< 1 Samuels 22 >

1 David drog derifrå, og kom seg undan til Adullam-hola. Då brørne hans og heile farsætti hans høyrde gjete det, kom dei dit ned til honom.
And he went David from there and he escaped to [the] cave of Adullam and they heard brothers his and all [the] household of father his and they went down to him there towards.
2 Og til honom flokka seg allslags folk, alle som var i naud, alle som var i skuld, alle som var misnøgde, og han vart hovdingen deira; ei fire hundrad mann slo lag med honom.
And they gathered together to him every man of distress and every man whom [belonged] to him a creditor and every man bitter of soul and he became over them a commander and they were with him about four hundred man.
3 Derifrå drog David til Mispe i Moab. Og han sagde til Moabs-kongen: «Lat far min og mor mi få koma hit og vera hjå dykk, til dess eg fær vita kva Gud vil gjera med meg!»
And he went David from there Mizpah of Moab and he said - to [the] king of Moab let him go out please father my and mother my with you until that I will know what? will he do for me God.
4 Han førde deim fram for Moabs-kongen, og dei fekk halda seg hjå honom, so lenge David var i borgi.
And he led them with [the] presence of [the] king of Moab and they remained with him all [the] days of [the] being of David in the stronghold.
5 Men profeten Gad sagde til David: «Du skal ikkje halda deg her i borgi! tak ut herifrå, og far til Judalandet!» Og David drog burt derifrå og kom til Heretskogen.
And he said Gad the prophet to David not you must remain in the stronghold go and you will go for yourself [the] land of Judah and he went David and he came [the] forest of Hereth.
6 Saul frette at dei hadde fenge greide på David og dei folki som var med honom. Saul sat ein dag i Gibea under tamariska på haugen, med spjot i handi; og alle tenarane hans stod ikring honom.
And he heard Saul that he was known David and [the] men who [were] with him and Saul [was] sitting at Gibeah under the tamarisk tree at the high place and spear his [was] in hand his and all servants his [were] standing with him.
7 Då sagde Saul med tenarane sine, der dei stod ikring honom: «Høyr no, Benjamins born! Meiner de Isaisonen gjev åkrar og vinhagar åt dykk alle, og set dykk alle til herførar for større eller mindre flokkar?
And he said Saul to servants his who were standing with him listen please O Ben-jaminites also? to all of you will he give [the] son of Jesse fields and vineyards all of you will he appoint commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds.
8 For de hev alle samansvore dykk mot meg; og ingen hev fortalt meg at son min hev gjort fostbrorlag med Isaisonen! Ingen hev so mykje medkjensle med meg at han hev fortalt meg det. For son min hev eggja tenaren min til meinråder mot meg, so som det no kjem for dagen.»
For you have conspired all of you on me and there not [is one who] opens ear my when made son my with [the] son of Jesse and not [was] feeling pain any of you on me and opening ear my that he has raised up son my servant my on me to an ambusher as the day this.
9 Edomiten Doeg, som ogso stod der millom folki åt Saul, tok til ords og sagde: «Eg såg Isaisonen kom til Ahimelek Ahitubsson i Nob.
And he answered Doeg the Edomite and he [was] standing with [the] servants of Saul and he said I saw [the] son of Jesse coming Nob towards to Ahimelech [the] son of Ahitub.
10 Han spurde Herren for honom, og gav honom nista; og let honom få sverdet åt filistaren Goliat.»
And he enquired for him by Yahweh and food he gave to him and [the] sword of Goliath the Philistine he gave to him.
11 Kongen sende då bod etter presten Ahimelek Ahitubsson og heile ætti hans, prestarne i Nob. Dei møtte alle fram for kongen.
And he sent the king to summon Ahimelech [the] son of Ahitub the priest and all [the] house of father his the priests who [were] at Nob and they came all of them to the king.
12 Saul sagde: «Høyr meg, du Ahitubsson!» Han svara: «Kva vil du meg, herre!»
And he said Saul listen please O son of Ahitub and he said here [am] I O lord my.
13 Saul sagde til honom: «Kvifor hev de samansvore dykk mot meg, du og Isaisonen, med di du gav honom mat og sverd, og spurde Gud for honom, og han fekk leggja meinråder mot meg, so som det no kjem for dagen?»
And he said (to him *Q(k)*) Saul why? have you conspired on me you and [the] son of Jesse when giving you to him bread and a sword and [you] enquired for him by God to rise up against me to an ambusher as the day this.
14 Ahimelek svara: «Kven av alle tenarane sine er so trugen som David? og han er kongsmåg og hovding yver livvakti di og høgvyrd i huset ditt!
And he answered Ahimelech the king and he said and who? among all servants your [is] like David faithful and [the] son-in-law of the king and [one who] turns aside to bodyguard your and honored in household your.
15 Er det fyrste gongen eg hev spurd Gud for honom? Aldri i verdi må kongen saka meg og ætti mi for dette. Eg hev ikkje visst det minste um alt dette.»
This day did I begin? (to enquire *Q(k)*) for him by God far be it to me may not he put the king against servant his anything against all [the] house of father my for not he knew servant your in all this anything small or great.
16 Kongen sagde: «Du skal lata livet, Ahimelek! du og heile ætti di.»
And he said the king certainly you will die O Ahimelech you and all [the] house of father your.
17 Og kongen baud tenarane som stod ikring honom: «Fram og drep Herrens prestar! for dei er og i samråd med David. Endå dei visste han rømde, let dei meg ikkje vita det.» Men kongstenarane torde ikkje rette ut handi og hogga ned Herrens prestar.
And he said the king to the runners who were standing with him turn round and put to death - [the] priests of Yahweh for also hand their [is] with David and for they knew that [was] fleeing he and not they uncovered (ear my *Q(K)*) and not they were willing [the] servants of the king to stretch out hand their to fall on [the] priests of Yahweh.
18 Kongen baud då Doeg: «Fram du, og hogg ned prestarne!» Og edomiten Doeg gjekk fram og hogg ned prestarne med eigi hand, og drap den dagen fem og åtteti mann som bar messehakel av lin.
And he said the king (to Doeg *Q(k)*) turn round you and fall on the priests and he turned round (Doeg *Q(k)*) the Edomite and he fell he on the priests and he killed - on the day that eighty and five man [who] carried an ephod of linen.
19 Og folket i prestebyen Nob slo han med sverd, karar og kvende, småborn og store born, bufe og smale og asen, alt hogg han ned med sverdet.
And Nob [the] city of the priests he struck to [the] mouth of [the] sword from man and unto woman from child and unto suckling-child and ox[en] and donkey[s] and sheep to [the] mouth of [the] sword.
20 Berre ein av sønerne hans Ahimelek Ahitubsson berga seg undan. Abjatar heitte han. Han rømde til David.
And he escaped a son one of Ahimelech [the] son of Ahitub and name his [was] Abiathar and he fled after David.
21 Abjatar fortalde David at Saul hadde hogge ned Herrens prestar.
And he told Abiathar to David that he had killed Saul [the] priests of Yahweh.
22 «Eg skyna det alt den gong, » sagde David til Abjatar, «at når edomiten Doeg var der, vilde han melda det til Saul. Eg er upphavet til dråpet på heile di ætt.
And he said David to Abiathar I knew on the day that that [was] there (Doeg *Q(k)*) the Edomite that certainly he will tell to Saul I I have turned in every life of [the] house of father your.
23 Haldt deg hjå meg! ver hugheil! Den som vil taka livet av meg, vil taka livet av deg. Du er no i mi varetekt.»
Remain! with me may not you be afraid for [the one] who he seeks life my he seeks life your for [are] in good care you with me.

< 1 Samuels 22 >