< योना 1 >

1 अब अमित्तैका छोरा योनाकहाँ परमप्रभुको वचन यसो भनेर आयो,
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Jonah [the] son of Amittai saying.
2 “उठ्‍ र त्यो ठुलो सहर निनवेमा जा, र त्यसको विरुद्धमा बोल्, किनभने मेरो सामु तिनीहरूको दुष्‍टता अति धेरै भएको छ ।”
Arise go to Nineveh the city great and call out on it for it has come up wickedness their before me.
3 तर परमप्रभुको उपस्थितिबाट भाग्‍न, र तर्शीशतिर जानलाई योना उठे । तिनी तल योप्‍पामा गए र तर्शीशतिर जाने एउटा पानी-जहाज फेला पारे । त्यसैले तिनले जहाजको भाडा तिरे र परमप्रभुको उपस्थितिबाट टाढा तर्शीशमा तिनीहरूसितै जानलाई त्यही जहाजमा चढे ।
And he arose Jonah to flee Tarshish towards from to before Yahweh and he went down Joppa and he found a ship - [which was] about to go Tarshish and he gave fare its and he went down in it to go with them Tarshish towards from to before Yahweh.
4 तर परमप्रभुले समुद्रमा एउटा ठुलो बतास पठाउनुभयो र त्यो समुद्रमा एउटा शक्तिशाली आँधी बन्यो । जहाज चाँडै नै नष्‍ट हुन लाग्‍दैछ भन्‍ने थाहा भयो ।
And Yahweh he threw a wind great to the sea and it was a storm great on the sea and the ship it thought to be broken.
5 तब नावीकहरू धेरै डराए र हरेक मानिसले आ-आफ्नै देवतालाई पुकार्‍यो । जहाजलाई हलुको बनाउनका निम्ति त्यसका मालसामान तिनीहरूले समुद्रमा फाले । तर योनाचाहिं जहाजको भित्री भागमा तल गएका थिए, र तिनी त्‍यहाँ मस्त निद्रामा सुतिरहेका थिए ।
And they were afraid the sailors and they cried for help everyone to gods his and they threw the vessels which [were] in the ship into the sea to lighten from on them and Jonah he had gone down into [the] innermost parts of the ship and he had lain down and he had fallen fast asleep.
6 यसैले जहाजका कप्‍तान तिनीकहाँ आए र तिनलाई भने, “तिमी यहाँ सुतेर के गरिरहेका छौ? उठ! आफ्नो देवतालाई पुकार! सायद तिम्रा देवताले हाम्रो वास्ता गर्नेछन् र हामी नष्‍ट हुनेछैनौं ।”
And he drew near to him [the] chief of the sailor[s] and he said to him what? [is] to you sleeping arise call to god your perhaps he will give thought the god to us and not we will perish.
7 तिनीहरू सबैले एकआपसमा यसो भने, “आओ, हामी चिट्ठा हालौं, यसरी हामीमाथि आइपरेको यस खराबीको कारण को हो भन्‍ने कुरा हामीले जान्‍नेछौं ।” यसैले तिनीहरूले चिट्ठा हाले, र त्यो चिट्ठा योनाको नाउँमा पर्‍यो ।
And they said each to neighbor his come so let us cast lots so we may know by which of whom? the evil this [belongs] to us and they cast lots and it fell the lot on Jonah.
8 तब तिनीहरूले योनालाई भने, “कृपागरी, हामीमाथि आइपरेको यस खराबीको कारण को हो, हामीलाई बताऊ । तिमी के काम गर्छौ, र तिमी कहाँबाट आएका हौ? तिम्रो देश कुन हो, र तिमी कुन मानिसबाट हौ?”
And they said to him tell! please to us because of whom? the evil this [belongs] to us what? [is] occupation your and from where? do you come what? [is] land your and where? from this people [are] you.
9 योनाले तिनीहरूलाई जवाफ दिए, “म एक जना हिब्रू हुँ । अनि परमप्रभु स्वर्गका परमेश्‍वरको भय म मान्‍छु जसले समुद्र र सुख्खा जमिन बनाउनुभएको छ ।”
And he said to them [am] a Hebrew I and Yahweh [the] God of the heavens I [am] fearing who he made the sea and the dry land.
10 त्‍यसपछि ती मानिसहरू झन् धेरै डराए र योनालाई भने, “तिमीले गरेको यो के हो?” तिनी परमप्रभुको उपस्थितिबाट टाढा भागिरहेका थिए भनी ती मानिसहरूले थाहा पाए, किनभने तिनले उनीहरूलाई त्‍यसै भनेको थिए ।
And they feared the men a fear great and they said to him what? this have you done for they knew the men that from to before Yahweh he [was] fleeing for he had told to them.
11 तब तिनीहरूले योनालाई भने, “तिमीलाई हामी के गरौं, जसले गर्दा समुद्र शान्‍त होस्?” किनकि समुद्र झन्-झन् धेरै प्रचण्ड हुँदै थियो ।
And they said to him what? will we do to you so it may be calm the sea from on us for the sea [was] going and storming.
12 योनाले तिनीहरूलाई भने, “मलाई उठाओ र समुद्रमा मलाई फालिदेओ । त्‍यसपछि तिमीहरूका निम्‍ति यो समुद्र शान्‍त हुनेछ, किनकि मेरै कारणले गर्दा तिमीहरूमाथि यो ठुलो आँधी चल्‍दैछ भनी म जान्‍दछु ।”
And he said to them pick up me and throw me into the sea so it may be calm the sea from on you for [am] knowing I that by which to me the storm great this [is] on you.
13 तापनि, ती मानिसहरूले जहाजलाई जमिनमा लानलाई सकसपुर्वक खियाए, तर तिनीहरूले त्‍यसो गर्न सकेनन्, किनकि तिनीहरूको विरुद्ध समुद्र झन्-झन् धेरै प्रचण्ड हुँदै थियो ।
And they rowed the men to return to the dry land and not they were able for the sea [was] going and storming on them.
14 यसकारण तिनीहरूले परमप्रभुलाई पुकारा गरे र यसो भने, “हे परमप्रभु, हामी तपाईंसँग बिन्ती गर्छौं, यस मानिसको प्राणको कारणले हामीलाई नष्‍ट हुन नदिनुहोस्, र यस मानिसको मृत्युको दोष हामीमाथि नहालिदिनुहोस्, किनभने तपाईं, परमप्रभुलाई जे गर्ने इच्‍छा भयो, त्यही तपाईंले गर्नुभयो ।”
And they called out to Yahweh and they said we beg you O Yahweh do not please let us perish by [the] life of the man this and may not you put on us blood innocent for you O Yahweh just as you pleased you have done.
15 यसैले तिनीहरूले योनालाई उठाए र तिनलाई समुद्रमा फालिदिए, र समुद्र उथल-पुथल हुन छाड्‍यो ।
And they picked up Jonah and they threw him into the sea and it stopped the sea from storming its.
16 त्यसपछि ती मानिसहरूले परमप्रभुको भय अत्‍यन्‍तै माने । तिनीहरूले परमप्रभुलाई बलिदानहरू चढाए र उहाँमा भाकलहरू गरे ।
And they feared the men a fear great Yahweh and they sacrificed a sacrifice to Yahweh and they vowed vows.
17 यति बेला योनालाई निल्‍नको निम्ति परमप्रभुले एउटा ठुलो माछालाई तयार पार्नुभएको थियो, र तिन दिन र तिन रातसम्म योना माछाको पेटमा नै रहे ।
And he appointed Yahweh a fish great to swallow Jonah and he was Jonah in [the] inward parts of the fish three days and three nights.

< योना 1 >