< लेवीहरू 1 >

1 परमप्रभुले मोशालाई भेट हुने पालबाट बोलाएर यसो भन्‍नुभयो,
Then called he unto Moses, —and Yahweh spake unto him, out of the tent of meeting, saying:
2 “इस्राएलका मानिसहरूलाई यस्तो भन्‍नू, ‘तिमीहरूका बिचबाट कसैले परमप्रभुको निम्ति बलि ल्याउँदा गाई-गोरुको बथान वा भेडा-बाख्राका बगालबाट पशु ल्याउनू ।
Speak thou unto the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them When any man, would bring near from among you an oblation, unto Yahweh, from the beasts, from the herd or from the flock, shall ye bring near your oblation.
3 यदि त्यसको बलि गाई-गोरुको होमबलि हो भने, त्यसले निष्‍खोट गोरु ल्याओस् । परमप्रभुको अगि ग्रहणयोग्‍य होस् भनेर त्यसले त्यो भेट हुने पालको प्रवेशद्वारमा चढाओस् ।
If an ascending-sacrifice, be his oblation—of the herd, a male without defect, shall he bring near, —unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall he bring it, for its acceptance, before Yahweh.
4 त्यसले आफ्नो हात त्यस होमबलिको टाउकोमाथि राखोस्, र त्यसपछि त्यसको खातिर त्यो प्रायश्‍चित्तको रूपमा ग्रहण हुने छ ।
Then shall he lean his hand, upon the head of the ascending-sacrifice, —and it shall be accepted for him to put a propitiatory covering over him;
5 त्यसपछि त्यसले त्यो गोरुलाई परमप्रभुको अगि मारोस् । हारूनका छोराहरू अर्थात् पुजारीहरूले त्यसको रगत भेट हुने पालको प्रवेशद्वारमा रहेको वेदीमा चढाई छर्कून् ।
and he shall slay the young bullock before Yahweh, —and the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall bring near the blood, and shall dash the blood against the altar round about, [even the altar] that is at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
6 तब त्यसले त्यो होमबलिको छाला काढेर त्यसलाई टुक्रा-टुक्रा गरी काटोस् ।
Then shall he flay the ascending-sacrifice, —and cut it up into its pieces.
7 अनि पुजारी हारूनका छोराहरूले वेदीमाथि आगो लगाऊन् र त्यस आगोमा दाउराहरू राखून् ।
And the sons of Aaron the priest shall place fire upon the altar, —and arrange wood, upon the fire.
8 हारूनका छोराहरू, अर्थात् पुजारीहरूले वेदीको दाउरामाथिको आगोमा ती टुक्राहरू, टाउको र बोसो मिलाएर राखून् ।
And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall arrange the pieces, the head and the fat, —upon the wood, that is on the fire, that is on the altar.
9 तर त्यसका भित्री भागहरू र खुट्‍टाहरूलाई त्यसले पानीले धोओस् । त्यसपछि पुजारीले वेदीमा भएका सबै कुराहरूलाई होमबलिको रूपमा जलाऊन् । त्यसले मेरो निम्ति मिठो सुगन्ध निकाल्‍ने छ; त्यो मेरो निम्ति चढाइएको होमबलि हुने छ ।
But its inwards and its legs, shall they bathe with water, —then shall the priest make, of the whole, a perfume at the altar, an ascending-sacrifice an altar-flame of a satisfying odour unto Yahweh.
10 यदि त्यसको होमबलि भेडाहरू वा बाख्राहरूमध्येबाट हो भने, त्यसले एउटा निष्‍खोट भाले चढाओस् ।
But, if of the flock, be his oblation, —of the sheep or of the goats, for an ascending-sacrifice, a male without defect, shall he bring near.
11 त्यसले त्यो परमप्रभुको अगि वेदीको उत्तर पट्‍टिको भागमा मारोस् । हारूनका छोराहरू, अर्थात् पुजारीहरूले त्यसको रगत वेदीको वरिपरि छर्कून् ।
And he shall slay it on the side of the altar northward, before Yahweh, —and the sons of Aaron the priests shall dash its blood against the altar round about.
12 त्यसपछि त्यसले त्यो टुक्रा-टुक्रा गरी काटोस्, र पुजारीले त्यसको टाउको र बोसोलाई वेदीको दाउरामाथिको आगोमा मिलाएर राखोस्,
And he shall cut it up into its pieces, and its head, and its fat, —and the priest shall arrange them upon the wood that is on the fire, that is on the altar,
13 तर त्यसका आन्द्राभुँडी र खुट्‍टाहरूलाई भने त्यसले पानीले धोओस् । त्यसपछि पुजारीले ती सबै चढाओस्, र वेदीमा जलाओस् । यो होमबलि हो, र यसले परमप्रभुको निम्ति मिठो सुगन्ध दिने छ; यो उहाँलाई चढाइएको होमबलि हो ।
But the inwards and the legs, shall he bathe in water, —then shall the priest bring near the whole and make a perfume at the altar, an ascending-sacrifice, it is an altar-flame of a satisfying odour, unto Yahweh.
14 यदि परमप्रभुको निम्ति त्यसको बलि पक्षीहरूको होमबलि हो भने, त्यसले एउटा ढुकुर वा परेवाको बचेरा ल्याओस् ।
But, if, of birds, be the ascending-sacrifice of his oblation unto Yahweh, then shall he bring near of the turtle-doves or of the young pigeons, his oblation.
15 पुजारीले त्यो वेदीमा ल्याओस्, त्यसको टाउको निमोठेर चुँडाओस्, र त्यसलाई वेदीमा जलाओस् । त्यसपछि त्यसको रगत वेदीको छेउमा बहाइयोस् ।
And the priest shall bring it near unto the altar shall nip off its head, and make a perfume at the altar, —and its blood shall be drained out upon the wall of the altar.
16 त्यसले त्यसका आन्द्राभुँडीलाई त्यसका मलसहित बाहिर निकाली वेदीको पूर्वपट्‍टि खरानी राखिने ठाउँमा फ्याँकोस् ।
Then shall he take away its crop with its plumage, —and cast it beside the altar, eastward, into the place of fat ashes;
17 त्यसले पखेटाबाट त्यसलाई च्यातोस्, तर त्यसले त्यसलाई दुई टुक्रा नगरोस् । त्यसपछि पुजारीले त्यो वेदीको दाउरामाथिको आगोमा जलाओस् । यो एउटा होमबलि हुने छ, र यसले परमप्रभुको निम्ति मिठो सुगन्ध दिने छ; यो नै आगोबाट चढाइएको बलि हुने छ ।
and he shall cleave it in its wings—he shall not divide it asunder, so shall the priest make a perfume therewith, at the altar, upon the wood that is on the fire, —an ascending-sacrifice, it is, an altar-flame of a satisfying odour, unto Yahweh.

< लेवीहरू 1 >