< 2 Samuel 17 >

1 Ahitofel sagde med Absalom: «Lat meg velja ut tolv tusund mann, so vil eg leggja i veg og forfylgja David alt i natt!
Then Ahithophel said to Absalom: “I will choose for myself twelve thousand men, and rising up, I will pursue David this night.
2 So kjem eg brått yver honom og skræmer honom medan han er trøytt og veik. Då vil alle folki hans taka til rømings. So drep eg kongen medan han er åleine.
And rushing against him, for he is weary and has weakened hands, I will strike him. And when all the people who are with him will have fled, I will strike down the king in isolation.
3 So skal eg føra alt folket attende til deg; for um det gjeng so med den mannen du søkjer, er det som alle kjem attende; heile folket vil halda fred.»
And I will lead back the entire people, returning in the manner of one man. For you are seeking only one man. And all the people shall be in peace.”
4 Absalom og alle dei øvste i Israel lika godt den rådi.
And this word pleased Absalom and all those greater by birth of Israel.
5 Like vel sagde Absalom: «Ropa ogso arkiten Husai inn! so fær me ogso høyra kva han råder til.»
But Absalom said, “Summon Hushai the Archite, and let us hear what he also may say.”
6 Då Husai kom inn til Absalom, sagde Absalom til honom: «So og so hev Ahitofel sagt. Skal me fylgja hans råd? I anna fall, kva meiner du?»
And when Hushai had gone to Absalom, Absalom said to him: “Ahithophel has spoken a word in this manner. Should we do it or not? What counsel do you give?”
7 Husai svara Absalom: «Den rådi Ahitofel hev gjeve denne gongen, er ikkje god.
And Hushai said to Absalom, “The counsel that Ahithophel has given at this time is not good.”
8 Du kjenner far din og folki hans, » sagde Husai, «du veit dei er fullgode stridsfolk. Og hug-rame er dei no som ei binna dei hev teke ungarne frå ute i marki. Far din er krigsmann, veit du: han let ikkje folki leggja seg til kvile um natti.
And again Hushai declared, “You know your father, and the men who are with him, to be very strong and bitter in soul, comparable to a bear raging in the forest when her young have been taken away. Moreover, your father is a man of war, and so he will not live among the people.
9 No hev han visseleg løynt seg i einkvan helleren eller einkvar annan staden. Skulde då sume av våre folk falla i fyrstningi, so vil det koma ut at det hev vore stort mannefall millom folki som fylgde Absalom.
Perhaps now he hides in pits, or in another place, wherever he wills. And if by chance, in the beginning, anyone may fall, whoever hears about it, no matter what he has heard, will say, ‘There is a slaughter among the people who were following Absalom.’
10 Då vil jamvel den djervaste heiltupp missa modet, um han så hadde mod som ei løva. For heile Israel veit at far din er ei kjempa, og at fylgjesveinarne hans er djerve karar.
And even the very strong, whose heart is like the heart of a lion, will be weakened out of fear. For all the people of Israel know your father to be a valiant man, and that all who are with him are robust.
11 Difor er det mi råd, at du stemner saman til deg heile Israel frå Dan til Be’erseba, so tallrikt som sanden attmed havet. Og sjølv lyt du draga med i striden.
But this seems to me to be the right counsel: Let all of Israel be gathered to you, from Dan to Beersheba, like the sand of the sea which is innumerable. And you will be in their midst.
12 Når me so finn honom einkvan staden, kvar helst det no er, so fell me yver honom som doggi fell på marki. Då skal det ikkje verta ein einaste att av honom og alle fylgjesveinarne hans.
And we shall rush against him in whatever place he will have been found. And we shall cover him, as the dew usually falls upon the ground. And we shall not leave behind even one of the men who are with him.
13 Ja, um han so søkjer inn i ei borg, so vil heile Israel leggja reip ikring henne og draga henne ned i dalen, til dess det bid ikkje minste steinen att i henne.»
And if he will enter into any city, all of Israel shall encircle that city with ropes. And we will pull it into the torrent, so that there may not be found even one small stone from it.”
14 Då sagde Absalom og alle Israels-mennerne: «Rådi åt arkiten Husai er betre enn Ahitofels råd.» For Herren laga det so at den gode rådi hans Ahitofel vart um inkjes. For Herren vilde føra ulukke yver Absalom.
And Absalom, with all the men of Israel, said: “The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better than the counsel of Ahithophel.” So, by an act of the Lord, the useful counsel of Ahithophel was defeated, in order that the Lord might lead evil over Absalom.
15 Husai melde til prestarne Sadok og Abjatar: «Den og den rådi gav Ahitofel åt Absalom og dei øvste i Israel. Men den og den rådi gav eg.
And Hushai said to the priests, Zadok and Abiathar: “Ahithophel gave counsel to Absalom and to the elders of Israel in this and that manner. And I gave counsel in such and such a manner.
16 Skunda dykk og send bod til David med det ordet: «Natta ikkje yver attmed ferjestaderne i øydemarki i natt, men gakk yver Jordan! Elles kann kongen og alle folki hans verta tynte.»»
Now therefore, send quickly, and report to David, saying: ‘You shall not stay this night in the plains of the desert. Instead, without delay, go across. Otherwise the king may be engulfed, and all the people who are with him.’”
17 Jonatan og Ahima’as heldt seg attmed En-Rogel. Dit kom jamt ei tenestgjenta med melding til deim; og so bar dei meldingi til David. Dei våga ikkje visa seg i byen.
But Jonathan and Ahimaaz remained beside the Fountain of Rogel. And a handmaid went away and reported it to them. And they set out, so that they might carry the report to king David. For they could not be seen, nor enter into the city.
18 Men ein unggut gådde deim og melde det til Absalom. Då skunda dei seg burt båe, og kom heim til ein mann i Bahurim. Han hadde ein brunn på garden sin. I den steig dei ned.
But a certain young man saw them, and he revealed it to Absalom. Yet truly, they traveled quickly and entered into the house of a certain man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court, and they descended into it.
19 So tok kona hans og breidde eit tæpe yver brunn-opet, og strådde gryn uppå, so ingen gådde noko.
Then a woman took and spread a covering over the mouth of the well, as if drying hulled barley. And so the matter was hidden.
20 Då tenarane åt Absalom kom inn i huset til kona og spurde etter Ahima’as og Jonatan, svara ho: «Dei gjekk yver den vesle bekken der.» Dei leita, men fann inkje, og snudde so heim att til Jerusalem.
And when the servants of Absalom had entered into the house, they said to the woman, “Where is Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” And the woman responded to them, “They passed through hurriedly, after they had taken a little water.” But those who were seeking them, when they had not found them, returned to Jerusalem.
21 Då dei hadde fare sin veg, steig dei hine upp or brunnen, og gjekk med meldingi til kong David. Dei sagde til David: «Skunda deg, far yver vatnet! den og den rådi hev Ahitofel gjeve um dykk.»
And when they had gone, they ascended from the well. And traveling, they reported to king David, and they said: “Rise up, and go across the river quickly. For Ahithophel has given a counsel of this kind against you.”
22 David braut upp med alle fylgjesveinarne sine; og dei gjekk yver Jordan. Um morgonen då dagen rann, vanta det ikkje ein einaste. Alle var komne yver Jordan.
Therefore, David rose up, and all the people who were with him, and they crossed over the Jordan, until first light. And not even one of them was left behind who had not crossed over the river.
23 Då Ahitofel såg at dei ikkje fylgde rådi hans, sala han asnet sitt, steig uppå og reid heim til sin by. Og då han hadde skila for seg, hengde han seg. Det var hans bane. Han vart gravlagd i gravi åt far sin.
Then Ahithophel, seeing that his counsel had not been done, saddled his donkey, and he rose up and went away to his own house and to his own city. And putting his house in order, he killed himself by hanging. And he was buried in the sepulcher of his father.
24 David var komen til Mahanajim då Absalom med alle Israels-mennerne gjekk yver Jordan.
Then David went to the encampment, and Absalom crossed over the Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him.
25 Absalom hadde sett Amasa til øvste herhovding i staden for Joab. Amasa var son åt ein jizre’elit ved namn Jitra, som hadde halde seg med Abigal, dotter til Nahas, syster til Seruja, mor åt Joab.
Truly, Absalom appointed Amasa in place of Joab over the army. Now Amasa was the son of a man who was called Ithra of Jezrael, who entered to Abigail, the daughter of Nahash, the sister of Zeruiah, who was the mother of Joab.
26 Israel og Absalom lægra seg i Gileadlandet.
And Israel made camp with Absalom in the land of Gilead.
27 Då David kom til Mahanajim, hadde Sobi Nahasson frå Rabba i Ammonitarlandet og Makir Ammielsson frå Lo-Debar, og Barzillai, ein Gileads-mann frå Rogelim,
And when David had arrived at the encampment, Shobi, the son of Nahash, from Rabbah, of the sons of Ammon, and Machir, the son of Ammiel of Lodebar, and Barzillai, the Gileadite of Rogelim,
28 ført dit sengjer, skåler og kruskjerald. Og kveite, bygg, mjøl, steikte aks, baunor, linsor,
brought to him bedding, and tapestries, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and meal, and cooked grain, and beans, and lentils, and fried chick peas,
29 honning, tjukkmjølk, sauer og mjølk-ost hadde dei med seg til mat åt David og folket hans. For dei tenkte: «Folki hev vorte svoltne, trøytte og tyrste i øydemarki.»
and honey, and butter, sheep and fattened calves. And they gave these to David and to the people who were with him to eat. For they suspected that the people were faint with hunger and thirst in the desert.

< 2 Samuel 17 >