< भजनसंग्रह 149 >

1 परमप्रभुको प्रशंसा गर । परमप्रभुको निम्ति एउटा नयाँ गीत गाओ । विश्‍वासयोग्य जनहरूका सभामा उहाँको प्रशंसाको गीत गाओ ।
Praise ye the Lord. Sing ye vnto the Lord a newe song: let his prayse be heard in the Congregation of Saints.
2 इस्राएल तिनीहरूलाई बाउनुहुनेमा आनन्‍दित होस् । सियोनका मानिसहरू आफ्‍ना राजामा आनन्‍दित होऊन् ।
Let Israel reioyce in him that made him, and let ye children of Zion reioyce in their King.
3 तिनीहरूले नाँच्दै उहाँको नाउँको प्रशंसा गरून् । खैंजडी र वीणा बजाउँदै तिनीहरूले उहाँको प्रशंसाको गीत गाऊन् ।
Let them prayse his Name with the flute: let them sing prayses vnto him with the timbrell and harpe.
4 किनकि परमप्रभु आफ्‍ना मानिसहरूसँग प्रशन्‍न हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँले नम्रहरूलाई उद्धारले महिमित पार्नुहुन्छ ।
For the Lord hath pleasure in his people: he will make the meeke glorious by deliuerance.
5 विजयमा धर्मीहरू आनन्‍दि होऊन् । तिनीहरू आ-आफ्ना ओछ्यानमा आनन्दका गीत गाऊन् ।
Let ye Saints be ioyfull with glorie: let them sing loud vpon their beddes.
6 तिनीहरूका मुखहरूमा परमेश्‍वरको प्रशंसा र तिनीहरूका हातमा दुई धारे तरवार होस्,
Let the high Actes of God bee in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hands,
7 जातिहरूमा बदला लिन र मानिसहरूमा दण्डका कामहरू गर्न ।
To execute vengeance vpon the heathen, and corrections among the people:
8 तिनीहरूले आफ्‍ना राजाहरूलाई साङ्लाहरूले र आफ्‍ना शासक वर्गलाई फलामे सिक्रीले बाँध्‍नेछन् ।
To binde their Kings in chaines, and their nobles with fetters of yron,
9 लेखिएका न्‍यायका फैसला तिनीहरूले गर्नेछन् । उहाँका सबै विश्‍वासयोग्य जनका निम्ति यो एउटा आदर हुनेछ । परमप्रभुको प्रशंसा गर ।
That they may execute vpon them the iudgement that is written: this honour shall be to all his Saintes. Prayse ye the Lord.

< भजनसंग्रह 149 >