< Salmenes 139 >

1 Til songmeisteren; av David; ein salme. Herre, du ransakar meg og kjenner meg.
Yahweh, you have examined me, and you know [everything about] me.
2 Um eg sit eller stend upp, so veit du det, du skynar min tanke langan veg.
You know when I sit down and when I stand up. [Even though you are] far away from me, you know what I am thinking.
3 Mi gonga og lega røyner du ut, og alle mine vegar kjenner du grant.
When I travel and when I lie down, you know everything that I do.
4 For det er inkje ord på mi tunga - sjå, Herre, du kjenner det alt til fullnads.
Yahweh, even before I say [MTY] anything, you know everything that I am going to say!
5 Bak og framme held du ikring meg, og du legg di hand på meg.
You protect me on all sides; you put your hand on me [to protect me with your power] [MTY].
6 Slik kunnskap er meg for underleg, han er for høg, eg kann ikkje greida honom.
I am not able to understand that you know [everything about me]. That is too great for me to really understand.
7 Kvar skal eg fara frå din ande, og kvar skal eg fly ifrå ditt andlit?
(Where could I go to escape from your Spirit?/I could not go anywhere to escape from your Spirit.) [RHQ] (Where could I go to get away from you?/I could not go anywhere to get away from you.) [RHQ]
8 For eg upp til himmelen, so er du der, og reidde eg seng i helheimen, sjå, der er du og. (Sheol h7585)
If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I lay down in the place where the dead people are, you would be there. (Sheol h7585)
9 Tek eg vengjerne til morgonroden, slo eg meg ned ved ytste havet,
If I had wings and flew very far east [MTY], or if I flew west and made a place to live [on an island] in the ocean,
10 di hand vilde leida meg ogso der, og di høgre hand vilde halda meg fast.
you would be there also, to lead me by your hand, and you would help me.
11 Og sagde eg: «Myrker løyne meg, og ljoset verte natt ikringum meg, »
I could request the darkness to hide me, or I could request the light around me to become darkness,
12 so vilde ikkje heller myrkret gjera noko myrkt for deg, og natti vilde vera ljos som dagen, myrkret vilde vera som ljoset.
but even [if that happened], the darkness would not be darkness for you! For you, the night is [as bright] as the daytime is, because for you, daylight and darkness are (not different/the same).
13 For du hev skapt mine nyro, du hev verka meg i morsliv.
You created [all] the parts of my body; you put [the parts of] my body together when I was still in my mother’s womb.
14 Eg takkar deg, av di eg er laga på øgjeleg underfull vis; underfulle er dine verk, og mi sjæl veit det so vel.
I praise you because you made my [body in a very] awesome and wonderful way. Everything that you do is amazing! I know that very well.
15 Mine bein var ikkje dulde for deg då eg vart laga i løynd, då eg med kunst vart verka djupt i jordi.
When my body was being formed, while it was being put together where no one else could see it, you saw it!
16 Då eg var eit foster, såg dine augo meg, og i di bok vart dei alle uppskrivne, dei dagar som vart fastsette, då ikkje ein av deim var komen.
You saw me before I was born. You wrote in your book the number of days that you had decided that I would live. You did that before any of those days had [even] started!
17 Og kor dyre dine tankar er for meg, du Gud, kor store summarne er av deim!
God, what you think about me is very precious (OR, is very hard to understand). There is a great number of things that you think about.
18 Vil eg telja deim, so er dei fleire enn sand; eg vaknar, og endå er eg hjå deg.
If I could count them, [I would see that] they are more than the grains of sand [at the seashore]. And when I wake up, I am still with you [and I know that there are still more of your thoughts about me to count].
19 Gud, gjev du vilde drepa den ugudlege! og de, blodfuse menner, vik burt frå meg -
God, I desire that you would kill all the wicked people! And I wish that violent [MTY] men would (leave/go away from) me.
20 dei som nemner deg med fulskap, brukar ditt namn til lygn - dine fiendar!
They say wicked/malicious things about you; they slander your name.
21 Skulde eg ikkje, Herre, hata deim som hatar deg, og styggjast ved deim som stend deg imot?
Yahweh, I certainly [RHQ] hate those who hate you! And I despise [RHQ] those who rebel against you.
22 Med det sterkaste hatet hatar eg deim, fiendar er dei for meg.
I hate them completely, and I consider that they are my enemies.
23 Ransaka meg, Gud, og kjenn mitt hjarta! Prøv meg og kjenn mine tankar!
God, search my inner being; find out what I am thinking!
24 Og sjå um eg er på veg til pinsla, og leid meg på æveleg veg!
Find out whether there is anything evil in my [inner being], and lead me along the road [that leads to my being with you] forever.

< Salmenes 139 >