< Dommernes 3 >
1 Dette er de folk som Herren lot bli for ved dem å prøve Israel, alle de israelitter som ikke selv hadde vært med i nogen av Kana'anskrigene,
These are the nations which the Lord left, so that by them he might instruct Israel and all who had not known the wars of the Canaanites,
2 bare forat de kommende slekter i Israel skulde få kjennskap til krig og bli oplært deri, alle de som ikke før hadde vært med:
so that afterward their sons might learn to contend with their enemies, and to have a willingness to do battle:
3 Filistrenes fem fyrster og alle kana'anittene og sidonierne og hevittene, som bodde på Libanon-fjellene, fra Ba'al-Hermon-fjellet til der hvor veien går til Hamat.
the five princes of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites who were living on Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal-Hermon as far as the entrance to Hamath.
4 Ved dem var det Israel skulde prøves, så det kunde kjennes om de vilde lyde Herrens bud, som han hadde gitt deres fedre ved Moses.
And he left them, so that by them he might test Israel, as to whether or not they would listen to the commandments of the Lord, which he instructed to their fathers by the hand of Moses.
5 Men da Israels barn nu bodde midt iblandt kana'anittene, hetittene og amorittene og ferisittene og hevittene og jebusittene,
And so, the sons of Israel lived in the midst of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
6 tok de deres døtre til hustruer og gav sine døtre til deres sønner og dyrket deres guder.
And they took their daughters as wives, and they gave their own daughters to their sons, and they served their gods.
7 Israels barn gjorde det som var ondt i Herrens øine; de glemte Herren sin Gud og dyrket Ba'alene og Astarte-billedene.
And they did evil in the sight of the Lord, and they forgot their God, while serving the Baals and Ashtaroth.
8 Da optendtes Herrens vrede mot Israel, og han solgte dem i Kusan-Risata'ims hånd, som var konge i Mesopotamia; og Israels barn tjente Kusan-Risata'im i åtte år.
And the Lord, having become angry with Israel, delivered them into the hands of Cushan-Rishathaim, the king of Mesopotamia, and they served him for eight years.
9 Da ropte Israels barn til Herren, og Herren opreiste Israels barn en frelser, og han frelste dem; det var kenisitten Otniel, Kalebs yngre bror.
And they cried out to the Lord, who raised up for them a savior, and he freed them, namely, Othniel, the son of Kenaz, a younger brother of Caleb.
10 Og Herrens Ånd kom over ham; han blev dommer i Israel og drog ut til strid, og Herren gav Kusan-Risata'im, kongen i Mesopotamia, i hans hånd, så han vant over Kusan-Risata'im.
And the Spirit of the Lord was in him, and he judged Israel. And he went out to fight, and the Lord delivered Cushan-Rishathaim, the king of Syria, and he overwhelmed him.
11 Og landet hadde ro i firti år; da døde Otniel, Kenas' sønn.
And the land was quiet for forty years. And Othniel, the son of Kenaz, died.
12 Men Israels barn gjorde atter det som var ondt i Herrens øine; og Herren gav Eglon, kongen i Moab, makt over Israel, fordi de gjorde det som var ondt i Herrens øine.
Then the sons of Israel resumed doing evil in the sight of the Lord, who strengthened Eglon, the king of Moab, against them because they did evil in his sight.
13 Han fikk med sig Ammons barn og Amalek og drog ut og slo Israel, og de inntok Palmestaden.
And he joined to him the sons of Ammon and the sons of Amalek. And he went forth and struck Israel, and he possessed the City of Palms.
14 Og Israels barn tjente Eglon, kongen i Moab, i atten år.
And the sons of Israel served Eglon, the king of Moab, for eighteen years.
15 Da ropte Israels barn til Herren, og Herren opreiste dem en frelser, benjaminitten Ehud, Geras sønn, en kjevhendt mann. Israels barn sendte ham engang med en gave til Eglon, kongen i Moab;
And afterward, they cried out to the Lord, who raised up for them a savior, called Ehud, the son of Gera, the son of Benjamin, who used either hand as well as the right hand. And the sons of Israel sent gifts to Eglon, the king of Moab, by him.
16 da gjorde Ehud sig et tveegget, alenlangt sverd og bandt det om sig under sine klær ved sin høire hofte.
And he made for himself a two-edged sword, having a handle, reaching to the middle, the length of the palm of a hand. And he was girded with it under his cloak, on the right thigh.
17 Så førte han gaven frem til Eglon, kongen i Moab; men Eglon var en meget fet mann.
And he offered the gifts to Eglon, the king of Moab. Now Eglon was exceedingly fat.
18 Og da han hadde gitt gaven fra sig, lot han folkene som hadde båret gaven, dra hjem.
And when he had presented the gifts to him, he followed out his companions, who had arrived with him.
19 Men selv vendte han tilbake fra stenbruddene ved Gilgal og lot si: Jeg har et hemmelig ord til dig, konge! Da sa kongen: Hysj! Så gikk de ut alle de som stod om ham.
And then, returning from Gilgal where the idols were, he said to the king, “I have a secret word for you, O king.” And he ordered silence. And when all those who were around him had departed,
20 Og Ehud kom inn til ham, mens han satt alene i sin kjølige sal, og Ehud sa: Jeg har et ord fra Gud til dig. Da reiste han sig op fra sin stol.
Ehud entered to him. Now he was sitting alone in a summer upper room. And he said, “I have a word from God to you.” And immediately he rose up from his throne.
21 Men Ehud rakte ut sin venstre hånd og tok sverdet fra sin høire hofte og støtte det i hans buk;
And Ehud extended his left hand, and he took the dagger from his right thigh. And he thrust it into his abdomen
22 og heftet gikk inn efter bladet, og fettet lukket til om bladet, for han drog ikke sverdet ut av hans buk; det gikk ut baktil.
so strongly that the handle followed the blade into the wound, and was enclosed by the great amount of fat. Neither did he withdraw the sword. Instead, he left it in the body just as he had struck with it. And immediately, by the private parts of nature, the filth of the bowels went out.
23 Og Ehud gikk ut i buegangen, og han lukket døren til salen hvor han var, og låste den.
Then Ehud carefully closed the doors of the upper room. And securing the bars,
24 Og da han var gått ut, kom tjenerne inn, og da de så at døren til salen var låst, sa de: Han har visst et ærend i svalkammeret.
he departed by a back exit. And the servants of the king, entering, saw that the doors of the upper room were closed, and they said, “Perhaps he is emptying his bowels in the summer room.”
25 Og de ventet meget lenge, men han lukket ikke op døren til salen; da tok de nøklen og lukket op, og se, deres herre lå død på gulvet.
And after waiting a long time, until they were embarrassed, and seeing that no one opened the door, they took the key, and opening it, they found their lord lying dead on the ground.
26 Mens de gav sig tid, slapp Ehud bort; han var allerede kommet forbi stenbruddene og kom frem til Se'ira.
But Ehud, while they were in confusion, escaped and passed by the place of the idols, from which he had returned. And he arrived at Seirath.
27 Da han kom dit, støtte han i basunen på Efra'im-fjellet; og Israels barn drog ned med ham fra fjellene, og han foran dem.
And immediately he sounded the trumpet on Mount Ephraim. And the sons of Israel descended with him, he himself advancing at the front.
28 Og han sa til dem: Skynd eder efter mig! For Herren har gitt eders fiender, moabittene, i eders hånd. Så drog de ned efter ham, og de satte folk ved vadestedene over Jordan til Moab og lot ingen komme over.
And he said to them: “Follow me. For the Lord has delivered our enemies, the Moabites, into our hands.” And they descended after him, and they occupied the fords of the Jordan, which cross over to Moab. And they did not permit anyone to cross.
29 Dengang slo de omkring ti tusen mann av Moab, som alle var sterke og djerve menn; ikke én slapp bort.
And so, they struck down the Moabites at that time, about ten thousand, all strong and robust men. None of them were able to escape.
30 Så blev da Moab på den dag ydmyket under Israels hånd, og landet hadde ro i åtti år.
And Moab was humbled in that day under the hand of Israel. And the land was quiet for eighty years.
31 Efter ham kom Samgar, Anats sønn; han slo seks hundre mann av filistrene med en oksedrivers stav; også han frelste Israel.
After him, there was Shamgar, the son of Anath, who struck down six hundred men of the Philistines with a plowshare. And he also defended Israel.