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1 Derfor, da vi ikke lenger kunde holde det ut, fant vi det best å bli alene tilbake i Aten,
So when we couldn't bear it any longer, we decided it would be best for us to stay behind in Athens,
2 og vi sendte Timoteus, vår bror og Guds tjener i Kristi evangelium, for å styrke eder og formane eder om eders tro,
and send Timothy on to you. He is our brother and God's co-worker in spreading the good news of Christ. We sent him to strengthen and encourage you in your trust in God
3 at ikke nogen måtte bli vaklende i disse trengsler. I vet jo selv at vi er satt til det;
so that none of you would be upset by your troubles—for you know we should expect such things.
4 for da vi var hos eder, sa vi eder også forut at vi vilde komme til å lide trengsel, som det også gikk, og som I vet.
Even while we were with you we kept on warning you that we would suffer persecution soon— and as you well know that is exactly what has happened.
5 Derfor sendte jeg da også bud, da jeg ikke lenger kunde holde det ut, for å få vite om eders tro, om fristeren skulde ha fristet eder og vårt arbeide skulde bli forgjeves
This is why, when I couldn't stand it anymore, I sent to find out whether you were still trusting in God. I was concerned that the Devil had successfully tempted you and that all our work had been for nothing!
6 Men nu, da Timoteus er kommet til oss fra eder og har båret oss godt budskap om eders tro og kjærlighet, og om at I alltid har oss i vennlig minne og lenges efter å se oss, likesom vi lenges efter eder,
Now Timothy has just returned from visiting you and he has brought us good news of your trust in God and the love you have. He's told us that you still have fond memories of us, longing to see us just as we long to see you.
7 så blev vi da, brødre, trøstet over eder i all vår nød og trengsel, ved eders tro.
This news really encouraged us while we were suffering troubles ourselves, brothers and sisters, knowing that you continue to hold on to your trust in God.
8 For nu lever vi, såfremt I står fast i Herren.
For us life is worth living now because you're standing firm in the Lord!
9 For hvad takk kan vi gi Gud til vederlag for eder, for all den glede som vi har over eder for vår Guds åsyn,
As we go into the presence of our God, how can we ever thank God enough for you because of all the joy you bring to us?
10 idet vi natt og dag inderlig beder om å få se eders åsyn og bøte på det som ennu fattes i eders tro?
Night and day we pray for you as earnestly as possible, hoping to see you again face to face, and to help you continue developing your trust in God.
11 Men han, vår Gud og Fader, og vår Herre Jesus styre vår vei til eder!
May God our Father and our Lord Jesus make it possible for us to come to see you soon.
12 Og eder gi Herren rikdom og overflod av kjærlighet til hverandre og til alle, likesom vi har den til eder,
May the Lord increase your love so it overflows to one another, and to everyone, just as we love you.
13 forat han kan styrke eders hjerter, så de blir ulastelige i hellighet for vår Guds og Faders åsyn, når vår Herre Jesus kommer med alle sine hellige!
In this way may the Lord strengthen you so you may stand with minds that are holy and blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones.

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