marry the virgin, not she did sin; tribulation however in the flesh will have such; I myself now you am sparing.
29 Yaa obboloota, wanti ani jedhu kana; yeroon murteeffame sun gabaabateera; siʼachi warri niitii qaban akka waan hin qabaatiniitti haa jiraatan;
This now I say, brothers: The season shortened (is; *no*) From now on (is *k*) that both those having wives as none having may be,
30 warri booʼan akka waan hin booʼiniitti, warri gammadan akka waan hin gammadiniitti, warri waa bitatan akka waan wanni bitatan sun kan isaanii hin taʼiniitti,
and those weeping as not weeping, and those rejoicing as not rejoicing, and those buying as not possessing,
31 warri waan addunyaa kanaatti fayyadamanis akka waan itti hin fayyadaminiitti haa hedan. Bifti addunyaa kanaa ni badaatii.
and those using (world *N(k)O*) (this *K*) as not using [it] as their own. Is passing away for the present form of the world this;
32 Ani akka isin yaaddoo malee jiraattan nan hawwa. Namni hin fuudhin tokko Gooftaa gammachiisuuf dhimma Gooftaatti dhimma.
I desire now you without concern to be. The unmarried man cares for the [things] of the Lord, how (he may please *N(k)O*) the Lord;
33 Namni fuudhe garuu niitii isaa gammachiisuuf dhimma addunyaatti dhimma;
the [one] however having been married he cares for the [things] of the world, how (he may please *N(k)O*) the wife,
34 fedhiin isaas gargar qoodameera. Dubartiin hin heerumin yookaan durbi qulqulluun dhagnaa fi hafuuraan qulqulluu taʼuuf dhimma Gooftaatti dhimmiti. Dubartiin heerumte garuu dhirsa ishee gammachiisuuf dhimma addunyaatti dhimmiti.
(and *no*) has he been divided. And the woman unmarried and virgin cares for the [things] of the Lord, that she may be holy both (in *no*) body and (in the *no*) spirit; the [one] however having been married she cares for the [things] of the world, how (she may please *N(k)O*) the husband.
35 Kana jechuun koos isin fayyaduuf malee kiyyootti isin galchuuf miti; qooda kanaa akka isin yaada gargar hin hiraminiin karaa qajeelaa irra Gooftaaf jiraattan nan hawwa.
This now for the of you yourselves ([your] benefit *N(k)O*) I say, not that a restraint you I may place upon but for what [is] seemly and devoted to the Lord without distraction.
36 Namni kam iyyuu yoo durba kaadhimate sirriitti qabuu baate, yoo umuriin ishee dabalaa deemee innis akka ishee fuudhuu qabu yaade, akkuma fedhii isaa haa godhu. Inni cubbuu hojjechuu isaa miti. Isaan wal fuudhuu qabu.
If however anyone to be behaving improperly to the virgin of him supposes, if she shall be beyond youth, and so it ought to be, what he wills he should do; not he does sin, they should marry.
37 Garuu namni waan kana yaada ofii isaatiin murteesse, kan dirqama tokko illee jala hin jirree fedhii ofii isaa moʼachuu dandaʼu, kan akka durba sana hin fuune murteeffate, innis waan qajeelaa hojjete.
He who however has stood in the heart (of him *no*) firm not having necessity, authority however having over the own will, and this has judged in the (own *N(k)O*) heart (*k*) to keep his own virgin, well (he will do. *N(k)O*)
38 Kanaafuu namni durba fuudhu waan qajeelaa hojjete; kan ishee fuudhuu dhiise immoo caalaa waan qajeelaa hojjete.
So then also the [one] (now *o*) (giving in marriage *N(k)O*) (his own virgin *NO*) well does, (and *N(k)O*) the [one] not (giving in marriage *N(k)O*) better (will do. *N(k)O*)
39 Dubartiin tokko hamma dhirsi ishee jirutti isatti hidhamteerti. Yoo dhirsi ishee duʼe garuu isheen abbaa barbaaddetti heerumuuf bilisa; garuu inni nama Gooftaa taʼuu qaba.
A wife has been bound (to [the] law *K*) for as long as time may live the husband of her; if however (and *o*) shall have died the husband (of her *k*) free she is to whom she wills to be married, only in [the] Lord.
40 Akka yaada kootti garuu isheen yoo utuu hin heerumin hafte caalaa gammaddi; anis Hafuura Waaqaa of keessaa nan qaba jedheen yaada.
More blessed however she is if in the same manner she shall remain, according to my judgment; I think (now *NK(o)*) myself also myself also [the] Spirit of God to have.

< 1 Qorontos 7 >