< भजनसंग्रह 90 >

1 हे परमप्रभु, सबै पुस्ताभरि नै तपाईं हाम्रो सरणस्थान हुनुभएको छ ।
A PRAYER OF MOSES, THE MAN OF GOD. Lord, You have been a habitation, To us—in generation and generation,
2 पहाडहरू बनाउनुअगि वा तपाईंले पृथ्वी र संसारलाई बनाउनुअगि, अनादिदेखि अनन्तसम्म नै तपाईं परमेश्‍वर हुनुहुन्छ ।
Before mountains were brought forth, And You form the earth and the world, Even from age to age You [are] God.
3 तपाईंले मानिसलाई धूलोमा फर्काउनुहुन्छ, र तपाईं भन्‍नुहुन्छ, “ए मानवजातिका सन्तानहरू हो, फर्क ।”
You turn man to a bruised thing, And say, Return, you sons of men.
4 किनकि तपाईंको दृष्‍टिमा हजार वर्षचाहिं बितेर जाँदा हिजोको दिन र रातको एक पहरजस्तै हो ।
For one thousand years in Your eyes [are] as yesterday, For it passes on, indeed, [as] a watch by night.
5 तपाईंले तिनीहरूलाई बाढीले झैं बढार्नुहुन्छ र तिनीहरू निदाउँछन् । बिहानमा तिनीहरू उम्रने घाँसहरूजस्तै हुन्‍छन् ।
You have inundated them, they are asleep, In the morning he changes as grass.
6 बिहानमा त्‍यो फक्रिन्‍छ र बढ्छ । साँझमा त्‍यो ओइलाउँछ र सुक्‍छ ।
In the morning it flourishes, and has changed, At evening it is cut down, and has withered.
7 साँच्‍चै, हामी तपाईंको रिसमा नष्‍ट भएका छौं र तपाईंको क्रोधमा हामी त्रसित छौं ।
For we were consumed in Your anger, And we have been troubled in Your fury.
8 तपाईंले हाम्रा अधर्महरू आफ्‍नो सामु, हाम्रा लुकेका पापहरू आफ्‍नो उपस्थितिमा राख्‍नुभएको छ ।
You have set our iniquities before You, Our hidden things at the light of Your face,
9 हाम्रो जीवन तपाईंको क्रोधमा बितेर जान्छ । हाम्रो वर्षहरू सुस्‍सकेराझैं बित्छ ।
For all our days pined away in Your wrath, We consumed our years as a (meditation)
10 हाम्रा आयु सत्तरी वर्ष वा हामी स्वस्थ्य छौं भने असी वर्ष हुन्छ । तर हाम्रा उत्तम वर्षहरू पनि कष्‍ट र पीडाले पूर्ण छन् । हो, ती चाँडै बितिजन्‍छन् र हामी उडिजान्छौं ।
The days of our years, in them [are] seventy years, And if, by reason of might, eighty years, Yet their enlargement [is] labor and vanity, For it has been cut off quickly, and we fly away.
11 तपाईंको रिसको प्रचण्डता र तपाईंको भय समानको तपाईंको क्रोध कसले जान्दछ?
Who knows the power of Your anger? And according to Your fear—Your wrath?
12 त्यसैले हाम्रो जीवनको विचार गर्न हामीलाई सिकाउनुहोस्, ताकि हामी बुद्धिमान् भएर जिउन सकौं।
Let [us] know to number our days correctly, And we bring the heart to wisdom.
13 हे परमप्रभु, फर्कनुहोस्! यो कहिलेसम्म हुनेछ? आफ्नो सेवकमाथि दया गर्नुहोस् ।
Turn back, O YHWH, until when? And regret concerning Your servants.
14 बिहान हामीलाई तपाईंको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तताले सन्‍तुष्‍ट पार्नुहोस्, ताकि हाम्रो जीवनभरि हामी आनन्‍दित र खुसी हुन सकौं।
Satisfy us at morning [with] Your kindness, And we sing and rejoice all our days.
15 हामीलाई विपत्तिमा पार्नुभएका दिनहरू र हामीले कष्‍ट भोगेका वर्षहरू जति थिए त्यति नै हामीलाई खुसी पार्नुहोस् ।
Cause us to rejoice according to the days Wherein You have afflicted us, The years we have seen evil.
16 तपाईंको सेवकले तपाईंको काम देखोस् र हाम्रा छोराछोरीले तपाईंको ऐश्‍वर्य देखून् ।
Let Your work appear to Your servants, And Your honor on their sons.
17 परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको कृपा हाम्रो होस् । हाम्रा हातका कामहरू फलिफाप होऊन् । वास्तवमा, हाम्रा हातका कामहरू फलिफाप गरिदिनुहोस् ।
And let the pleasantness of our God YHWH be on us, And establish on us the work of our hands, Indeed, establish the work of our hands!

< भजनसंग्रह 90 >