< Esaias 16 >

1 «Send landsherren dei lamb han skal hava frå Sela gjenom øydemarki til fjellet åt dotteri Sion!»
O Lord, send forth the Lamb, the Ruler of the earth, from the Rock of the desert to the mountain of the daughter of Zion.
2 Liksom flaksande fuglar, som skræmde fuglungar, skal Moabs døtter koma til vadi yver Arnon.
And this shall be: like a bird fleeing away, and like fledglings flying from the nest, so will the daughters of Moab be at the passage of Arnon.
3 «Gjev råd, finn utveg åt oss! Lat skuggen din vera som natti, no midt i dagsljoset! Gjev livd åt dei burtdrivne! svik ikkje den som flyr!
Form a plan. Call a council. Let your shadow be as if it were night, even at midday. Conceal the fugitives, and do not betray the wanderers.
4 Lat mine burtdrivne finna tilhald hjå deg, ver ein verneskjold åt Moab imot mordaren! For det er ute med valdsmannen, øydeleggjingi fær ende, og trælkaren hev fare or landet.
My fugitives will live with you. Become a hiding place, O Moab, from the face of the destroyer. For the dust is at its end; the miserable one has been consumed. He who trampled the earth has failed.
5 So vert kongsstolen grunnfest ved mildskap, og det skal trygt sitja der ein fyrste i Davids tjeld, ein domar som fer etter det som rett er, og som fremjar rettferd.»
And a throne will be prepared in mercy, and One shall sit upon it in truth, in the tabernacle of David, judging and seeking judgment, and quickly repaying what is just.
6 Me hev høyrt um Moabs ovmod, det store og stolte, um hans ofse, byrgskap og ovlæte, um hans tome skryt.
We have heard of the pride of Moab; he is very proud. His pride and his arrogance and his indignation is more than his strength.
7 Difor skal Moab jamrar yver Moab, alt landet skal jamra seg. Yver druvekakorne i Kir-Hareset skal dei sukka i djup ørvæna.
For this reason, Moab will wail to Moab; each one will wail. Speak of their wounds to those who rejoice upon the brick walls.
8 For Hesbons vinmarker hev visna, Sibma-vintrei. Soldruvorne slo folkehovdingarne til jordi. Dei nådde radt til Jazer, og vildra seg ut i øydemarki; greinerne breidde seg ut, for yver havet.
For the suburbs of Heshbon are deserted, and the lords of the Gentiles have cut down the vineyard of Sibmah. Its vines have arrived even at Jazer. They have wandered in the desert. Its seedlings have been abandoned. They have crossed over the sea.
9 Difor græt eg med Jaser yver Sibma-vintrei; med tårorne mine vil eg vatna deg, Hesbon, og deg, El’ale; for yver din frukthaust og vinhaust hev vinpersarropet slege ned.
I will weep with the tears of Jazer over this, the vineyard of Sibmah. I will inebriate you with my tears, Heshbon and Elealeh! For the sound of those who trample has rushed over your vintage and over your harvest.
10 Gleda og fagnad er kvorve or aldehagarne, og frå vinhagarne høyrest ikkje gledesongar eller fagnadrop; ingen trakkar druvor i persorne. Eg hev late vinpersarropet deira tagna.
And so, rejoicing and exultation will be taken away from Carmel, and there will be no jubilation or exultation in the vineyards. He who was accustomed to tread will not tread out the wine in the winepress. I have taken away the sound of those who tread.
11 Difor bivrar mitt brjost for Moab som citherstrengjer, og mitt hjarta for Kir-Heres.
Over this, my heart will resonate like a harp for Moab, and my inner most being for the brick wall.
12 Og når Moab viser seg på offerhaugen og stræver der, og han kjem til heilagdomen sin og bed, so vinn han inkje med det.
And this shall be: when it is seen that Moab has struggled upon his high places, he will enter his holy places to pray, but he will not prevail.
13 Dette er det ordet som Herren fordom hev tala til Moab.
This is the word that the Lord has spoken to Moab concerning that time.
14 Men no talar Herren so: Innan tri år - so som ein leigekar reknar åri - skal Moabs herlegdom og all hans store folkesverm vera lite vyrd, og leivningen som er att, skal vera liten og vesall, ikkje mykje verd.
And now the Lord has spoken, saying: In three years, like the years of a hired hand, the glory of Moab concerning the entire multitude of the people will be taken away, and what is left behind will be small and weak and not so numerous.

< Esaias 16 >