< Esters 2 >

1 Etter ei tid var gjengi og sinne hadde runne av kong Ahasveros, tenkte han på Vasti, og åtferda hennar, og domen yver henne.
After these things, at the ceasing of the fury of King Ahasuerus, he has remembered Vashti, and that which she did, and that which has been decreed concerning her;
2 Hirdmennerne som gjorde tenesta hjå kongen, sagde då: «Lat folk leita upp åt kongen fagre ungmøyar!
and servants of the king, his ministers, say, “Let them seek for the king young women, virgins, of good appearance,
3 Lat kongen setja folk i alle kongens jarlerike til å samla alle fagre ungmøyar til kvendehuset i borgi Susan under tilsyn av kongens hirdmann Hege, kvendevaktaren, so dei kann få det dei treng til å hama seg.
and the king appoints inspectors in all provinces of his kingdom, and they gather every young woman—virgin, of good appearance—to Shushan the palace, to the house of the women, to the hand of Hegai eunuch of the king, keeper of the women, and to give their purifications,
4 Den ungmøyi som kongen likar, ho skal då verta dronning i staden for Vasti.» Dette tykte kongen vel um, og han so gjorde.
and the young woman who is good in the eyes of the king reigns instead of Vashti”; and the thing is good in the eyes of the king, and he does so.
5 I borgi Susan var det ein jøde som heitte Mordokai, son åt Ja’ir, son åt Sime’i, son åt Kis, av Benjamins-ætti.
A man, a Jew, there has been in Shushan the palace, and his name [is] Mordecai son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, a Benjamite—
6 Han var burtførd frå Jerusalem millom dei fangarne som vart burtførde saman med Juda-kongen Jekonja, dei som Babel-kongen Nebukadnessar førde burt.
who had been removed from Jerusalem with the expulsion that was removed with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon removed—
7 Han var fosterfar åt Hadassa, som og heitte Ester, dotter åt farbror hans; ho åtte korkje far eller mor. Gjenta var velvaksi og væn. Og då foreldri hennar døydde, tok Mordokai henne til seg som si eigi dotter.
and he is supporting Hadassah—she [is] Esther—daughter of his uncle, for she has neither father nor mother, and the young woman [is] of beautiful form, and of good appearance, and at the death of her father and her mother Mordecai has taken her to himself for a daughter.
8 Då kongebodet og fyreseigni vart kunngjort, og dei samla saman mange ungmøyar i borgi Susan under tilsyn av Hegai, henta dei ogso Ester til kongshuset under tilsyn av kvendevaktaren Hegai.
And it comes to pass, in the word of the king, even his law, being heard, and in many young women being gathered to Shushan the palace, to the hand of Hegai, that Esther is taken to the house of the king, to the hand of Hegai, keeper of the women,
9 Han lika gjenta godt og fann hugnad i henne. Difor skunda han seg å gjeva henne alt turvande til å hama seg, like eins gav han henne den maten ho skulde hava, og dei sju ternor ho skulde hava frå kongshuset. Han let henne og ternorne hennar flytja inn i beste romet i kvendehuset.
and the young woman is good in his eyes, and she receives kindness before him, and he hurries her purifications and her portions—to give to her, and the seven young women who are provided—to give to her, from the house of the king, and he changes her and her young women to a good [place in] the house of the women.
10 Ester gat ikkje eit ord um folket sitt eller ætti si; Mordokai hadde sagt henne fyre å tegja um det.
Esther has not declared her people, and her family, for Mordecai has laid a charge on her that she does not declare [it];
11 Kvar einaste dag gjekk Mordokai att og fram utanfor garden ved kvendehuset, han vilde få vita kor det stod til med Ester, og kor det gjekk henne.
and during every day Mordecai is walking up and down before the court of the house of the women to know the welfare of Esther, and what is done with her.
12 Kvar ungmøy kom inn til kong Ahasveros etter tur. Det gjekk tolv månader til å stella med deim etter påbodet um kvendi: seks månader med myrra-olje, og seks månader med angande salvar og anna som kvende treng til å hama seg.
And in the drawing near of the turn of each young woman to come in to King Ahasuerus, at the end of there being to her—according to the law of the women—twelve months, for so they fulfill the days of their purifications; six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes, and with the purifications of women,
13 Når so ungmøyi gjekk inn til kongen, fekk ho med seg frå kvendehuset til kongshuset alt det ho ynskte.
and with this the young woman has come in to the king, all that she says is given to her to go in with her out of the house of the women to the house of the king;
14 Um kvelden gjekk ho inn; um morgonen gjekk ho attende, men då til eit anna kvendehus, under tilsyn av kongens hirdmann Sa’asgaz, vaktaren yver fylgjekonorne. Ho fekk då ikkje koma inn att til kongen, minder kongen lika henne so godt, at han sende bod etter henne med namns nemning.
in the evening she has gone in, and in the morning she has turned back to the second house of the women, to the hand of Shaashgaz eunuch of the king, keeper of the concubines; she does not come in anymore to the king except the king has delighted in her, and she has been called by name.
15 Då radi kom til Ester, dotter åt Abiha’il, som var farbror åt Mordokai, fosterfar hennar, so kravde ho ikkje anna med seg enn det hirdmannen Hegai, kvendevaktaren, rådde til. Og alle som såg Ester, fann hugnad i henne.
And in the drawing near of the turn of Esther—daughter of Abihail, uncle of Mordecai, whom he had taken to himself for a daughter—to come in to the king, she has not sought a thing except that which Hegai eunuch of the king, keeper of the women, says, and Esther is receiving grace in the eyes of all seeing her.
16 Ester vart henta til kong Ahasveros i kongshuset hans i den tiande månaden, månaden tebet, i sjuande styringsåret hans.
And Esther is taken to King Ahasuerus, to his royal house, in the tenth month—it [is] the month of Tebeth—in the seventh year of his reign,
17 Kongen vart gladare i Ester enn i alle dei andre kvendi; ho vann meir hugnad og godhug hjå honom enn alle dei andre ungmøyarne. Han sette kongskruna på hovudet hennar og gjorde henne til dronning i staden for Vasti.
and the king loves Esther above all the women, and she receives grace and kindness before him above all the virgins, and he sets a royal crown on her head, and causes her to reign instead of Vashti,
18 Og kongen gjorde eit stort gjestebod for alle hovdingarne og tenarane sine, eit Ester-gjestebod, og han gav skattelette i alle jarleriki og gav gåvor med kongeleg raustleik.
and the king makes a great banquet to all his heads and his servants—the banquet of Esther—and has made a release to the provinces, and gives gifts as a memorial of the king.
19 Andre gongen samla dei saman ungmøyar, og Mordokai sat då kongsporten.
And in the virgins being gathered a second time, then Mordecai is sitting in the gate of the king;
20 Ester hadde ikkje gjete ord um ætti si og folket sitt, etter pålegget frå Mordokai; Ester lydde framleides bodet hans Mordokai, like eins som då ho vart fostra hjå honom.
Esther is not declaring her family and her people, as Mordecai has laid a charge on her, and the saying of Mordecai Esther is doing as when she was truly with him.
21 Den tid Mordokai sat i kongsporten, vart Bigtan og Teres, tvo konglege hirdmenner som heldt vakt ved dørstokken, harme og freista finne høve til å leggja hand på kong Ahasveros.
In those days, when Mordecai is sitting in the gate of the king, has Bigthan been angry, and Teresh (two of the eunuchs of the king, the keepers of the threshold), and they seek to put forth a hand on King Ahasuerus,
22 Mordokai fekk vita dette, og sagde det med dronning Ester; so nemde Ester det med kongen på Mordokais vegner.
and the thing is known to Mordecai, and he declares [it] to Esther the queen, and Esther speaks to the king in the name of Mordecai,
23 Saki vart granska, og det viste seg at det var sant, og dei tvo vart hengde i ein galge. Dette vart uppskrive i krønikeboki for kongen.
and the thing is sought out, and found, and both of them are hanged on a tree, and it is written in the scroll of the Chronicles before the king.

< Esters 2 >