< 2 Samuel 24 >
1 Men Herrens vrede optendtes atter mot Israel, og han egget David op imot dem og sa: Gå avsted og tell Israel og Juda!
Yahweh was angry with the Israeli people again, so he incited David to cause trouble for them. He said to David, “Send [some men] to count the people of Israel and Judah.”
2 Da sa kongen til sin hærfører Joab, som var hos ham: Dra omkring i alle Israels stammer fra Dan like til Be'erseba og mønstre folket, så jeg kan få vite tallet på dem!
So the king said to Joab, the commander of his army, “Go [with your officers] through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan [city in the far north] to Beersheba [town in the far south], and count the people, in order that I may know how many people [there are who are able to be soldiers in the army].”
3 Joab svarte: Herren din Gud legge hundre ganger så mange til dette folk som de er nu, så min herre kongen selv får se det! Men hvorfor har min herre kongen fått lyst til dette?
But Joab replied to the king, “Your Majesty, I wish/desire that Yahweh our God will cause there to be 100 times as many people [in Israel] as there are now, and I wish/desire that you would see that happen [before you die]. But why do you want us to do this?”
4 Men kongen holdt fast ved sin befaling og gav ikke efter for Joab og hærførerne. Så drog da Joab og hærførerne ut i kongens tjeneste for å mønstre Israels folk.
But the king commanded Joab and his officers to do it. So they left the king and went out to count the people of Israel.
5 De satte over Jordan og leiret sig ved Aroer, på høire side av den by som ligger midt i Gads-dalen og bortimot Jaser.
They crossed the Jordan [River] and set up their tents south of Aroer [town], in the middle of the valley, in the territory [that was given to the tribe] of Gad. From there they went [north] to Jazer [city]
6 Så kom de til Gilead og til lavlandet, som nylig var inntatt; siden kom de til Dan-Ja'an og så rundt om bortimot Sidon.
Then they went [north] to [the] Gilead [region] and to Kadesh [city], in the land where the Heth people-group lived. Then they went to Dan [city in the far north of Israel], and then further west, to Sidon [city near the Mediterranean Sea].
7 Så kom de til Tyrus' festning og til alle hevittenes og kana'anittenes byer; og til sist drog de til sydlandet i Juda, til Be'erseba.
Then they went [south] to Tyre, a city with high walls around it, and to all the cities where the Hiv and Canaan people-groups live. Then they went [east] to Beersheba, in the southern part of Judah.
8 Således drog de om i hele landet og kom efter ni måneder og tyve dager tilbake til Jerusalem.
After nine months and 20 days, when they had finished going throughout the land [and counting the people], they returned to Jerusalem.
9 Og Joab opgav for kongen det tall som var utkommet ved folkemønstringen: I Israel var det åtte hundre tusen sterke menn som kunde dra sverd, og Judas menn var fem hundre tusen.
They reported to the king the number of people that they had counted. There were 800,000 men in Israel and 500,000 men in Judah who were able to become soldiers in the army [MTY].
10 Men samvittigheten slo David efterat han hadde tellet folket, og David sa til Herren: Jeg har syndet storlig med det jeg har gjort; men tilgi nu, Herre, din tjeners misgjerning; for jeg har båret mig meget uforstandig at.
But after David’s men had counted the people, David regretted [IDM] that he had told them to do that. [One night] he said to Yahweh, “I have committed a very big sin. Please forgive me, because what I have done is very foolish.”
11 Da David stod op om morgenen, kom Herrens ord til profeten Gad, Davids seer, og det lød så:
When David got up the next morning, Yahweh gave a message to the prophet Gad. He said to him,
12 Gå og tal til David: Så sier Herren: Tre ting forelegger jeg dig; velg en av dem, så vil jeg gjøre så mot dig!
“Go and tell this to David: ‘I am allowing you to choose one of three things [to punish you]. I will do whichever one you choose.’”
13 Da kom Gad til David og forkynte ham dette og sa til ham: Vil du at det skal være hungersnød i ditt land i syv år, eller at du skal komme til å flykte for dine fiender i tre måneder, mens de forfølger dig, eller at det skal bli pest i ditt land i tre dager? Tenk nu efter og se til hvad jeg skal svare ham som har sendt mig!
So Gad went to David and told him [what Yahweh had said]. He said to David, “You can choose whether there will be three years of famine in your land, or three months of your [army] running away from your enemies, or three days when there will be a (plague/very severe illness) in your land. You think about it and choose [which one you want, and tell me], and I will return to Yahweh and tell him what your answer is.”
14 David sa til Gad: Jeg er i stor angst; la oss da helst falle i Herrens hånd! For hans barmhjertighet er stor, men i menneskers hånd vil jeg nødig falle.
David said to Gad, “All those are very terrible things for me to choose between! But allow Yahweh to punish [MTY] me, because he is very merciful. Do not allow humans to punish me, [because they will not be merciful].”
15 Sa lot Herren det komme en pest i Israel, fra morgenen til sammenkomstens tid; og der døde av folket fra Dan til Be'erseba sytti tusen mann.
So Yahweh sent a plague on the Israeli people. It started that morning and did not stop until the time that he had chosen/set. All over the land, from Dan to Beersheba, there were 70,000 Israelis who died [because of the plague].
16 Og engelen rakte ut sin hånd mot Jerusalem for å ødelegge det; da angret Herren det onde, og han sa til engelen som gjorde ødeleggelse blandt folket: Det er nok; dra nu din hånd tilbake! Herrens engel var da ved jebusitten Aravnas treskeplass.
When [Yahweh’s] angel stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy [the people by this plague], Yahweh changed his mind about punishing [any more] people. He said to the angel who was killing them [with the plague], “Stop what you are doing [IDM]! That is enough!” [When he said that, ] the angel was standing at the ground where Araunah, from the Jebus people-group, threshed grain.
17 Da David så engelen som slo ihjel blandt folket, sa han til Herren: Det er jeg som har syndet, det er jeg som har gjort ille; men denne min hjord, hvad har de gjort? La din hånd komme over mig og over min fars hus!
When David saw the angel who was causing the people to become sick and die, he said to Yahweh, “Truly, I am the one who has committed the sin. I have done a very wicked thing, but these people are [as innocent as] sheep [MET]. They have certainly not [RHQ] done anything [that is wrong]. So you should punish [IDM] me and my family, [not these people]!”
18 Samme dag kom Gad til David og sa til ham: Gå op og reis Herren et alter på jebusitten Aravnas treskeplass!
That day Gad came to David and said to him, “Go up to the place where Araunah threshes grain, and build an altar to [worship] Yahweh there.”
19 Så gikk David dit op efter Gads ord, således som Herren hadde befalt.
So David did what Gad told him to do, which was what Yahweh had commanded, [and he went up there].
20 Da Aravna så ut, fikk han se kongen og hans tjenere som kom over til ham; da gikk Aravna ut og kastet sig ned for kongen med ansiktet mot jorden.
When Araunah looked down and saw the king and his officials coming toward him, he prostrated himself on the ground in front of the king, with his face touching the ground.
21 Og Arvna sa: Hvorfor kommer min herre kongen til sin tjener? David svarte: For å kjøpe treskeplassen av dig og bygge et alter der for Herren, forat hjemsøkelsen kan stanse og vike fra folket.
Araunah said, “Your Majesty, why have you come to me?” David replied, “[I have come] to buy this ground where you thresh grain, in order to build an altar to Yahweh [and offer sacrifices on it], in order that he will stop the plague.”
22 Da sa Aravna til David: Min herre kongen må ta og ofre hvad han finner for godt! Se, her er oksene til brennofferet og treskesledene og åkene som er på oksene, til ved;
Araunah replied to David, “Your Majesty, offer to Yahweh whatever you wish/want. Here, take my oxen to use for the offering that will be completely burned on the altar. And here, take their yokes and the boards [that I use] for the threshing, [and use them] for the wood that you will burn.
23 alt dette, konge, gir Aravna kongen. Og Aravna sa til kongen: Herren din Gud ta nådig imot dig!
I, Araunah, am giving all this to you, the king.” Then he said, “I desire/hope that Yahweh our God will accept your offering.”
24 Men kongen svarte: Nei, jeg vil kjøpe det av dig for penger; jeg vil ikke ofre Herren min Gud brennoffere som jeg har fått for intet. Så kjøpte David treskeplassen og oksene for femti sekel sølv.
But the king said to Araunah, “No, [I will not take these things as a gift.] I will pay you for it. I will not take sacrifices that have cost me nothing, and offer them to Yahweh to be completely burned on the altar.” So he paid 50 pieces of silver to Araunah for the oxen and the ground.
25 Og David bygget der et alter for Herren og ofret brennoffere og takkoffere; og Herren hørte landets bønn, og hjemsøkelsen stanset og vek fra Israel.
Then David built an altar to Yahweh, and he offered [the oxen] to be completely burned on the altar, and he also offered sacrifices to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. Then, Yahweh answered David’s prayers, and he caused the plague in Israel to end.