< यूहन्ना 2 >
1 तिन दिनपछि गालीलको कानामा एउटा विवाह थियो, र येशूकी आमा त्यहाँ थिइन् ।
On the third day a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee, and Jesus' mother was there.
2 विवाहमा येशू र उहाँका चेलाहरूलाई निम्तो दिइएको थियो ।
Now both Jesus and His disciples had been invited to the wedding.
3 जब दाखमद्य सकियो, येशूकी आमाले उहाँलाई भनिन्, “तिनीहरूसित दाखमद्य छैन ।”
So when the wine had given out, Jesus' mother says to Him, “They don't have any wine!”
4 येशूले जवाफ दिनुभयो, “हे नारी, तपाईं किन मकहाँ आउनुहुन्छ? मेरो समय अझ आइसकेको छैन ।”
Jesus says to her: “What is that to you and me, woman? My time has not yet come.”
5 उहाँकी आमाले नोकरहरूलाई भनिन्, “उहाँले तिमीहरूलाई जे गर भन्नुहुन्छ, त्यही गर” ।
His mother says to the servants, “Do whatever He may tell you.”
6 त्यहाँ यहूदी विधिअनुसार शुद्धिकरणको लागि हरेकमा झण्डै एक सय लिटर अटाउने छ वटा ढुङ्गाका भाँडाहरू थिए ।
(Now there were six stone waterpots set there, according to the purification rites of the Jews, containing 20 or 30 gallons each.)
7 येशूले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “भाँडाहरूमा पानी भर ।” त्यसैले तिनीहरूले पानी मुखसम्मै भरिदिए ।
Jesus says to them, “Fill the pots with water.” So they filled them to the brim.
8 तब उहाँले नोकरहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “अब अलिकति लगेर मुख्य व्यक्तिलाई देऊ” । तिनीहरूले त्यसै गरे ।
So He says to them, “Now, draw some out and take it to the master of ceremonies.” So they took it.
9 मुख्य व्यक्तिले दाखमद्य बनेको त्यो पानी चाखे, तर यो कहाँबाट आएको भन्ने उनलाई थाहा थिएन (तर पानी भर्ने नोकरहरूलाई थाहा थियो) । तब उनले दुलहालाई बोलाए
Well, when the master of ceremonies tasted the water that had become wine—he did not know where it came from, but the servants who had drawn the water knew—he calls the bridegroom
10 र तिनलाई भने, “हरेक मानिसले असल दाखमद्य पहिले बाँड्छ, र उनीहरू मातेपछि सस्तो दाखमद्य बाँड्छन् । तर तिमीले त असल दखमद्य अझसम्म राखेका छौ ।”
and says to him: “Everybody serves the good wine first, then, when people are intoxicated, the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”
11 गालीलको कानामा येशूले गर्नुभएको यो पहिलो चिह्न थियो, र उहाँले आफ्नो महिमा प्रकट गर्नुभयो, अनि त्यसैले उहाँका चेलाहरूले उहाँलाई विश्वास गरे ।
This, the first of the miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee and revealed His glory; and His disciples believed into Him.
12 यसपछि येशू, उहाँकी आमा, उहाँका भाइहरू, उहाँका चेलाहरू कर्फनहुममा झरे, र त्यहाँ उनीहरू केही दिनसम्म बसे ।
After this He went down to Capernaum—He, His mother, His brothers, and His disciples—but they did not stay there many days.
13 यहूदीहरूको निस्तार-चाड आउन लागेको थियो, र येशू यरूशलेम जानुभयो ।
Now the Jewish Passover was near, so Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14 उहाँले त्यहाँ गोरुहरू, भेडाहरू र परेवाहरू बेच्नेहरूलाई भेट्टाउनुभयो, र पैसा साट्नेहरू पनि त्यहाँ बसिरहेका थिए ।
And in the Temple He found people selling oxen and sheep and doves, also the moneychangers at work.
15 त्यसकारण, उहाँले डोरीको कोर्रा बनाएर भेडाहरू र गोरुहरूसहित तिनीहरू सबैलाई मन्दिरबाट बाहिर खेद्नुभयो । उहाँले पैसा साट्नेहरूको पैसा छरपष्ट पारिदिनुभयो र तिनीहरूका टेबलहरू पल्टाइदिनुभयो ।
When He had made a scourge out of cords, He drove all out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and as for the moneychangers, He overturned the tables and scattered the coins.
16 परेवा बेच्नेहरूलाई उहाँले भन्नुभयो, “यिनीहरूलाई यहाँबाट लैजाओ । मेरा पिताको घरलाई बजार बनाउन छोड ।”
And to the dove-sellers He said: “Get these things out of here! Stop turning my Father's House into a marketplace!”
17 उहाँका चेलाहरूले यस्तो लेखिएको कुरा सम्झे, “तपाईंको घरको जोसले मलाई जलाउँछ ।”
Then His disciples remembered that it stands written, “Zeal for Your House consumes me.”
18 तब यहूदीहरूका अधिकारीहरूले उहाँलाई प्रत्युत्तर दिए, र यसो भने, “तिमीले यी कुराहरू गरिरहेका हुनाले तिमीले हामीलाई के चिह्न देखाउँछौ?”
So the Jews answered and said to Him, “What sign do you show us, since you do these things?”
19 येशूले जवाफ दिनुभयो, “यो मन्दिरलाई भत्काओ र तिन दिनमा म यसलाई खडा गर्नेछु ।”
Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it.”
20 तब यहूदी अधिकारीहरूले भने, “यो मन्दिर बनाउन छयालिस वर्ष लाग्यो र तिमीले यसलाई तिन दिनमा बनाउने?”
So the Jews said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and you will raise it in three days?!”
21 तर उहाँले आफ्नो शरीरको मन्दिरबारे बताइरहनुभएको थियो ।
But He was speaking about the temple of His body.
22 त्यसैले उहाँ मृत्युबाट जीवित भई उठ्नुहुँदा, उहाँले भन्नुभएको यो कुरा उहाँका चेलाहरूले सम्झे र तिनीहरूले धर्मशास्त्र र येशूले भन्नुभएको यो भनाइमाथि विश्वास गरे ।
Therefore, when He was raised from among the dead His disciples remembered that He had said this; so they believed the Scripture, even the word that Jesus had spoken.
23 उहाँ निस्तार-चाडको अवधिभर यरूशलेममा हुनुहुन्थ्यो । उहाँले गर्नुभएको चिह्नहरू देखेर धेरै जनाले उहाँको नाउँमा विश्वास गरे ।
Now while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed into His name, observing the signs that He was doing.
24 तर येशूले तिनीहरूलाई भरोसा गर्नुभएन, किनभने उहाँले तिनीहरू सबैलाई चिन्नुहुन्थ्यो,
But as for Jesus Himself, He did not entrust Himself to them, because He knew all men
25 किनकि मानिसको बारेमा उहाँलाई कसैले गवाही दिनुपर्दैनथ्यो, किनभने त्यसभित्र के छ भन्ने उहाँ जान्नुहुन्थ्यो ।
and that He had no need that anyone should testify about man, because He Himself knew what was in man.