< लेवीहरू 21 >

1 परमप्रभुले मोशालाई भन्‍नुभयो, “पुजारीहरू अर्थात् हारूनका छोराहरूलाई यसो भन्, ‘आफ्ना मानिसहरूका बिचमा मर्नेहरूका निम्ति तिमीहरूमध्ये कोहीले पनि आफूलाई अशुद्ध नबनाउनू,
And YHWH says to Moses, “Speak to the priests, sons of Aaron, and you have said to them: No one defiles himself for a [dead] person among his people,
2 तर त्यसका नजिकका नातेदारहरू अर्थात् त्यसकी आमा, त्यसको बुबा, छोरा, त्यसकी छोरी, त्यसको दाजु वा भाइ,
except for his relation who [is] near to him: for his mother, and for his father, and for his son, and for his daughter, and for his brother,
3 वा त्यसमा आश्रित त्यसकी कन्या दिदी वा बहिनी जसको पति छैन, यी सबैका निम्ति त्यसले आफैलाई अशुद्ध बनाउन सक्‍छ ।
and for his sister, the virgin, who is near to him, who has not been to a man; he is defiled for her.
4 तर त्यसले आफ्ना अरू नातेदारहरूका निम्ति आफैलाई अशुद्ध नबनाओस् र आफैलाई अपवित्र नबनाओस् ।
A master [priest] does not defile himself among his people—to defile himself;
5 पुजारीहरूले आफ्नो शिर नखौरून् वा तिनीहरूका दाह्रीका कुना-कुना नकाटून्, न त तिनीहरूले आफ्ना शरीरहरू काटून् ।
they do not make baldness on their head, and they do not shave the corner of their beard, and they do not make a cutting in their flesh;
6 तिनीहरू आफ्ना परमेश्‍वरका निम्ति पवित्र रहून्, र तिनीहरूका परमेश्‍वरका नाउँको अपमान नगरून्, किनभने पुजारीहरूले परमप्रभुका भोजनको बलिदान अर्थात् तिनीहरूका परमेश्‍वरको भोजन अर्पण गर्दछन् । यसैकारण पुजारीहरू पवित्र रहून् ।
they are holy to their God, and they do not defile the Name of their God, for the fire-offerings of YHWH, bread of their God, they are bringing near, and have been holy.
7 तिनीहरू आफ्ना परमेश्‍वरका निम्ति अलग गरिएका हुनाले तिनीहरूले त्यस्ती स्‍त्रीलाई विवाह नगरून् जो एउटी वेश्‍या हो र जो अपवित्र छे, र तिनीहरूले आफ्नो पतिबाट विच्‍छेद भएकी स्‍त्रीलाई विवाह नगरून् ।
They do not take a woman of harlotry, or defiled, and they do not take a woman cast out from her husband, for he [is] holy to his God;
8 तैँले त्यसलाई अलग राख्‍नू, किनभने परमप्रभुलाई रोटी चढाउने त्यो नै हो । त्यो तेरो निम्ति पवित्र हुनुपर्छ, किनभने, तँलाई पवित्र तुल्‍याउने म परमप्रभु पवित्र छु ।
and you have sanctified him, for he is bringing the bread of your God near. He is holy to you, for I, YHWH, sanctifying you, [am] holy.
9 पुजारीकी छोरी जो वेश्‍या भएर आफैलाई अपवित्र बनाउछे, त्यसले आफ्नो बुबाको अपमान गर्छे । त्यो जलाइयोस् ।
And when a daughter of any priest defiles herself by going whoring—she is defiling her father; she is burned with fire.
10 आफ्ना दाजुभाइहरूका बिचमा प्रधान पुजारी भएको मानिस जसको शिरमा अभिषेकको तेल खन्‍याइएको छ, र प्रधान पुजारीको विशेष पोशाक लगाउनको निम्ति अर्पण गरी पवित्र गरिएको छ, त्यसले आफ्नो केश खुला नछोडोस् वा आफ्ना लुगाहरू नच्यातोस् ।
And the high priest of his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil is poured, and who has consecrated his hand to put on the garments, does not uncover his head, nor tear his garments,
11 आफ्नो बुबा वा आफ्नी आमा जो भए तापनि लाश भएको ठाउँमा त्यो नजाओस् र आफैलाई अपवित्र नबनाओस् ।
nor does he come beside any dead person; he does not defile himself for his father and for his mother;
12 त्यो प्रधान पुजारी पवित्र स्थानबाट बाहिर ननिस्कोस् र त्यसले आफ्नो परमेश्‍वरको पवित्र स्थानलाई अशुद्ध नबनाओस्, किनभने त्यो आफ्नो परमेश्‍वरको अभिषेक गर्ने तेलद्वारा प्रधान पुजारीको रूपमा अर्पण गरिएको छ । म परमप्रभु हुँ ।
nor does he go out from the sanctuary, nor does he defile the sanctuary of his God, for the separation of the anointing oil of his God [is] on him; I [am] YHWH.
13 प्रधान पुजारीले आफ्नी पत्‍नीको रूपमा कन्या केटी बिहे गरोस् ।
And he takes a wife in her virginity;
14 त्यसले विधवा, विच्‍छेद भएकी स्‍त्री, वा वेश्‍या बिहे नगरोस् । यस्ता स्‍त्रीहरूलाई त्यसले बिहे नगरोस् । त्यसले आफ्नै मानिसहरूबाट एउटा कन्या केटी नै बिहे गरोस्,
a widow, or cast out, or defiled, [or] a harlot—these he does not take, but he takes a virgin of his own people [for] a wife,
15 ताकि त्यसले आफ्ना मानिसहरूका बिचमा आफ्ना छोराछोरीहरूलाई अशुद्ध नबनाओस्, किनभने त्यसलाई पवित्र बनाउने परमप्रभु म नै हुँ’ ।”
and he does not defile his seed among his people; for I [am] YHWH, sanctifying him.”
16 परमप्रभुले मोशालाई भन्‍नुभयो,
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
17 “हारूनलाई यसो भन्, ‘तेरा सारा वंशहरूभित्र तेरा उत्तराधिकारीहरूमा कुनै शारीरिक खोट छ भने, त्यसले आफ्नो परमेश्‍वरलाई भोजन अर्पण गर्न नजिक नआओस् ।
“Speak to Aaron, saying, No man of your seed throughout their generations in whom there is blemish draws near to bring the bread of his God near,
18 शारीरिक खोट भएको मानिस परमप्रभुको नजिक नआओस्, जस्तै दृष्‍टिविहीन वा हिँड्न नसक्‍ने मानिस, विरूपित वा आकार विकृत भएको मानिस,
for no man in whom [is] a blemish draws near: a man blind, or lame, or disfigured, or deformed,
19 हात वा खुट्टा बाँङ्गिएको मानिस,
or a man in whom there is a breach in the foot, or a breach in the hand,
20 पछाडि ढाडमा मासुको डल्‍ला पलाएको मानिस, वा धेरै पातलो वा होचो मानिस, वा आँखामा खोट भएको मानिस, वा रोग लागेको, घाउ भएको, चर्मरोग लागेको, वा अन्डाकोष पिसिएको मानिस ।
or hunchbacked, or a dwarf, or [with] a defect in his eye, or [with] an itch, or [with] a scab, or [with] a broken testicle.
21 पुजारी हारूनका उत्तराधिकारीहरूका बिचबाट शारीरिक खोट भएको कोही मानिस पनि परमप्रभुको निम्ति होमबलि अर्पण गर्नलाई नजिक नआओस् । शारीरिक खोट भएको मानिस आफ्नो परमप्रभुको रोटी अर्पण गर्न नजिक नआओस् ।
No man in whom is blemish (of the seed of Aaron the priest) comes near to bring the fire-offerings of YHWH near; blemish [is] in him; he does not come near to bring the bread of his God near.
22 परमेश्‍वरको अति पवित्र वा पवित्र भोजनबाट त्यसले खान मिल्छ ।
Bread of his God—from the most holy things and from the holy things—he eats;
23 तर, त्यो पर्दाभित्र प्रवेश नगरोस्, न त वेदीको नजिक आओस्, किनभने त्यसमा शारीरिक खोट छ, र त्यसले मेरो पवित्र स्थानलाई अशुद्ध नबनाओस्, किनभने तिनीहरूलाई पवित्र बनाउने परमप्रभु मै हुँ’ ।”
only, he does not come toward the veil, and he does not draw near to the altar; for blemish [is] in him; and he does not defile My sanctuaries; for I [am] YHWH, sanctifying them.”
24 यसैले मोशाले यी वचनहरू हारून, तिनका छोराहरू र इस्राएलका सारा मानिसहरूलाई सुनाए ।
And Moses speaks to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel.

< लेवीहरू 21 >