< Salmenes 115 >
1 Ikke oss, Herre, ikke oss, men ditt navn gi du ære for din miskunnhets, for din trofasthets skyld!
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory.
2 Hvorfor skal hedningene si: Hvor er nu deres Gud?
Give glory to your mercy and your truth, lest the Gentiles should say, “Where is their God?”
3 Vår Gud er jo i himmelen; han gjør alt det han vil.
But our God is in heaven. All things whatsoever that he has willed, he has done.
4 Deres avguder er sølv og gull, et verk av menneskehender.
The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the works of the hands of men.
5 De har munn, men taler ikke; de har øine, men ser ikke;
They have mouths, and do not speak; they have eyes, and do not see.
6 de har ører, men hører ikke; de har nese, men lukter ikke.
They have ears, and do not hear; they have noses, and do not smell.
7 Deres hender føler ikke, deres føtter går ikke; de gir ingen lyd med sin strupe.
They have hands, and do not feel; they have feet, and do not walk. Neither will they cry out with their throat.
8 Som de selv er, blir de som gjør dem, hver den som setter sin lit til dem.
Let those who make them become like them, along with all who trust in them.
9 Israel, sett din lit til Herren! Han er deres hjelp og deres skjold.
The house of Israel has hoped in the Lord. He is their helper and their protector.
10 Arons hus, sett eders lit til Herren! Han er deres hjelp og deres skjold.
The house of Aaron has hoped in the Lord. He is their helper and their protector.
11 I som frykter Herren, sett eders lit til Herren! Han er deres hjelp og deres skjold.
Those who fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord. He is their helper and their protector.
12 Herren kom oss i hu; han skal velsigne, han skal velsigne Israels hus, han skal velsigne Arons hus,
The Lord has been mindful of us, and he has blessed us. He has blessed the house of Israel. He has blessed the house of Aaron.
13 han skal velsigne dem som frykter Herren, de små med de store.
He has blessed all who fear the Lord, the small with the great.
14 Herren la eder vokse i tall, eder og eders barn!
May the Lord add blessings upon you: upon you, and upon your sons.
15 Velsignet være I av Herren, himmelens og jordens skaper!
Blessed are you by the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
16 Himmelen er Herrens himmel, men jorden har han gitt menneskenes barn.
The heaven of heaven is for the Lord, but the earth he has given to the sons of men.
17 De døde lover ikke Herren, ingen av dem som farer ned i dødsrikets stillhet;
The dead will not praise you, Lord, and neither will all those who descend into Hell. ()
18 men vi skal love Herren fra nu av og inntil evig tid. Halleluja!
But we who live will bless the Lord, from this time forward, and even forever.