< विलाप 1 >
1 एक पटक मानिसहरूले भरिपूर्ण सहर अहिले सुनसान बसिरहेको छ । त्यो शक्तिशाली जाति भए तापनि विधवाजस्तै भएको छ । त्यो जाति-जातिहरूका बिचमा राजकुमारीजस्तै थियो, तर अहिले जबरजस्ती दासत्वमा लगिएको छ ।
And it came to pass, after Israel was taken captive, and Jerusalem made desolate, [that] Jeremias sat weeping, and lamented [with] this lamentation over Jerusalem, and said, ALEPH. How does the city that was filled with people sit solitary! she is become as a widow: she that was magnified among the nations, [and] princess among the provinces, has become tributary.
2 त्यो रातमा रुन्छ र विलाप गर्छ, अनि त्यसको आँसुले गला भरिन्छ । त्यसको कुनै पनि प्रेमीले त्यसलाई सान्त्वना दिँदैन । त्यसका सबै मित्रले त्यसलाई धोका दिएका छन् । तिनीहरू त्यसका शत्रुहरू भएका छन् ।
BETH. She weeps sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks; and there is none of all her lovers to comfort her: all that were her friends have dealt deceitfully with her, they are become her enemies.
3 गरिबी र वेदनापछि यहूदा निर्वासनमा गएको छ । त्यो जाति-जातिहरूका बिचमा बस्छ, र त्यसले चैन पाउँदैन । त्यसलाई खेद्नहरू सबैले त्यसको घोर निराशामा त्यसलाई पक्रे ।
GIMEL. Judea is gone into captivity by reason of her affliction, and by reason of the abundance of her servitude: she dwells among the nations, she has not found rest: all her pursuers have overtaken her between her oppressors.
4 सियोनका सडकहरूले शोक गर्छन्, किनकि कुनै पनि तोकिएका चाडहरूमा आउँदैन । त्यसका सबै मूल ढोका उजाड भएका छन् । त्यसका पुजारीहरू सुस्केरा हाल्दछन् । त्यसका कन्याहरू शोकित छन्, र त्यो आफै नै बिलकुल निराशामा छ ।
DALETH. The ways of Sion mourn, because there are none that come to the feast: all her gates are ruined: her priests groan, her virgins are led captive, and she is in bitterness in herself.
5 त्यसका वैरीहरू त्यसको मालिक भएका छन् । त्यसका शत्रुहरूको उन्नति हुन्छ । त्यसका धेरै पापको कारण परमप्रभुले त्यसलाई कष्ट दिनुभएको छ । त्यसका स-साना बालबच्चाहरू त्यसको वैरीकहाँ निर्वासनमा जान्छन् ।
HE. Her oppressors are become the head, and her enemies have prospered; for the Lord has afflicted her because of the multitude of her sins: her young children are gone into captivity before the face of the oppressor.
6 सौन्दर्यले सियोनकी छोरीलाई छोडेको छ । त्यसका राजकुमारहरू खर्क पाउन नसक्ने मृगहरूजस्तै भएका छन्, र तिनीहरू दुर्बल भएर तिनीहरूलाई खेद्नेको अगिअगि भाग्छन् ।
VAU. And all her beauty has been taken away from the daughter of Sion: her princes were as rams finding no pasture, and are gone [away] in weakness before the face of the pursuer.
7 त्यसले कष्ट पाएको र घरवारविहीन भएको दिनमा यरूशलेमले आफूसित अगिल्ला दिनमा भएका त्यसका सबै बहुमूल्य खजानाहरूलाई सम्झने छ । त्यसका मानिसहरू वैरीको हातमा पर्दा कसैले त्यसलाई सहायता गरेन । वैरीहरूले त्यसलाई देखे, र त्यसको विनाशमा हाँसे ।
ZAIN. Jerusalem remembered the days of her affliction, and her rejection; [she thought on] all her desirable things which were from the days of old, when her people fell into the hands of the oppressor, and there was none to help her: when her enemies saw [it] they laughed at her habitation.
8 यरूशलेमले घोर पाप गर्यो । त्यो अशुद्ध वस्तुजस्तै तिरस्कृत भएको छ । त्यसलाई आदर गर्ने सबैले अहिले त्यसलाई तिरस्कार गर्छ, किनकि तिनीहरूले त्यसको नग्नता देखेका छन् । त्यसले सुस्केरा हाल्छ, र भाग्ने कोसिस गर्छ ।
HETH. Jerusalem has sinned a [great] sin; therefore has she come into tribulation, all that used to honor her have afflicted her, for they have seen her shame: yes, she herself groaned, and turned backward.
9 त्यसको फरियाभित्र त्यो अशुद्ध भएको छ । त्यसले आफ्नो भविष्यको विषयमा सोचेन । त्यसको पतन डरलाग्दो थियो । त्यसलाई सान्त्वना दिने कोही थिएन । त्यो चिच्च्यायो, “हे परमप्रभु, मेरो कष्टलाई हेर्नुहोस्, किनकि शत्रु अति महान् भएको छ ।”
TETH. Her uncleanness is before her feet; she remembered not her last end; she has lowered her boasting [tone], there is none to comfort her. Behold, O Lord, my affliction: for the enemy has magnified himself.
10 वैरीले हाम्रा सबै बहुमूल्य खजानामा आफ्नो हात हालेको छ । तपाईंको पवित्र सभामा जाति-जातिहरू प्रवेश गर्नुहुँदैन भनी तपाईंले आज्ञा दिनुभए तापनि त्यसले आफ्नो पवित्रस्थानमा तिनीहरू प्रवेश गरेको देखेको छ ।
JOD. The oppressor has stretched out his hand on all her desirable things: for she has seen the Gentiles entering into her sanctuary, [concerning] whom you did command that they should not enter into your congregation.
11 त्यसका सबै मानिसले रोटीको खोजी गर्दा तिनीहरू सुस्केरा हाल्छन् । आफ्ना प्राण बचाउनलाई खानाको लागि तिनीहरूले आफ्ना बहुमूल्य खजानाहरू दिएका छन् । हे परमप्रभु, हेर्नुहोस्, र मलाई विचार गर्नुहोस्, किनकि म बेकम्मा भएको छु ।
CHAPH. All her people groan, seeking bread: they have given their desirable things for meat, to restore their soul: behold, Lord, and look; for she is become dishonored.
12 यताबाट भएर जाने तिमीहरू सबैलाई के यसको वास्ता छैन? मलाई दिइएको शोकजस्तै कसैको शोक छ कि छैन भनेर हेर र विचार गर, किनकि परमप्रभुले आफ्नो भयङ्कर क्रोधको दिनमा मलाई यातना दिनुभएको छ ।
LAMED. All you that pass by the way, turn, and see if there is sorrow like to my sorrow, which has happened [to me]. The Lord who spoke by me has afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.
13 उहाँले उच्चबाट मेरा हड्डीमा आगो सल्काउनुभएको छ, र यसले तिनलाई जितेको छ । उहाँले मेरो खुट्टाको लागि जाल फिँजाउनुभएको छ, र मलाई फर्काउनुभएको छ । उहाँले मलाई निरन्तर रूपमा उजाड र कमजोर बनाउनुभएको छ ।
MEM. He has sent fire from his lofty habitation, he has brought it into my bones: he has spread a net for my feet, he has turned me back: he has made me desolate [and] mourning all the day.
14 मेरा आज्ञा उल्लङ्घनहरूको जुवालाई उहाँको हातद्वारा बाँधिएको छ । ती सँगसँग बाँधिएर मेरो काँधमा राखिएका छन् । उहाँले मेरो बललाई असफल तुल्याइदिनुभएको छ । परमप्रभुले मलाई तिनीहरूका हातमा सुम्पिदिनुभएको छ, र म खडा हुन सक्दिनँ ।
NUN. He has watched over my sins, they are twined about my hands, they have come up on my neck: my strength has failed; for the Lord has laid pains on my hands, I shall not be able to stand.
15 मेरो प्रतिरक्षा गर्ने मेरा सबै शक्तिशाली मानिसलाई परमप्रभुले एकातिर फ्याँकिदिनुभएको छ । मेरा हट्टाकट्टा मानिसहरूलाई धूलोपिठो पार्न उहाँले मेरो विरुद्धमा सभा बोलाउनुभएको छ । परमप्रभुले यहूदाका कन्या-छोरीहरूलाई दाखको कोलमा कुल्चिमिल्ची पार्नुभएको छ ।
SAMECH. The Lord has cut off all my strong men from the midst of me: he has summoned against me a time for crushing my choice men: the Lord has trodden a wine-press for the virgin daughter of Juda: for these things I weep.
16 यिनै कुराहरूको लागि म रुन्छु; मेरा आँखा आँसुको धारा बहन्छ । किनकि मलाई सान्त्वना दिने र मेरो जीवनलाई पुनर्स्थापित गर्ने मबाट निकै टाढा छ । शत्रुले मलाई परास्त गरेकोले मेरा बालबच्चा बेसहारा छन् ।
AIN. Mine eye has poured out water, because he that should comfort me, that should restore my soul, has been removed far from me: my sons have been destroyed, because the enemy has prevailed.
17 सियोनले आफ्ना हात फैलाएको छ । त्यसलाई सान्त्वना दिने कोही छैन । याकूबको वरिपरि हुनेहरू त्यसका वैरीहरू होऊन् भनी परमप्रभुले आज्ञा दिनुभएको छ । यरूशलेम तिनीहरूका लागि अशुद्ध छ ।
PHE. Sion has spread out her hand, [and] there is none to comfort her: the Lord has commanded [concerning] Jacob, his oppressors are round about him: Jerusalem has become among them as a removed woman.
18 परमप्रभु धर्मी हुनुहुन्छ, किनकि म उहाँको आज्ञाको विरुद्धमा बागी भएको छु । हे सबै मानिस हो, सुन र मेरो शोकलाई विचार गर । मेरा कन्याहरू र हट्टाकट्टा मानिसहरू निर्वासनमा गएका छन् ।
TSADE. The Lord is righteous; for I have provoked his mouth: hear, I pray you, all people, and behold my grief: my virgins and my young men are gone into captivity.
19 मैले मेरा मित्रहरूलाई बोलाएँ, तर तिनीहरू मप्रति धोकेबाज निस्किए । मेरा पुजारीहरू र मेरा धर्म-गुरुहरूले आफ्ना प्राण बचाउनको लागि खानाको खोजी गर्दा तिनीहरू सहरमा नै नष्ट भए ।
KOPH. I called my lovers, but they deceived me: my priests and my elders failed in the city; for they sought meat that they might restore their souls, and found [it] not.
20 हे परमप्रभु, हेर्नुहोस्, किनकि म निराशामा छु । मेरो पेट हुँडल्छ । मेरो हृदय मभित्रै छटपटिन्छ, किनकि म ज्यादै विद्रोही भएको छु । बाहिर तरवारले आमालाई नष्ट पार्छ, घरभित्र केवल मृत्यु छ ।
RHECHS. Behold, O Lord; for I am afflicted: my belly is troubled, and my heart is turned within me; for I have been grievously rebellious: abroad the sword has bereaved me, even as death at home.
21 तिनीहरूले मेरो सुस्केरा सुनेका छन्, तर मलाई सान्त्वना दिने कोही छैन । मेरा सबै शत्रुले मेरो कष्टको विषयमा सुनेका छन्, र तपाईंले यसो गर्नुभएकोमा तिनीहरू खुसी छन् । तपाईंले प्रतिज्ञा गर्नुभएको दिन तपाईंले ल्याउनुभएको छ । अब तिनीहरू मजस्तै होऊन् ।
CHSEN. Hear, I pray you, for I groan: there is none to comfort me: all mine enemies have heard [of] mine afflictions, and rejoice because you have done [it]: you have brought on the day, you have called the time: they are become like to me.
22 तिनीहरूका सबै दुष्टता तपाईंको सामु आऊन् । मेरा सबै आज्ञा उल्लङ्घनको कारणले तपाईंले मलाई व्यवहार गर्नुभएझैँ तिनीहरूसित व्यवहार गर्नुहोस् । मेरा सुस्केरा धेरै छन्, र मेरो हृदय मुर्छा परेको छ ।
THAU. Let all their wickedness come before your face; and strip them, as they have made a gleaning for all my sins: for my groans are many, and my heart is grieved.