< Matendu 7 >

1 Kangi, Mteta Mkulu akamkota, “Wu, mambu genaga ndi chakaka?”
And the chief priest said, 'Are then these things so?'
2 Mwene akayangula, “Valongo vangu na vadadi vangu, muniyuwanila! Chapanga amuhumalili gogo witu Ibulahimu peavili ku Mesopotamia kwakona kuhamila ku Halani.
and he said, 'Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken: The God of the glory did appear to our father Abraham, being in Mesopotamia, before his dwelling in Haran,
3 Chapanga akamjovela, ‘Wuka pamulima waku, valeka valongo vaku, ndi uhamba pamulima wenikulangisa.’
and He said to him, Go forth out of thy land, and out of thy kindred, and come to a land that I shall shew thee.
4 Hinu, Ibulahimu ahamalili kumulima wa Kalidayo akahamba kutama ku Halani. Dadi waki peamali kufwa, Chapanga akamuwusa kavili ku Halani akabwela kutama pamulima uwu wemwitama hinu.
'Then having come forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran, and from thence, after the death of his father, He did remove him to this land wherein ye now dwell,
5 Chapanga nakumpela hati pandu padebe pamulima pavyaa uhali waki, nambu amlagizi akumpela mulima wenuwu uvyaa waki, na chiveleku chaki. Lukumbi lwenulo avi lepi na mwana.
and He gave him no inheritance in it, not even a footstep, and did promise to give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him — he having no child.
6 Chapanga akamjovela, ‘Viveleku vyaku yati vipelekwa kumulima wa vandu vangi, kwenuko ndi yati vivya vavanda na kuhengewa uhakau mulukumbi lwa miyaka miya mcheche.
'And God spake thus, That his seed shall be sojourning in a strange land, and they shall cause it to serve, and shall do it evil four hundred years,
7 Nambu nene yati nikuvahamula vandu avo, vevavahengili uvanda. Kangi yati nikuvawusa mumulima wenuwo muni vabwela penapa kunifugamila pandu apa.’
and the nation whom they shall serve I will judge, said God; and after these things they shall come forth and shall do Me service in this place.
8 Kangi Chapanga akampela lilaganu la jandu, Ibulahimu akamyingisa jandu mwana waki Izaki mu ligono la nane, kuhuma kuvelekewa. Mewawa Izaki akamdumula jandu Yakobo, namwene Yakobo mewawa akavakitila vagogo kumi na vavili.”
'And He gave to him a covenant of circumcision, and so he begat Isaac, and did circumcise him on the eighth day, and Isaac [begat] Jacob, and Jacob — the twelve patriarchs;
9 “Vagogo vala vavi na wihu kwa Yosefu ndi vakamgulisa kuuvanda ku Misili. Nambu Chapanga avi pamonga nayu,
and the patriarchs, having been moved with jealousy, sold Joseph to Egypt, and God was with him,
10 akamsangula mu mang'ahiso gaki goha, Chapanga akamganisa na luhala palongolo ya Falao, nkosi wa ku Misili, hati Falao akamhagula kuvya chilongosi wa mulima wula na nyumba ya nkosi.
and did deliver him out of all his tribulations, and gave him favour and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he did set him — governor over Egypt and all his house.
11 Kangi yikahumila njala yikulu, pamulima woha wa ku Misili na ku Kanani, yikaleta ungangu uvaha. Vagogo vitu vahotwili lepi kupata chakulya chochoha.
'And there came a dearth upon all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great tribulation, and our fathers were not finding sustenance,
12 Hinu, Yakobo peayuwini kuvya ku Misili kula kuvi na mabenu, akavatuma vana vaki, ndi vagogo vitu vahamba kwenuko yavi mala ya kutumbula.
and Jacob having heard that there was corn in Egypt, sent forth our fathers a first time;
13 Mulugendu lwavi lwa pili, Yosefu akajimanyisa kwa valongo vaki, ndi Falao akavamanya valongo va Yosefu.
and at the second time was Joseph made known to his brethren, and Joseph's kindred became manifest to Pharaoh,
14 Yosefu atumili ujumbi kwa dadi waki na valongo vaki, vandu sabini na mhanu, vabwela ku Misili.
and Joseph having sent, did call for his father Jacob, and all his kindred — with seventy and five souls —
15 Hinu, Yakobo ahambili ku Misili, kwenuko mwene pamonga na vagogo vitu vafwili.
and Jacob went down to Egypt, and died, himself and our fathers,
16 Higa zavi zaletiwi mbaka ku Shekemu, zikazikiwa mu litinda la mbugu leagulili Ibulahimu kuhuma kwa vana va Hamoli kwa mashonga nunuyu.”
and they were carried over into Sychem, and were laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a price in money from the sons of Emmor, of Sychem.
17 “Lukumbi palwahikili Chapanga atimilisa lilaganu leajovili akumpela Ibulahimu, ku Misili kula vandu vayonjokisi na kuvya vamahele neju.
'And according as the time of the promise was drawing nigh, which God did swear to Abraham, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt,
18 Pamwishu, nkosi mmonga mweanga mmanya Yosefu, akatumbula kulongosa kula ku Misili.
till another king rose, who had not known Joseph;
19 Mwenuyu avakitili uhakau vandu vitu na vagogo vitu changali kugana vene vavavika kuvala vana vavi vadebe muni vafwayi.
this one, having dealt subtilely with our kindred, did evil to our fathers, causing to expose their babes, that they might not live;
20 Musa avelekiwi lukumbi lwenulo, avili mwana mbwina neju palongolo ya Chapanga. Aleliwi panyumba mulukumbi lwa miyehi yidatu,
in which time Moses was born, and he was fair to God, and he was brought up three months in the house of his father;
21 na peaumiswi kuvala, ndi msikana wa Falao akamtola na kumlela ngati mwana waki mwene.
and he having been exposed, the daughter of Pharaoh took him up, and did rear him to herself for a son;
22 Musa awuliwi mambu goha galuhala ga Vamisili akavya mkekesi kwa malovi na matendu.”
and Moses was taught in all wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in words and in works.
23 “Hinu Musa peahikisi miyaka alobaini ndi akahamba kuvagendela kuvalola va Isilaeli vayaki.
'And when forty years were fulfilled to him, it came upon his heart to look after his brethren, the sons of Israel;
24 Kwenuko amuwene mmonga wa valongo vaki ihengewa uhakau, ndi akahamba kumkengelela, ndi akamkoma Mmisili yula.
and having seen a certain one suffering injustice, he did defend, and did justice to the oppressed, having smitten the Egyptian;
25 Aholalili manya Vaisilaeli vayaki yati vimanya kuvya Chapanga ngaamtumili mwene kuvagombola, nambu vene nakugamanya ago.
and he was supposing his brethren to understand that God through his hand doth give salvation; and they did not understand.
26 Chilalu yaki Musa avawene Vaisilaeli vavili vitovana, akalinga kuvatepulanisa akavajovela, ‘Nyenye mwavalongo ndava kyani hinu, mukomana mwavene?’
'On the succeeding day, also, he shewed himself to them as they are striving, and urged them to peace, saying, Men, brethren are ye, wherefore do ye injustice to one another?
27 Nambu yungi mweamtovayi yula muyaki akamkang'a Musa pamuhana akajova, ‘Yani mweakuvikili veve kuvya chilongosi na mhamula pagati yitu?
and he who is doing injustice to the neighbour, did thrust him away, saying, Who set thee a ruler and a judge over us?
28 Wu, ugana kunikoma ngati chewamkomili Mmisili golo?’
to kill me dost thou wish, as thou didst kill yesterday the Egyptian?
29 Musa peagayuwini malovi ago, akatila na kuhamba kutama kumulima wa Midiani kwenuko akavya myehe ndi akavya na vana vasongolo vavili.”
'And Moses fled at this word, and became a sojourner in the land of Midian, where he begat two sons,
30 “Peyahikili miyaka alobaini, mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga akamhumila Musa padahi pepiyaka motu kulugangatu papipi na Chitumbi cha Sinai.
and forty years having been fulfilled, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sinai a messenger of the Lord, in a flame of fire of a bush,
31 Musa akakangasa kulola lijambu lenilo hati akahegelela papipi muni alingulila, ndi akayuwana lwami lwa Bambu.
and Moses having seen did wonder at the sight; and he drawing near to behold, there came a voice of the Lord unto him,
32 ‘Nene ndi Chapanga wa vagogo vaku, Chapanga wa Ibulahimu wa Izaki na Yakobo.’ Musa akavagaya kwa wogohi ndi nakuhotola kulolokesa neju.
I [am] the God of thy fathers; the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 'And Moses having become terrified, durst not behold,
33 Bambu akamjovela, ‘Hula champali zaku muni peuyima apa ndi pandu pamsopi.
and the Lord said to him, Loose the sandal of thy feet, for the place in which thou hast stood is holy ground;
34 Nigawene mahakau gevihengiwa vandu vangu ku Misili kula. Niyuwini lwami lwa mang'ahiso gavi, ndi nene nibweli kuvagombola. Hinu bwela, yati nikukutuma ku Misili.’”
seeing I have seen the affliction of My people that [is] in Egypt, and their groaning I did hear, and came down to deliver them; and now come, I will send thee to Egypt.
35 “Musa mwenuyu ndi yula mweabeleliwi na vandu va Isilaeli pavamjovili, ‘Yani mweakuvikili kuvya chilongosi na mhamula pagati yitu?’ Chapanga amtumili Musa kuvya chilongosi na mgombozi, kwa njila ya mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga mweamhumalili padahi pepiyaka motu.
'This Moses, whom they did refuse, saying, Who did set thee a ruler and a judge? this one God a ruler and a redeemer did send, in the hand of a messenger who appeared to him in the bush;
36 Ndi mweavalongwisi vandu vala vawuka ku Misili kwa kuhenga ulangisu wa gachinamtiti na makangaso pamulima wa Misili na Kunyanja ya Shamu na kulugangatu, mulukumbi lwa miyaka alobaini.
this one did bring them forth, having done wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red Sea, and in the wilderness forty years;
37 Musa ndi mweavajovili vandu va Isilaeli, ‘Chapanga yati akuvahagulila mlota waki ngati nene pagati ya valongo vinu mwavene.’
this is the Moses who did say to the sons of Israel: A prophet to you shall the Lord your God raise up out of your brethren, like to me, him shall ye hear.
38 Mwene ndi mweavili kulugangatu kula, pevakonganiki vandu va Isilaeli. Musa avili ngati mjumbi pagati ya vagogo vitu, na mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga, lukumbi pealongili nayu kuchitumbi cha Sinai ndi mweagotoliwi malovi ga wumi atijovela tete.”
'This is he who was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the messenger who is speaking to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers who did receive the living oracles to give to us;
39 “Nambu vagogo vitu ndi vabelili kumyidakila, ndi vakamkang'a pamuhana kuni mumitima yavi vakanogela kuwuya ku Misili.
to whom our fathers did not wish to become obedient, but did thrust away, and turned back in their hearts to Egypt,
40 Vakamjovela mlongo wa Musa Aloni, ‘Utikitila vachapanga yeyikutulongosa munjila, muni nakumanya chechimkolili Musa mweatilongwisi kuhuma ku Misili!’
saying to Aaron, Make to us gods who shall go on before us, for this Moses, who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, we have not known what hath happened to him.
41 Penapo ndi pavajikitili chimong'omong'o cha mpapakasi wa ng'ombi, vakayitetela na vakakita mselebuko ndava ya lihengu la mawoko gavi vene.
'And they made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice to the idol, and were rejoicing in the works of their hands,
42 Nambu Chapanga akawuka pagati yavi na kuvaleka vazifugundamila ndondo za kunani, ngati cheyiyandikwi muhitabu ya vamlota va Chapanga. ‘Nyenye vandu va Isilaeli! Lepi nene mwemwanihinjili hinyama ndava ya luteta, Mumiyaka alobaini kulugangatu kula!
and God did turn, and did give them up to do service to the host of the heaven, according as it hath been written in the scroll of the prophets: Slain beasts and sacrifices did ye offer to Me forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
43 Nyenye mwagegili chindanda cha chapanga Moloki, na vindu vyemwajikitili kwa luhumu lwa ndondo ya chapanga winu Lefani. Vindu vyemwajikitili ndi vyemwavifugamili. Ndava ya yeniyo yati nikuvapeleka uvanda kutali na Babeli.’
and ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan — the figures that ye made to bow before them, and I will remove your dwelling beyond Babylon.
44 Kulugangatu kula vagogo vitu vavi na lindanda la kulangisa, lakitiwi ngati Chapanga cheamlagazili Musa ahengayi, ulangisu wulawula ngati weauwene.
'The tabernacle of the testimony was among our fathers in the wilderness, according as He did direct, who is speaking to Moses, to make it according to the figure that he had seen;
45 Kangi Vagogo vitu vahalilini lindanda vene kwa vene mbaka lukumbi lwa Yoshua, pevatolili mulima wula kuhuma kwa milima, Chapanga mweavingili palongolo yavi. Penapo ndi latamili mbaka lusenje lwa Daudi.
which also our fathers having in succession received, did bring in with Joshua, into the possession of the nations whom God did drive out from the presence of our fathers, till the days of David,
46 Daudi apewili uganu na Chapanga, akamuyupa ayidakila amujengela pandu pa kutama, mwene mweavi Chapanga wa Yakobo.
who found favour before God, and requested to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob;
47 Nambu Solomoni ndi mweamjengili Chapanga nyumba.”
and Solomon built Him an house.
48 “Nambu Chapanga Mkulu, itama lepi munyumba zezijengiwi na vandu ngati cheajovili mlota wa Chapanga,
'But the Most High in sanctuaries made with hands doth not dwell, according as the prophet saith:
49 ‘Bambu ijova, kunani ndi chigoda changu cha unkosi, na mulima ndi chigoda cha kuvikila magendelu gangu. Nyumba ya namuna yoki yemukunijengela nene? Ndi pandu poki penipumulila?
The heaven [is] My throne, and the earth My footstool; what house will ye build to Me? saith the Lord, or what [is] the place of My rest?
50 Namwene ndi mwenihengili vindu vyoha?’”
hath not My hand made all these things?
51 “Nyenye vandu mwemwinonopa, mitima na makutu ginu ndi ngati vandu va milima yangamulanda Chapanga. Nyenye ngati vagogo vinu. Magono goha mukumbela Mpungu Msopi.
'Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and in ears! ye do always the Holy Spirit resist; as your fathers — also ye;
52 Vagogo vinu vamng'aisi mlota wa Chapanga yeyoha yula, vevavakomili avo, Chapanga avatumili kukokosa kubwela kwa yula mweikita geigana Chapanga. Nambu nyenye mwamgewukili na kumkoma.
which of the prophets did not your fathers persecute? and they killed those who declared before about the coming of the Righteous One, of whom now ye betrayers and murderers have become,
53 Nyenye mwapokili malagizu gala gegaletiwi na mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga, nambu mwayidakili lepi.”
who received the law by arrangement of messengers, and did not keep [it].'
54 Vala vagogo va libanji pavamuyuwanili Stefani, vakaviniswa mitima, ndi vakajiluma minu cha ligoga.
And hearing these things, they were cut to the hearts, and did gnash the teeth at him;
55 Nambu Stefani kuni amemiswi Mpungu Msopi, akalolokesa kunani kwa Chapanga, auwene ukulu wa Chapanga na Yesu ayimili muchiwoko cha kulyela cha Chapanga.
and being full of the Holy Spirit, having looked stedfastly to the heaven, he saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
56 Stefani akajova, “Mlola! Niwona kunani kwa Chapanga kudindwiki na Mwana wa Mundu ayimili pachiwoko cha kulyela cha Chapanga!”
and he said, 'Lo, I see the heavens having been opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God.'
57 Vakulu va libanji, vakaywanga na vakagubika makutu gavi kwa mawoko. Kangi vakamuhumbila voha kwa pamonga.
And they, having cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and did rush with one accord upon him,
58 Vakamkwekwesa kuvala ya muji, na kutumbula kumtova na maganga, vevavawene vakagavika makoti gavi paulonda wa msongolo mmonga liina laki Sauli.
and having cast him forth outside of the city, they were stoning [him] — and the witnesses did put down their garments at the feet of a young man called Saul —
59 Pevayendalili kumtova na maganga Stefani kuni mwene iyupa kwa Chapanga, “Bambu Yesu upokela mpungu wangu!”
and they were stoning Stephen, calling and saying, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit;'
60 Akafugama, akavemba kwa lwami luvaha, “Bambu, ukotoka kuvavalangila chevakubudila Chapanga!” Peamalili kujova ago, akafwa. Sauli ayidakili chitendu cha ukomaji wenuwo.
and having bowed the knees, he cried with a loud voice, 'Lord, mayest thou not lay to them this sin;' and this having said, he fell asleep.

< Matendu 7 >