< यहोशू 18 >

1 त्यसपछि इस्राएलका मानिसको सारा सभा शीलोमा जम्‍मा भयो । तिनीहरूले त्यहाँ भेट हुने पाल खडा गरे र त्यो भूमि तिनीहरूको अधीनमा थियो ।
And the whole Congregation of the children of Israel, came together at Shiloh: for they set vp the Tabernacle of the Congregation there, after the land was subiect vnto them.
2 इस्राएलका मानिसहरूमाझ अझै पनि सात कुल थिए जसलाई तिनीहरूका उत्तराधिकार दिइएको थिएन ।
Nowe there remained among the children of Israel seuen tribes, to whom they had not deuided their inheritance.
3 यहोशूले इस्राएलका मानिसहरूलाई भने, “परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका पुर्खाले तिमीहरूलाई दिनुभएको भू-भागमा जान तिमीहरूले कहिलेसम्म पछि सारिरहन्छौ?
Therefore Ioshua said vnto the children of Israel, Howe long are ye so slacke to enter and possesse the land which the Lord God of your fathers hath giuen you?
4 हरेक कुलको निम्ति तिन-तिन जना मानिस चुन र म तिनीहरूलाई पठाउने छु । तिनीहरूले गएर भू-भागहरूको सबै कुराको सर्वेक्षण गर्ने छन् । तिनीहरूले यसको विवरण तिनीहरूको उत्तराधिकारको दृष्‍टिकोणबाट तयार पार्ने छन् र त्यसपछि तिनीहरू मकहाँ फर्केर आउने छन् ।
Giue from among you for euery tribe three men, that I may sende them, and that they may rise, and walke through the land, and distribute it according to their inheritance, and returne to me.
5 तिनीहरूले यसलाई सात खण्डमा विभाजन गर्ने छन् । यहूदाको कुल दक्षिणतिर तिनीहरूकै क्षेत्रमा रहने छन् र योसेफको परिवार उत्तरतिर तिनीहरूकै क्षेत्रमा रहने छन् ।
And that they may deuide it vnto them into seuen parts, (Iudah shall abide in his coast at the South, and the house of Ioseph shall stand in their coastes at the North)
6 तिमीहरूले भूमिलाई सातवटा खण्डमा वर्णन गर्ने छौ र मकहाँ ल्याउने छौ । म परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वरको सामुन्‍ने यहाँ चिट्ठा हाल्ने छु ।
Ye shall describe the land therefore into seuen partes, and shall bring them hither to me, and I will cast lottes for you here before the Lord our God.
7 तिमीहरूका माझमा लेवीहरूको कुनै उत्तराधिकार छैन किनभने परमप्रभुको पुजारीको काम नै तिनीहरूको उत्तराधिकार हो । गाद, रूबेन र मनश्शेका आधा कुलले यर्दनपारि नै आफ्नो हिस्सा पाइसकेका छन् । यो उत्तराधिकार परमप्रभुका दास मोशाले नै तिनीहरूलाई दिएका हुन् ।”
But the Leuites shall haue no part among you: for the Priesthood of the Lord is their inheritance: also Gad and Reuben and halfe the tribe of Manasseh haue receiued their inheritance beyond Iorden Eastward, which Moses the seruant of the Lord gaue them.
8 त्यसैले मानिसहरू उठे र गए । भू-भागको विवरण लेख्‍न जाने मानिसहरूलाई यहोशूले यसो भन्‍दै आज्ञा दिए, “भूमिको सबैतिर जाओ, यसको विवरण लेख र मकहाँ आओ । म परमप्रभुको सामु यहाँ शीलोमा तिमीहरूको निम्ति चिट्ठा हाल्ने छु ।”
Then the men arose, and went their way: and Ioshua charged them that went to describe the land, saying, Depart, and goe through the land, and describe it, and returne to me, that I may here cast lottes for you before the Lord in Shiloh.
9 मानिसहरू उठे र भूमिको सबैतिर गएर हरेक भागमा सहरहरूको सूची बनाएर सातैवटै खण्डमा यसका सहरहरूको मुट्ठामा विवरण लेखे । अनि तिनीहरू शीलोमा यहोशूकहाँ छाउनीमा फर्के ।
So the men departed, and passed through the lande, and described it by cities into seuen partes in a booke, and returned to Ioshua into the campe at Shiloh.
10 त्यसपछि यहोशूले परमप्रभुको सामु शीलोमा तिनीहरूका निम्ति चिट्ठा हाले । यहोशूले इस्राएलका मानिसहरूलाई यहाँ नै बाँडफाँड गरे र हरेकलाई आ-आफ्नो भाग दिइयो ।
Then Ioshua cast lottes for them in Shiloh before the Lord, and there Ioshua deuided the land vnto the children of Israel, according to their portions:
11 कुल-कुलअनुसार बेन्यामीनको कुलको निम्ति भूमिको भाग । तिनीहरूलाई दिइएको क्षेत्र यहूदाका सन्तानहरू र योसेफका सन्तानहरूको बिच अवस्थित थियो ।
And the lot of the tribe of the children of Beniamin came foorth according to their families, and the cost of their lot lay betweene the children of Iudah, and the children of Ioseph.
12 उत्तरतिर तिनीहरूको सिमाना यर्दनमा सुरु भयो । त्यो सिमाना यरीहोको उत्तरतिरको पर्वतशृङ्खला हुँदै माथि पश्‍चिमी पहाडी देशतिर लाग्यो । यो बेथ-आवनको मरुभूमिसम्म पुगेको थियो ।
And their coast on the Northside was from Iorden, and the border went vp to the side of Iericho on the Northpart, and went vp through the mountaines Westward, and the endes thereof are in the wildernesse of Beth-auen:
13 त्यहाँबाट सिमाना लूजको (अर्थात् बेथेल) दिशामा दक्षिणतिर लाग्यो । त्यसपछि सिमाना बेथ-होरोनको दक्षिणतिरको पहडा हुँदै अतारोत-अद्दारतिर झर्‍यो ।
And this border goeth along from thence to Luz, euen to the Southside of Luz (the same is Beth-el) and this border descendeth to Atroth-addar, neere the mount, that lyeth on the Southside of Beth-horon the nether.
14 त्यसपछि सिमाना अर्कै दिशातिर मोडियोः पश्‍चिमपट्टि यो बेथ-होरोनबाट सामुन्‍नेतिरका पहाडतिर मोडियो । यो यहूदाको कुलको अधीनमा रहेको एउटा सहर किर्यत-बाल (अर्थात् किर्यत-यारीम) मा टुङ्गियो । यसले पश्‍चिमी सिमाना निर्माण गर्‍यो ।
So the border turneth, and compasseth the corner of the Sea Southward, from the mount that lyeth before Beth-horon Southward: and the endes thereof are at Kiriath-baal (which is Kiriath-iearim) a citie of the children of Iudah: this is the Westquarter.
15 दक्षिणतिरको सिमाना किर्यत-यारीमको बाहिरबाट सुरु भयो । यो त्यहाँबाट एफ्रोनतिर, नेप्‍तोहको पानीका मुहानहरूतिर निस्‍क्यो ।
And the Southquarter is from the ende of Kiriath-iearim, and this border goeth out Westward, and commeth to the fountaine of waters of Nephtoah.
16 त्यसपछि सिमाना पहाडको सिमातिर तल झर्‍यो, जुन बेनहिन्‍नोमको सामुन्‍ने थियो, जुन रपाईंको बेँसीको उत्तरी किनारामा थियो । यो त्यसपछि हिन्‍नोमको बेँसीतिर, यबूसीहरूको भिरको दक्षिण र एन-रोगेलतिर तल निरन्तर झर्‍यो ।
And this border descendeth at the ende of the mountaine, that lyeth before the valley of Ben-hinnom, which is in the valley of the gyants Northward, and descendeth into the valley of Hinnom by the side of Iebusi Southwarde, and goeth downe to En-rogel,
17 यो शेमशतिर गएर उत्तरतिर मोडियो, र त्यहाँबाट यो गलीलोततिर निस्‍क्यो, जुन अदुम्‍मीमको उकालोको सामुन्‍ने थियो । त्यसपछि यो रूबेनको बोहनको ढुङ्गातिर झर्‍यो ।
And compasseth from the North, and goeth foorth to En-shemesh, and stretcheth to Geliloth, which is toward the going vp vnto Adummim, and goeth downe to the stone of Bohan the sonne of Reuben.
18 यो बेथ-अराबाको काँधतिर उत्तरतिर र अराबातिर तल आयो ।
So it goeth along to the side ouer against the plaine Northward, and goeth downe into the plaine.
19 सिमाना बेथ-होग्‍लाको उत्तरतिर छिचोल्यो । त्यो सिमाना खारा समुद्रको उत्तरी खाडीमा, यर्दनको दक्षिणी किनारामा टुङ्गियो । यो दक्षिणतिरको सिमाना थियो ।
After, this border goeth along to the side of Beth-hoglah Northward: and the endes thereof, that is, of the border, reach to the point of the salt Sea Northward, and to the ende of Iorden Southward: this is the Southcoast.
20 पूर्वतिरको यसको सिमाना यर्दन नै भयो । यो बेन्यामीन कुलको उत्तराधिकार थियो, र यो कुल-कुलअनुसार, सिमाना-सिमाना गरेर वरिपरि दिइएको थियो ।
Also Iorden is the border of it on the Eastside: this is the inheritance of the children of Beniamin by the coastes thereof rounde about according to their families.
21 बेन्यामीन कुलको कुल-कुलअनुसारका सहरहरू यी नै थिएः यरीहो, बेथ-होग्ला, एमेक-कसीस,
Nowe the cities of the tribe of the children of Beniamin according to their families, are Iericho, and Beth-hoglah, and the valley of Keziz,
22 बेथ-अराबा, समारैम, बेथेल,
And Beth-arabah, and Zemaraim, and Beth-el,
23 अब्बीम, पारा, ओप्रा,
And Auim, and Parah, and Ophrah,
24 कपर अमोनी, ओप्‍नी, र गेबा । तिनीहरूका सहरहरूसहित त्यहाँ बाह्रवटा सहर थिए ।
And Chephar, Ammonai, and Ophni, and Gaba: twelue cities with their villages.
25 त्यहाँ गिबोन, रामा, बेरोतका सहरहरू पनि थिए ।
Gibeon, and Ramah, and Beeroth,
26 मिस्पा, कपीरा, मोशा,
And Mizpeh, and Chephirah, and Mozah,
27 रेकेम, यिर्पल, तरला,
And Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah,
28 सेलाह, एलेप, यबूस (यरूशलेमजस्तै), गिबा, र किर्यत । तिनीहरूका सहरहरूसहित त्यहाँ चौधवटा सहर थिए । यो बेन्यामीनको कुलको निम्ति तिनीहरूको उत्तराधिकार थियो ।
And Zela, Eleph, and Iebusi, (which is Ierusalem) Gibeath, and Kiriath: fourteene cities with their villages: this is the inheritance of the children of Beniamin according to their families.

< यहोशू 18 >