< Nehemias 2 >

1 I nisan månad i det tjugande styringsåret åt Artahsasta, då høvde so at vin stod framfyre honom, tok eg vinen og flidde kongen. Og eg hadde ikkje fyrr synt meg sturen for honom.
Now it happened that, in the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of king Artaxerxes, wine was before him; and I lifted up the wine, and I gave it to the king. And I was like someone languishing before his face.
2 Då sagde kongen til meg: «Kvi er du so sturen? Du er då ikkje sjuk! Dette kann ikkje vera anna enn hjartesut.» Eg vart fælt rædd,
And the king said to me: “Why is your expression sad, though you do not appear to be sick? This is not without cause, but some evil, I know not what, is in your heart.” And I was struck with an exceedingly great fear.
3 og eg sagde til kongen: «Må kongen liva æveleg! Kvi skulde ikkje eg stura når byen der federne er gravlagde, ligg i røys, og portarne der er uppbrende?»
And I said to the king: “O king, live forever. Why should my expression not be mournful, since the city of the house of the sepulchers of my father is desolate, and its gates have been burned with fire?”
4 Kongen sagde til meg: «Kva er det du ynskjer?» Då bad eg ei bøn til Gud i himmelen.
And the king said to me: “What would you request?” And I prayed to the God of heaven.
5 Og so sagde eg til kongen: «Um det tekkjest kongen, og um du eig godvilje for tenaren din, so ynskjer eg å verta send til Juda, til byen der federne mine er gravlagde, so eg kann byggja honom upp att.»
And I said to the king: “If it seems good to the king, and if your servant is pleasing before your face: that you would send me into Judea, to the city of the sepulcher of my father. And I will rebuild it.”
6 Kongen sagde til meg, medan dronningi sat ved sida: «Kor lenge vil ferdi di vara, og kva tid kjem du att?» Då det soleis tektest Kongen å lata meg fara, gjorde eg avtale med honom um ei viss tid.
And the king said to me, with the queen who was sitting beside him: “Until what time will your journey be, and when will you return?” And it was pleasing before the countenance of the king, and so he sent me. And I established a time for him.
7 So sagde eg til kongen: «Um det tekkjes kongen, so lat meg få med brev til jarlarne på hi sida elvi, so dei let meg fara igjenom til dess eg kjem til Juda.
And I said to the king: “If it seems good to the king, may he give me letters to the governors of the region beyond the river, so that they may lead me through, until I arrive in Judea,
8 Og lat meg få brev til Asaf, han som hev tilsyn med den kongelege skogen, so han let meg få timber til portbjelkarne i borgi som høyrer til huset, til bymuren og til huset eg skal bu i.» Kongen let meg få det, av di min Gud heldt si gode hand yver meg.
and a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the king’s forest, so that he may give me timber, in order that I may be able to cover the gates of the tower of the house, and the walls of the city, and the house that I will enter.” And the king granted to me in accord with the good hand of my God, who is with me.
9 Då eg kom til jarlarne på hi sida elvi, flidde eg deim kongebrevi. Kongen sende ogso med meg hovudsmenner og hestfolk.
And I went to the governors of the region beyond the river, and I gave them the letters of the king. Now the king had sent with me military leaders and horsemen.
10 Men då horoniten Sanballat og den ammonitiske tenestmannen Tobia høyrde gjete dette, tykte dei det var fælt tregelegt, at det var komen ein mann og vilde søkja det som var til bate for Israels-borni.
And Sanballat, a Horonite, and the servant Tobiah, an Ammonite, heard this. And they were saddened, with a great affliction, that a man had arrived who was seeking the prosperity of the sons of Israel.
11 Då eg kom til Jerusalem, og hadde vore der tri dagar,
And I arrived at Jerusalem, and I was there for three days.
12 reis eg upp um natti, eg og nokre få mann med meg. Eg hadde ikkje nemnt med noko menneskje kva min Gud hadde gjeve meg i hugen å gjera for Jerusalem. Det dyret eg reid på, var det einaste dyret eg hadde med meg.
And I got up in the night, I and a few men with me. And I did not reveal to anyone what God had placed in my heart to do in Jerusalem. And there was no animal with me, except the animal on which I was sitting.
13 Eg drog ut um natti gjenom Dalporten og burtimot Drakekjelda og Møkporten. Eg såg på murarne kring Jerusalem; dei var nedbrotne, og portarne var uppbrende.
And I departed in the night through the gate of the valley, and before the fountain of the dragon, and toward the dung gate. And I considered the wall of Jerusalem, which was broken apart, and its gates, which had been consumed by fire.
14 So drog eg burt til Kjeldeporten og Kongedammen; men der var det ikkje råd for dyret å koma fram med meg.
And I continued on to the gate of the fountain, and to the aqueduct of the king. And there was no room for the beast on which I was sitting to pass through.
15 So drog eg upp i dalen um natti og såg på muren og kom so attende gjenom Dalporten.
And so I climbed up in the night along the torrent, and I considered the wall. And turning back, I went by the gate of the valley, and I returned.
16 Formennerne hadde ikkje fenge visst kva veg eg hadde fare, eller kva eg emna på. Eg hadde ikkje endå nemnt noko med jødarne eller prestarne eller dei adelborne eller formennerne eller nokon annan som skulde hava med arbeidet å gjera.
Now the magistrates did not know where I had gone, or what I had done. For I had revealed nothing, even to that point in time, to the Jews, or to the priests, or to the nobles, or to the magistrates, or to the others who were doing the work.
17 Men no sagde eg til deim: «De ser sjølve kor ille me er stelte. Jerusalem ligg i øyde, portarne er uppbrende. Kom, lat oss byggja upp att muren kring Jerusalem, so me ikkje skal hava den skammi på oss lenger.»
And so I said to them: “You know the affliction in which we are, because Jerusalem is desolate, and its gates have been consumed by fire. Come, and let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and let us no longer be in disgrace.”
18 Eg tala med deim um handi åt min Gud, kor ho hadde synt seg nådig mot meg. Like eins fortalde eg kva kongen hadde sagt med meg. Då sagde dei: «Me vil ganga i veg og byggja.» Og dei styrkte seg til det gode verket.
And I revealed to them how the hand of my God was with me for good, and the words of the king, which he had spoken to me. And I said: “Let us rise up, and build.” And their hands were strengthened for good.
19 Men då horoniten Sanballat og den ammonitiske tenestmannen Tobia og arabaren Gesem spurde dette, spotta dei oss og svivyrde oss: «Kva er det de gjer på?» sagde dei. «Vil de gjera upprør mot kongen?»
But Sanballat, a Horonite, and the servant Tobiah, an Ammonite, and Geshem, an Arab, heard of it. And they ridiculed and disparaged us, and they said: “What is this thing that you are doing? Could you be rebelling against the king?”
20 Då gav eg deim dette svaret: «Gud i himmelen vil gjeva oss lukka. Og me, hans tenarar, vil ganga i veg og byggja. Men de hev ikkje anten lut eller rett eller minne i Jerusalem.»
And I replied to them a word, and I said to them: “The God of heaven himself is helping us, and we are his servants. Let us rise up and build. But there is no portion, or justice, or remembrance in Jerusalem for you.”

< Nehemias 2 >