< Salomos Ordsprog 8 >

1 Høyr kor visdomsmøyi ropar, og vitet høgmælt talar!
It is as if wisdom, with great understanding [of many things], is calling [PRS] out [to people].
2 Uppe på haugar ved vegen, der stigarne møtest, stend ho,
Wisdom stands on hilltops and at crossroads.
3 attmed portarne ut or byen, ved døra-inngangen ropar ho høgt:
[Wisdom also stands] at the city gates and shouts loudly,
4 «Godtfolk, eg ropar på dykk, og til mannsborni ljomar mi røyst.
“I am calling to everyone! I am shouting loudly to all people!
5 Fåkunnige, lær dykk klokskap, og de dårar, vinn dykk vit!
You people who do not know how to do things that are smart to do, get sound judgment; you foolish people, get good understanding!
6 Høyr, eg talar gjæve ord, og ærlegt er det som lipporne segjer;
Listen to me, because I have some excellent/important things to say. What I say is what is fair/right.
7 ja, sanning talar min gom, og lipporne styggjest ved gudløysa.
I speak what is true; I detest speaking [MTY] what is false/deceptive.
8 Alle ord i min munn er rette, det finst ikkje fult eller falskt i deim.
Everything that I say is honest; there is nothing that I say that deceives [people].
9 Dei er alle sanne for den kloke og rette for deim som fann kunnskap.
My words are clear to those who have good sense; those who are wise know that what I say is right.
10 Tak då min age heller enn sylv og kunnskap framfyre utvalt gull!
[If someone offers you the kind of teaching I give] or offers you silver, choose my teaching. [If he offers to show you how to be wise] or offers you gold, choose to know how to be wise,
11 For visdom er betre enn perlor, og av alle skattar er ingen som denne.
because wisdom is more valuable than jewels. Nothing that you desire [is as valuable] as being wise.
12 Eg, visdomen, skyner meg på klokskap, og vit på rådleggjing hev eg.
I, wisdom, and understanding of what is smart to do, cannot be separated. We are like two people who live in the same house. I know how to be wise and how to make smart decisions.
13 Otte for Herren er hat til det vonde; stormod og storlæte, åtferd stygg, og ein munn full av fals eg hatar.
[All the people] who revere Yahweh hate evil. I, wisdom, hate [people who are] proud and [people] who think they are more important [than others]. I hate [people who] behave in an evil way and those who say things to deceive [others].
14 Hjå meg er råd og dug, eg er vit, hjå meg er magt.
I give [people] good advice and I enable them to do things that are wise. I understand how things really are, and I am strong.
15 Eg gjer at kongar råder, og at hovdingar dømer rett.
When kings are wise, they rule [well]; and when rulers are wise, they make laws that are just/fair.
16 Eg gjer at styrarar styrer og fyrstar - alle domarar på jordi.
Rulers govern their people with the help of me, wisdom, and those who have authority decide things fairly/just with my help.
17 Eg elskar deim som meg elskar, og dei som leitar meg upp, skal meg finna.
I, [wisdom], love [all] those who love me, and [all] those who truly seek me [will] find me.
18 Rikdom og æra er hjå meg, gamalt gods og rettferd.
I enable [people] to become rich and to be honored; [I enable them to have] wealth that will last and to be successful.
19 Mi frukt er betre enn gull, ja skiraste gullet, og den vinning eg gjev, er betre enn utvalt sylv.
What I can give people is more valuable than fine/pure gold and the best silver.
20 Eg gjeng på rettferds veg, midt på rettvise-stigar,
I always do what is righteous and just/fair.
21 For eg vil gjeva gods åt deim som elskar meg og fylla deira forråd.
I give wealth to those who love me; I fill their houses with valuable things.
22 Herren skapte meg til fyrste verket sitt, fordom fyrr han gjorde noko anna.
Yahweh created me, [wisdom], when he began [to create the world]; he created me [to do my work] before he created anything else.
23 Alt frå æva er eg innsett, frå upphavet, fyrr jordi vart til.
He appointed me long ago, before he created the earth.
24 Fyrr djupi var til, vart eg fødd, då det ei fanst kjeldor fulle med vatn,
I was born before the oceans were [created], when there were no springs from which water flowed.
25 fyrr fjelli var søkkte ned, fyre haugar vart eg fødd,
I was born before the hills and mountains were formed;
26 fyrr han skapte jord og mark og den fyrste moldklump i verdi.
[I, wisdom], was born before Yahweh made the earth, before he made the fields and the soil on the earth.
27 Då han laga himmelen, var eg der, då han slo kvelv yver djupet.
I was there when Yahweh put the sky in place, when he marked the place [in the distance] where the sky and the oceans [seem to] come together.
28 Då han feste skyerne i det høge, då kjeldorne fossa fram or djupet,
I was there when Yahweh put the clouds above [the earth] and when he caused the water that is inside the earth to be secure.
29 då han sette grensa for havet, so vatnet ei gjekk lenger enn han baud, då han la grunnvollar for jordi,
I was there when he fixed a boundary for the seas, so that the water in the seas would not go past those boundaries, and when he put down the foundations which support the earth.
30 då var eg verksmeister hjå han og var til hugnad for han dag etter dag, eg leika meg stødt for hans åsyn.
I was at the side of Yahweh, the master worker (OR, as though I was his child). I caused him to be happy every day, and I was always rejoicing when I was with him.
31 Eg leika på heile jordkringen hans og hadde min hugnad i manneborni.
I was delighted with the world that he created; I was happy with the people whom he created, too.
32 Og no, born, høyr på meg! Sæle er dei som held mine vegar.
So, [you people who are like] my sons, listen to me. [I am] pleased with [all] those who obey my teachings.
33 Høyr på tukt og vert vise, og slepp ho ikkje ifrå dykk!
Listen [carefully] to what I teach you and become wise. Do not reject my teaching!
34 Sæl den mann som høyrer på meg, so han dagstødt vaker ved dørerne mine og vaktar dørstokkarne mine.
[I am] pleased with those who listen to me, those who are outside my house every day, waiting [for me to come out].
35 For den som finn meg, finn livet og fær velsigning frå Herren.
Those who find me will have [a long] life, and Yahweh [will] be pleased with them.
36 Men den som missar meg, skader seg sjølv, og alle som hatar meg, elskar dauden.»
But those who stray away from me [just] harm themselves. All those who hate me, [it is as though] [IRO] they are loving death.”

< Salomos Ordsprog 8 >