< Salmenes 109 >

1 Til songmeisteren; av David, ein salme. Min lovsongs Gud, teg ikkje!
Unto the end. A Psalm of David.
2 For dei hev late upp sin ugudlege og falske munn imot meg, dei hev tala imot meg med ljugartunga.
O God, do not be silent toward my praise, for the mouth of the sinner and the mouth of the deceitful one have been opened against me.
3 Med hatfulle ord hev dei kringsett meg og ført strid imot meg utan årsak.
They have spoken against me with deceitful tongues, and they have surrounded me with hateful words, and they fought against me over nothing.
4 Til løn for min kjærleik stod dei imot meg, endå eg berre bed,
Instead of choosing to act on my behalf, they detracted me. But I gave myself to prayer.
5 dei hev lagt vondt yver meg til løn for godt og hat til løn for min kjærleik.
And they set evil against me, instead of good, and hatred, in return for my love.
6 Set ein ugudleg yver honom, og lat ein klagar standa ved hans høgre hand!
Establish the sinner over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand.
7 Når han vert dømd, lat honom ganga skuldig ut, og lat hans bøn verta til synd!
When he is judged, may he go forth in condemnation, and may his prayer be counted as sin.
8 Lat hans dagar verta få, lat ein annan få hans embætte!
May his days be few, and let another take his episcopate.
9 Lat hans born verta farlause og kona hans enkja!
May his sons be orphans, and his wife a widow.
10 Lat hans born flakka ikring og beda seg, lat deim ganga som tiggarar frå sin øydelagde heim!
May his sons be carried by those who walk unsteadily, and may they go begging. And may they be cast out of their dwelling places.
11 Lat okerkallen leggja snara um all hans eigedom, og framande plundra hans avling!
May the money lenders scrutinize all his belongings, and let foreigners plunder his labors.
12 Lat ingen finnast som hyser miskunn imot honom, og ingen som ynkast yver hans farlause born!
May there be no one to assist him, nor anyone to be compassionate to his orphaned children.
13 Lat hans etterkomarar ganga til grunnar og deira namn verta utstroke i næste ættled!
May his posterity be in utter ruin. In one generation, may his name be wiped away.
14 Hans fedra skuld vere i minne hjå Herren, og syndi åt mor hans verte ikkje utstroki!
May the iniquity of his fathers return in memory before the sight of the Lord, and do not let the sin of his mother be wiped away.
15 Dei vere alltid for Herrens åsyn, og han rydje deira minne ut av jordi,
May these be opposite the Lord always, but let their memory perish from the earth.
16 av di han ikkje kom i hug å gjera miskunn, men forfylgde ein arm og fatig mann, og ein hjarteskræmd og vilde drepa honom.
For certain things are not remembered about them, in order to be merciful.
17 Han elska forbanning, og denne kom yver honom, han lika ikkje velsigning, og denne kom langt burt frå honom.
And so the destitute man was pursued, with the beggar and the remorseful in heart, so as to be put to death.
18 Han klædde seg i forbanning som sitt klædeplagg, og ho trengde som vatn inn i hans liv, og som olje i hans bein.
And he loved a curse, and it came to him. And he was unwilling to have a blessing, and it went far from him. And he clothed himself with curses like a garment, and it entered his inner self like water, and it entered his bones like oil.
19 Lat henne verta honom til ei kåpa som han sveiper seg i, og til eit belte som han alltid bind um seg!
May it be to him like a garment that covers him, and like a belt that always cinches him.
20 Dette vere løni frå Herren åt mine motstandarar, og åt deim som talar vondt imot mi sjæl!
This is the work of those who detract me with the Lord and who speak evils against my soul.
21 Og du, Herre, Herre, gjer vel imot meg for ditt namn skuld, etter som di miskunn er god, so berga meg!
But as for you, Lord, O Lord: act on my behalf for your name’s sake. For your mercy is sweet.
22 For arm og fatig er eg, og mitt hjarta er gjenomstunge i meg.
Free me, for I am destitute and poor, and my heart has been disquieted within me.
23 Som ein skugge når han lengjest, kverv eg burt, eg vert jaga burt som ein grashopp.
I have been taken away like a shadow when it declines, and I have been shaken off like locusts.
24 Mine kne er ustøde av fasta, og holdet mitt misser feita.
My knees have been weakened by fasting, and my flesh has been replaced by oil.
25 Og eg hev vorte til spott for deim; når dei ser meg, rister dei på hovudet.
And I have become a disgrace to them. They saw me, and they shook their heads.
26 Hjelp meg, Herre min Gud, frels meg etter di miskunn!
Help me, O Lord, my God. Save me according to your mercy.
27 so dei må kjenna, at dette er di hand, at du, Herre, hev gjort det.
And let them know that this is your hand, and that you, O Lord, have done this.
28 Dei forbannar, men du velsignar, dei stend upp, men vert skjemde, og din tenar gled seg.
They will curse, and you will bless. May those who rise up against me be confounded. But your servant will rejoice.
29 Mine motstandarar skal klæda seg i skjemsla og sveipa seg i si skam som i ei kåpa.
May those who detract me be clothed with shame, and may they be covered with their confusion, as if with a double cloak.
30 Eg vil takka Herren storleg med min munn, og midt imillom mange vil eg lova honom.
I will confess exceedingly to the Lord with my mouth. And I will praise him in the midst of the multitude.
31 For han stend på høgre sida åt den fatige til å frelsa honom frå deim som dømer hans sjæl.
For he stands at the right hand of the poor, in order to save my soul from persecutors.

< Salmenes 109 >