< Malakias 3 >
1 Sjå, eg sender mitt bod, og han skal brøyta veg for meg. Og brått kjem han til sitt tempel, Herren som de leitar etter, og paktengelen som de stundar på, sjå, han kjem, segjer Herren, allhers drott.
The Commander of the armies of angels says [this]: “Listen! I [am about to] send my messenger who will prepare [the people to receive me] when I come. [You claim that] [IRO] you are wanting to see me, and I will suddenly come to my temple. The messenger [who will tell you about a new] agreement, the one whom you are eagerly [SAR] awaiting, is certainly going to come [to you].”
2 Men kven kann herda den dagen han kjem? Og kven kann standa når han syner seg? For han er som smeltar-eld og tvættar-lut.
But will anyone [RHQ] be able to survive when he comes? Will anyone [RHQ] be able to [remain] standing in front of him? [Certainly not, ] because he will be like [SIM] a blazing fire that refines/purifies [metal/gold]. He will be like [SIM] a very strong soap [that bleaches clothes].
3 Han sit og smeltar og reinsar sylvet, han reinsar Levi-sønerne og skirar deim som gull og sylv, so dei kann bera fram for Herren offergåvor i rettferd.
[He will be like a worker who] sits [in front of his work] to cause silver to become pure by burning all the impurities. Like [a worker refines] silver and gold, he will cause the (descendants of Levi/priests) to become pure, [in order that they will again become acceptable to] offer sacrifices that will be acceptable to him.
4 Då vert offergåvorne i Juda og Jerusalem til hugnad for Herren som i gamle dagar og i framfarne år.
When that happens, Yahweh will [again] accept the offerings brought to him by [the people of] Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, as [he did] previously.
5 Eg kjem til dykk og held dom og vert eit snøgt vitne mot deim som fer med trolldom, som bryt egteskapet, som gjer rang eid, som held att løni for leigekaren, som er harde med enkja og den faderlause, som rengjer retten for utlendingen og ikkje ottast meg, segjer Herren, allhers drott.
[This is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says: “At that time, I will come to you to judge you. I will quickly testify against [all] those who practice sorcery/witchcraft, [all] who have committed adultery, and [all] liars. [I will testify] against those who have not given their workers the pay/wages that they promised, those who (oppress/treat cruelly) widows and orphans, and those who do not allow foreigners who live among you to be treated fairly. [I will testify that all] the people who do those things do not revere me.”
6 For eg, Herren, er ikkje umskift, og de, Jakobs-born, er ikkje til ende komne.
“I am Yahweh, and I never change. And although you [deceive people like] your ancestor Jacob did, I have not [yet] gotten rid of you.
7 Alt ifrå fedre-dagarne hev de vike av frå loverne mine og ikkje halde deim. Vend um til meg, so skal eg venda um til dykk, segjer Herren, allhers drott. De spør: «Kva skal me venda um ifrå?»
You and your ancestors have ignored my commands and you have not obeyed them. [Now] return to me; and when that happens, I will (return/do good) to you. [That is what I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, say.” But you ask, “[We have never gone away from you, so] how can we return [to you]?”
8 Skal eit menneskje rana frå Gud, sidan de hev rana frå meg? Og de spør: «Kva hev me rana frå deg?» Jau, tiendi og reidorne.
[I reply, ] “People should certainly not [RHQ] cheat God; but you people have cheated me!” You ask, “In what way did we cheat you?” [I reply, ] “[You have cheated me by not bringing to me each year] (the tithes/one tenth of [all] your crops and animals) and [other] offerings [that you are required to give to me].
9 Forbanningi hev råka dykk, og frå meg ranar de, ja, heile folket.
All that you do is cursed, because all you people in this country have been cheating me.
10 Kom med heile tiendi til forrådshuset mitt, so det kann finnast mat i huset mitt, og prøv meg so på den måten, segjer Herren, allhers drott, um eg ikkje let upp himmellukorne åt dykk og renner yver dykk velsigning i rikt mål.
[Now] bring all the tithes to the storage rooms [in the temple], in order that there will be [enough] food [for the people who serve me] there. If you do that, I, the Commander of the armies of angels, promise that I will open the windows of heaven, and pour out [from them] blessings on you. [If you bring your tithes to the temple, the blessings will be] very great, with the result that you will not have enough space to store all of them. So test me [to see if I am telling the truth].
11 Eg skal truga etaren for dykk, so han ikkje tyner grøda på jordi for dykk, og ikkje heller skal de hava vanheppa med vintreet på marki, segjer Herren, allhers drott.
You will have abundant crops [to harvest], because I will protect them in order that they will not be harmed by locusts/insects. Your grapes will not fall from the vines [before they are ripe].
12 Alle folki skal prisa dykk sæle, for det vert eit herlegt land, segjer Herren, allhers drott.
When that happens, [the people of] all nations will say that [I] have blessed you, because your country will be delightful. [That is what I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, say.
13 De hev bruka sterke ord imot meg, segjer Herren. Og de spør: «Kva hev me tala med kvarandre imot deg?»
[I, ] Yahweh, [have something else] to say [to you]. You have said terrible things about me.” But you reply, “What terrible things have we said about you?”
14 Jau, de segjer: «Det er fåfengt å tena Gud. Kva bate hev me av at me agtar på hans krav og gjeng syrgjeklædde for Herren, allhers drott?
[I reply], “You have said, ‘It is useless [for us] to serve God. We have gained nothing [RHQ] by obeying the commands that he gave [to us] and by trying to show the Commander of the armies of angels that we are sorry [for the sins that we have committed].
15 Nei, no prisar me dei ovmodige sæle; dei hev medgang når dei liver i gudløysa, dei freistar Gud og slepp vel ifrå det.»
From now on, we will say/consider that those who are proud are [the ones whom God has] blessed. [We will say that because it seems that it is] those who do evil who become rich, and [that it is] those who try to find out how many evil things they can do without God punishing them who are not punished.’”
16 Då tala dei med kvarandre, dei som ottast Herren, og Herren lydde og høyrde på, og det vart skrive ei minnebok for hans åsyn um deim som ottast Herren og tenkjer på hans namn.
After [the people heard my message], those who revered Yahweh discussed [those things] with each other, and Yahweh listened to what they said. While Yahweh was watching, they wrote on a scroll the things that would remind them [about what they promised], and they wrote on that scroll the names of those who revered Yahweh and who [said that they] always wanted to honor him [MTY].
17 Og dei skal vera min eigedom, segjer Herren, allhers drott, på den dagen som eg skaper, og eg skal spara deim liksom ein mann sparer son sin som tener honom.
The Commander of the armies of angels says this [about those people]: “They will be my people. At the time that I judge people, [they will be like] [MET] a special treasure to me. I will be kind to them, like [SIM] fathers are kind to their sons who obey them.
18 Då skal de atter sjå skil på den rettferdige og den gudlause, den som tener Gud og den som ikkje tener honom.
When that happens, you will again see that [the manner in which I treat] righteous people is different from [the manner in which I treat] wicked people. [You will see that the manner in which I act toward] those who serve me is different from [the manner in which I act toward] those who do not.”