< Jobs 41 >
1 Kann du fiska krokodillen, binda tunga hans med taum,
Can you draw out the leviathan with a hook, and can you bind his tongue with a cord?
2 Draga snor i gjenom nosi, hogga krok i kjaken hans?
Can you place a ring in his nose, or bore through his jaw with an arm band?
3 Vil han tigga um nåde, tala mjuke ord til deg?
Will he offer many prayers to you, or speak to you quietly?
4 Tru han vil gjera samband med deg og din træl for alltid verta?
Will he form a covenant with you, and will you accept him as a servant forever?
5 Kann du han som leikfugl halda for smågjentorne i band?
Will you play with him as with a bird, or tether him for your handmaids?
6 Handlar fiskarlag med honom, skiftar ut til kræmarar?
Will your friends cut him into pieces, will dealers distribute him?
7 Kann hans hud med spjot du fylla, og hans hovud med harpunar?
Will you fill up bags with his hide, and let his head be used as a home for fishes?
8 Berre prøv - du skal det minnast; enn ein gong du gjer det ikkje!
Place your hand upon him; remember the battle and speak no more.
9 Kvar og ein vil missa voni, verta feld ved syni av han.
Behold, his hope will fail him, and in the sight of all, he will be thrown down.
10 Ingen torer eggja honom; kven kann då mot meg reisa?
I will not rouse him, as the cruel would do, for who is able to withstand my countenance?
11 Kven gav meg, so eg gjev att? Under himmeln alt eg eig.
Who has given to me beforehand, so that I should repay him? All things that are under heaven are mine.
12 Ei eg tegjer um hans lemer, um hans sterke, væne bygnad.
I will not spare him, nor his powerful words and counterfeit attempts at supplication.
13 Kven hev drege brynja av han, Gjenge inn i duble tanngard?
Who can reveal the beauty of his garment? And who can enter the middle of his mouth?
14 Kven hev opna kjakeporten? Rædsla kring hans tenner ligg.
Who can open the doors of his face? I gave fear to the circle of his teeth.
15 Sterke er hans skjolde-rader, feste med ei fast forsigling.
His body is like shields fused together, like dense scales pressed over one another.
16 Tett dei ligg innåt kvarandre, ingi luft slepp millom deim.
One is joined to another, and not even air can pass between them.
17 Eine skjolden i den andre heng i hop, skilst ikkje åt.
They adhere to one another, and they hold themselves in place and will not be separated.
18 Ljos ifrå hans njosing strålar, augo skin som morgonroden.
His sneezing has the brilliance of fire, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
19 Or hans gap skyt brandar fram, gneistar sprutar derifrå.
Lamps proceed from his mouth, like torches of fire burning brightly.
20 Or hans nasar stig det røyk, liksom eim or kjel som kokar.
Smoke passes out of his nostrils, like a pot that is heated and boiling.
21 Anden hans set eld på kol, logen ut or gapet stend.
His breath causes coal to burn, and a flame comes forth from his mouth.
22 I hans nakke styrken bur, rædsla spring framfor hans åsyn.
Strength dwells in his neck, and destitution goes before his presence.
23 Tette sit kjøtvalkarne, støypte fast urikkelg.
The parts of his body work in harmony together. He will send lightning bolts against him, and they will not be carried to another place.
24 Hjarta hans er hardt som stein, fast som understein i kverni.
His heart will be as hard as a stone and as dense as a blacksmith’s anvil.
25 Kjempor ræddast når han ris, misser både mod og hugs;
When he will be raised up, the angels will be afraid, and, because they are terrified, they will purify themselves.
26 Sverd vil ikkje bita på, ikkje skot med spjot og pil.
When a sword catches up with him, it will not be able to settle in, nor a spear, nor a breastplate.
27 Jarn agtar han liksom strå, kopar nett som fauskeved.
For he will consider iron as if it were chaff, and brass as if it were rotten wood.
28 Ei han vik for bogesonen; stein frå slyngja vert som halm,
The archer will not cause him to flee; the stones of the sling have been turned into stubble for him.
29 og stridsklubba vert som strå, og han lær åt spjot som susar.
He will treat the hammer as if it were stubble, and he will ridicule those who brandish the spear.
30 Under han er kvasse broddar, spor dei set som treskjeslede.
The beams of the sun will be under him, and he will dispense gold to them as if it were clay.
31 Djupet kokar som ei gryta, sjøen som ein salvekjel.
He will make the depths of the sea boil like a pot, and he will set it to bubble just as ointments do.
32 Vegen lyser etter honom, djupet skin som sylverhår.
A path will shine after him; he will esteem the abyss as if it were weakening with age.
33 Liken hans på jord ei finst, denne skapning utan ræddhug.
There is no power on the earth that is being compared to him, who has been made so that he fears no one.
34 Han ser ned på alt som høgt er, konge yver alle kaute.»
He sees every prominent thing; he is king over all the sons of arrogance.