< Esekiel 28 >
1 Og Herrens ord kom til mig, og det lød så:
[Then] Yahweh gave me another message. [He said]:
2 Menneskesønn! Si til Tyrus' fyrste: Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Fordi ditt hjerte ophøier sig, og du sier: Jeg er en gud, jeg sitter på et gudesete midt ute i havet, enda du er et menneske og ikke nogen gud, men allikevel i ditt hjerte tykkes dig å være en gud -
“You human, give to the king of Tyre this message from [me], Yahweh the Lord: ‘You have very proudly claimed, “I am a god! I sit on a throne of a god [in a city on an island] in the sea!” You boast that you are a god; but you are only a man, not a god.
3 ja, du er visere enn Daniel, intet lønnlig er skjult for dig;
[You think that] you are wiser than Daniel was, [and you think that] you can understand every secret.
4 ved din visdom og forstand har du vunnet dig rikdom og samlet gull og sølv i dine skattkammer;
By being wise and understanding [a lot], you have become [very] rich; you have acquired much gold and silver for your treasuries.
5 ved din store klokskap i handel har du øket din rikdom, og ditt hjerte ophøiet sig for din rikdoms skyld -
[Yes, it is true that] by trading wisely, you have been enabled to become very rich, and because you are rich, you have become very proud.
6 derfor sier Herren, Israels Gud, så: Fordi du i ditt hjerte tykkes dig å være en gud,
Therefore, this is what Yahweh the Lord says: “Because you think that you are as wise as a god,
7 se, derfor lar jeg fremmede komme over dig, de grusomste blandt folkene, og de skal dra sine sverd mot din strålende visdom og vanhellige din glans.
I will [now] bring a foreign [army] to attack your [country], an army that causes other nations to be terrified. They will pull out their swords to strike you, [you who think that] [IRO] you have marvelous/great wisdom, and they will destroy all your beautiful things.
8 I graven skal de støte dig ned, og du skal dø som de ihjelslåtte dør, midt ute i havet.
They will bring you down to your grave; you will die violently like [MET] those who died in the sea.
9 Vil du vel da si til din banemann: Jeg er en gud, enda du er et menneske og ikke nogen gud, du som er i din drapsmanns vold?
Then you will certainly not [RHQ] say to those who are killing you, 'I am a god!' [because they will know that] you are not a god; you are only a man.
10 Som de uomskårne dør, skal du dø ved fremmedes hånd; for jeg har talt, sier Herren, Israels Gud.
You will die like other people who are unacceptable to me die, killed by foreigners.” [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’”
11 Og Herrens ord kom til mig, og det lød så:
Yahweh also gave me this message:
12 Menneskesønn! Stem i en klagesang over Tyrus' konge og si til ham: Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Du som var seglet på den velordnede bygning, full av visdom og fullkommen i skjønnhet!
“You human, sing a sad/funeral song about the king of Tyre. Say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: [“You thought that] [IRO] you were completely perfect, extremely wise and handsome.
13 I Eden, Guds have, bodde du; kostbare stener dekket dig, karneol, topas og diamant, krysolitt, onyks og jaspis, safir, karfunkel og smaragd, og gull; dine trommer og fløiter var i fullt arbeid hos dig; den dag du blev skapt, stod de rede.
You [had a wonderful life, as though] you were in my [beautiful] garden in Eden. Your [clothes] were decorated with many [HYP] kinds of very valuable stones— ruby, topaz, emerald, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, turquoise, and beryl [stones]. Those stones were set/placed in gold [mountings]. They were prepared for you on the day that you were born.
14 Du var en salvet kjerub med dekkende vinger, og jeg satte dig på det hellige gudefjell; der gikk du omkring blandt skinnende stener.
I appointed [DOU] you to be like [MET] a strong angel to guard the people. [It was as though I put] you on my holy mountain, and you walked among fiery stones.
15 Ustraffelig var du i din ferd fra den dag du blev skapt, til det blev funnet urettferdighet hos dig.
You were completely good in all that you did, from the day that you were created/born, until you [started to] do wicked things.
16 Ved din store handel fyltes ditt indre med urett, og du syndet; så vanhelliget jeg dig og drev dig bort fra gudefjellet, og jeg gjorde dig til intet, du salvede kjerub, så du ikke mere fikk være blandt de skinnende stener.
[Then] you became busy trading things, and you started to act violently, and you sinned. So I caused you to be disgraced; and the angel who was guarding you forced you to leave my holy mountain, forced you to leave your place among those fiery stones.
17 Ditt hjerte ophøiet sig for din skjønnhets skyld, du ødela din visdom på grunn av din glans; jeg kastet dig til jorden, jeg la dig ned for kongers åsyn, forat de skulde se på dig med lyst.
You were extremely proud because you were very handsome. Because you loved beautiful things, you did things that wise people do not do. [So] I threw you to the ground, and allowed [other] kings who saw you to laugh at you.
18 Ved dine mange misgjerninger, ved din urettferdige handel vanhelliget du dine helligdommer. Derfor lar jeg ild gå ut fra dig, og den skal fortære dig; jeg gjør dig til aske på jorden for alle deres øine som ser dig.
By committing many sins and by trading things dishonestly, you caused your places of worship to become unacceptable to me. So I caused a fire [to burn down your city]. [Your city] was burned completely; the people who were watching it saw that only ashes remained on the ground.
19 Alle som kjente dig blandt folkene, er forferdet over dig; en redsel er du blitt, og du er blitt borte - for evig tid.
All the people who knew what your [city was like previously] were appalled. Now [your city] has disappeared, and it will not exist any more.”’”
20 Og Herrens ord kom til mig, og det lød så:
[Then] Yahweh gave me another message. [He said],
21 Menneskesønn! Vend ditt åsyn mot Sidon og spå mot det
“You human, turn toward Sidon [city], and declare the terrible things that will happen to it.
22 og si: Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Se, jeg kommer over dig, Sidon, og jeg vil forherlige mig i dig. Og de skal kjenne at jeg er Herren, når jeg holder dom over det og åpenbarer min hellighet på det.
Give [the people of Sidon] this message from [me], Yahweh the Lord: ‘I am your enemy, [you people of] Sidon, and by what I do to you, I will reveal that I am very great/glorious. When I punish you and reveal that I am holy, everyone who is watching that will know that it is I, Yahweh, [who have the power to do what I say that I will do].
23 Og jeg vil sende pest og blod over det på dets gater, og drepte menn skal falle der for et sverd som kommer over det fra alle kanter, og de skal kjenne at jeg er Herren.
I will send a plague upon you, and I will send [enemies to come and] kill [MTY] you in your streets. They will attack you from every direction, and your people will be slaughtered inside the walls of your city. Then everyone will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].'
24 Og ikke skal det for Israels hus mere være nogen stikkende torn eller brennende tistel blandt alle dem som bor rundt omkring dem, og som forakter dem, og de skal kjenne at jeg er Herren, Israels Gud.
No longer will those who live near you people of Israel [hurt you] like [MET] painful briers and sharp thorns [hurt people]. And then the Israeli people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
25 Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Når jeg samler Israels hus fra de folk som de er spredt iblandt, da vil jeg åpenbare min hellighet på dem for folkenes øine, og de skal bo i sitt land, det som jeg gav min tjener Jakob,
And this is [also] what Yahweh the Lord says: “Some day the people of Israel will live in their own land [again], the land that I gave to Jacob, who [also] served me. I will gather them from [distant] countries where I have scattered them. And I will reveal to the nations that I am holy among my people.
26 og de skal bo trygt der og bygge hus og plante vingårder - de skal bo trygt, mens jeg holder dom over alle dem som bor rundt omkring dem, og som forakter dem, og de skal kjenne at jeg, Herren, er deres Gud.
My people will live safely in Israel; they will build houses and plant vineyards. And when I punish the nearby nations that despised them, they will know that it is I, Yahweh their God, [who has done it].”