< प्रकाश 8 >
1 जब थुमाले सातौँ मोहोर खोल्नुभयो, स्वर्गमा लगभग आधा घण्टा जति सन्नाटा छायो ।
And when He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour:
2 त्यसपछि मैले परमेश्वरको अगाडि उभिरहेका सात जना स्वर्गदूतलाई देखेँ, र तिनीहरूलाई सातवटा तुरही दिइयो ।
and I saw the seven angels, that stood before God; and seven trumpets were given to them.
3 अर्को स्वर्गदूत आए र सुनको धुपौरो लिएर वेदीको छेउमा उभिए । सिंहासन अगाडि सबै विश्वासीका प्रार्थनासँग चढाउनका लागि ती स्वर्गदूतलाई धेरै धूप दिइयो ।
And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given to Him much incense, that He might present it with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar, which was before the throne.
4 विश्वासीहरूका प्रार्थनासँगै धूपको धुवाँ स्वर्गदूतको हातबाट परमेश्वरको अगाडि पुग्यो ।
And the smoke of the incense went up with the prayers of the saints, out of the hand of the angel, before God.
5 स्वर्गदूतले धुपौरो लिए र वेदीबाट आगो भरे । तब तिनले त्यसलाई पृथ्वीमा फ्याँकिदिए, अनि चट्याङ, गडगडाहट, बिजुलीका चमकहरू उत्पन भए र भूकम्प गयो ।
And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it upon the earth: and there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings, and an earthquake.
6 तब सातवटा तुरही भएका सात स्वर्गदूतहरू ती फुक्नलाई तयार भए ।
And the seven angels, that had the seven trumpets, prepared themselves to sound their trumpets.
7 पहिलो स्वर्गदूतले आफ्नो तुरही फुके र त्यहाँ असिना र रगत मिसिएको आगो आयो । यसलाई तल पृथ्वीमा फालियो । यसले पृथ्वीको तिन भागको एक-तिहाइ भागलाई डढायो; तिन भागको एक-तिहाइ रुखहरूलाई डढायो र सबै हरिया घाँसलाई पनि डढायो । [टिपोटः केही पुराना संस्करणहरूमा यसलाई छोडिएको छ] । त्यसैले, यसको तिन भागको एक-तिहाइ डढेको थियो ।
And the first angel sounded his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was cast down upon the earth: and a third part of the trees and every green herb was burnt up.
8 दोस्रो स्वर्गदूतले आफ्नो तुरही फुके, अनि आगोले जलिरहेको एउटा ठुलो पहाडजस्तो केही समुद्रमा फालियो । समुद्रको एक-तिहाइ भाग रगत बन्यो ।
And the second angel sounded, and I saw as it were a great mountain on fire cast into the sea, and a third part of the sea became blood.
9 त्यसपछि समुद्रमा भएका जीवित प्राणीहरूमध्ये एक-तिहाइ भाग मरे, र जहाजहरूका एक-तिहाइ भाग नष्ट भए ।
And a third part of the creatures in the sea, that had life, died; and a third part of the ships were destroyed.
10 तेस्रो स्वर्गदूतले आफ्नो तुरही फुके, अनि आकाशबाट बलिरहेको राँकोजस्तो एउटा ठुलो तारा नदीहरूका एक-तिहाइ भाग र पानीको मुहानमा खस्यो ।
And the third angel sounded, and there fell from heaven a great star burning like a torch, and it fell upon a third part of the rivers, and the fountains of waters: and the name of the star is Wormwood;
11 त्यो ताराको नाउँ “ऐरेलु” हो । एक-तिहाइ भागको पानी तितो भयो, र त्यो तितो भएको पानीबाट धेरै मानिस मरे ।
and a third part of the waters became as wormwood: and many men died of the waters, because they were bitter.
12 चौथो स्वर्गदूतले आफ्नो तुरही फुके, त्यसैले, सूर्यको एक-तिहाइ भाग साथसाथै चन्द्रमाको एक-तिहाइ र ताराहरूको एक-तिहाइ भागमा प्रहार गरियो । एक-तिहाइ भाग अन्धकारमा परिणत भयो, अनि दिनको एक-तिहाइ र रातको एक-तिहाइ भागमा ज्योति भएन ।
And the fourth angel sounded, and a third part of the sun was smitten, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars; so that the third part of them was darkened, and the day lost a third part of it's light, and the night likewise.
13 अनि मैले हेरेँ, र आकाशको बिचमा उडिरहेको एउटा गरुड ठुलो सोरमा यसो भन्दै कराइरहेको सुनेँ, “बाँकी रहेका तिन स्वर्गदूतले फुक्नै आँटेका तुरहीको आवाजको कारण पृथ्वीमा बस्ने मानिसहरूलाई धिक्कार, धिक्कार, धिक्कार ।”
And I beheld, and heard an angel flying in the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice, Wo, wo, wo to the inhabitants on the earth from the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, that are yet to sound.