< Dommernes 21 >
1 I Mispa hadde Israels-mennerne svore: «Ingen av oss skal gjeva dotter si til nokon benjaminit!»
When the Israeli men gathered at Mizpah [before the battle started], they vowed, “None of us will ever allow one of our daughters to marry any man from the tribe of Benjamin!”
2 Men då folket kom til Betel, sat dei der for Guds åsyn alt til det vart kveld, og dei storgret,
But now the Israelis went to Bethel and they cried loudly to Yahweh all day, until the sun went down.
3 og sagde: «Herre, Israels Gud, kvi skulde dette henda i Israel at me i dag lyt sakna ei heil ætt av Israel?»
They kept saying, “Yahweh, God of us Israeli people, [it is as though] one of the tribes of us Israelis does not exist any more! (Why has this happened to us?/It is terrible that this has happened to us!)” [RHQ]
4 Tidleg den andre morgonen bygde folket eit altar der, og bar fram brennoffer og takkoffer.
Early the next morning the people built an altar. Then they completely burned some sacrifices [on the altar], and also offered other sacrifices to maintain fellowship with God.
5 Då sagde Israels-sønerne: «Var det millom heile Israels-folket nokon mann som ikkje kom upp til møtet hjå Herren?» For dei hadde svore sin dyraste eid at den som ikkje kom upp til Herren, til Mispa, han skulde lata livet.
Then, because they had vowed that anyone who did not meet with them at Mizpah [to help fight the men of the tribe of Benjamin] would be killed, they asked among themselves, “Were there any of the tribes of Israel who did not come to Mizpah to meet with us in the presence of Yahweh?”
6 Israels-sønerne syrgde yver Benjamin, bror sin, og sagde: «I dag er det hoggi burt ei heil grein av Israel!
The Israelis felt sorry for their fellow Israelis from the tribe of Benjamin. They said, “Today one of our Israeli tribes (has disappeared/no longer exists).
7 Kva skal me gjera for dei som att er, so dei kann få seg konor, når me hev svore ved Herren at me ikkje vil gjeva dei nokor av døtterne våre?»
Yahweh heard us solemnly declare that we would not allow any of our daughters to marry any man from the tribe of Benjamin. What can we do to make certain that the men of the tribe of Benjamin who were not killed will have wives?”
8 So spurde dei att: «Var det nokon mann av Israels-folket som ikkje kom upp til Herren i Mispa?» Då fekk dei vita at frå Jabes i Gilead var ingen komen til lægret eller til møtet;
Then [one of] them asked, “What group from any of the tribes of Israel did not send any men here to Mizpah?”
9 folket vart mynstra, og då synte det seg at ingen av Jabes-buarne frå Gilead var der.
[They realized that] when the soldiers were counted, there was no one from Jabesh-Gilead [city] who had come there.
10 So sende lyden tolv tusund stridsmenner dit, og sagde til deim: «Far av stad og hogg ned Jabes-buarne i Gilead med konor og born!
So all the Israelis decided to send 12,000 very good soldiers to Jabesh-Gilead to kill the people there with their swords, even to kill the married women and children.
11 Høyr no kva de skal gjera: Kvar karmann, og kvar kvinna som hev vore nær nokon karmann og havt samlega med honom, skal de bannstøyta og rydja ut!»
[They told this to those men]: “This is what you must do: You must kill every man in Jabesh-Gilead. You must also kill every married woman. [But do not kill the unmarried women].”
12 Då fann dei millom Jabes-buarne i Gilead fire hundrad ungmøyar som aldri hadde vore nær nokon mann og havt samlega med honom, og deim tok dei med seg til lægret i Silo i Kana’ans-land.
So those soldiers [went to Jabesh-Gilead and killed all the men, married women, and children. But they] found 400 unmarried young women there. So they brought them to their camp at Shiloh, in Canaan, [across the river from the Gilead area that belonged to the tribe of Benjamin].
13 Og heile lyden sende bod til Benjamins-sønerne som var på Rimmonshøgdi, og lova deim fred.
Then all the Israelis [who had gathered] sent a message to the 600 men who were at Rimmon Rock. They said that they would like to make peace with them.
14 Då kom benjaminitarne att med ein gong, og Israels-mennerne let deim få dei kvinnorne som dei hadde spart etter av Jabes-folket i Gilead; men det rakk ikkje til for deim.
So the men came back from Rimmon Rock. The Israelis gave to them the women from Jabesh-Gilead whom they had not killed. But there were [only 400 women. But there were] not enough women [for those 600 men].
15 Og folket syrgde endå yver Benjamin; for Herren hadde hogge eit skard i Israels-folket.
The Israelis [still] felt sorry for the men of the tribe of Benjamin, because Yahweh had (decimated/almost wiped out) one of the Israeli tribes.
16 Og styresmennerne for lyden sagde: «Kva skal me gjera for deim som att er, so dei kann få seg konor, sidan alle kvinnor i Benjamins-ætti er utrudde?
The Israeli leaders said, “We have killed all the married women of the tribe of Benjamin. Where can we get women to be wives of the men who are still alive?
17 Dei som liver etter av Benjamin, skal få det som ætti hev ått, » sagde dei; «for ei ætt av Israel må ikkje ganga til grunnar.
These men must have wives to give birth to children, in order that their families will continue. If that does not happen, all the people of one of the tribes of Israel will die.
18 Men me kann ikkje gjeva deim nokor av døtterne våre.» For Israels-sønerne hadde lyst ei våbøn, og sagt: «Forbanna vere den som gjev dotter si til ein benjaminit!»
But we cannot allow our daughters to marry these men, because we vowed that Yahweh will curse anyone who gives one of his daughters to become a wife of any man of the tribe of Benjamin.”
19 «Men høyr no!» sagde dei: «År um anna held dei ei høgtid for Herren i Silo, som ligg nordanfor Betel, austanfor storvegen som ber frå Betel upp til Sikem, og sunnanfor Lebona.
Then [one of] them (had an idea/thought of something that they could do). He said, “Every year there is a festival to honor Yahweh at Shiloh, which is north of Bethel and east of the road that extends from Bethel to Shechem, and it is south of Lebonah [city].”
20 Far dit», sagde dei til Benjamins-sønerne, «og legg dykk på lur i vinhagarne!
So the Israeli leaders told the men of the tribe of Benjamin, “[When it is the time for that festival], go to Shiloh and hide in the vineyards.
21 Når de då ser at Silo-møyarne kjem ut og trør dansen, skal de springa fram or vinhagarne og rana dykk kvar si kona millom Silo-møyarne, og so fara heim til Benjaminslandet!
Keep watching for the young women to come out of the city to dance. [When they come out], all of you should run out of the vineyards. Each of you can seize one of the young women of Shiloh. Then you can all return to your homes [with those women].
22 Og når federne eller brørne deira kjem og kjærer seg for oss, so skal me segja til deim: «Unn oss desse møyarne! For me vann ikkje konor åt deim alle i striden. Og det er ikkje de som hev gjeve deim møyarne; elles hadde de no havt skuld på dykk.»»
If their fathers or brothers come to us and complain [about what you have done], we will say to them, ‘Be kind to the men of the tribe of Benjamin. When we fought them, we did not leave any women alive to become their wives, and you did not give those young women to the men from the tribe of Benjamin. [They stole them]. So you will not be guilty, [even though you said that you would not allow any of your daughters to marry one of them].’”
23 Og Benjamins-sønerne gjorde so, og henta seg kvar si kona millom møyarne som dei rana på dansarvollen. So for dei heim att til odelslandet sitt, og bygde upp att byarne og vart buande der.
So that is what the men of the tribe of Benjamin did. [They went to Shiloh at the time of the festival]. And when the young women were dancing, each man caught one of them and took her away and married her. Then they took their wives back to the land that God had given to them. They rebuilt their cities [that had been burned down], and they lived there.
24 På same tid drog Israels-sønerne og burt derifrå, kvar til si bygd og si ætt; kvar for heim til sin odelsgard.
The other Israelis went to their homes in the areas where their tribes and clans lived, the areas that God had allotted to them.
25 I dei dagar var det ingen konge i Israel; kvar gjorde som han hadde hug til.
At that time, the Israeli people did not have a king. Everyone did what they themselves thought was right.