< इयोब 34 >

1 अझै एलीहूले निरन्‍तर बोले,
And he answered Elihu and he said.
2 “हे बुद्धिमान् मानिसहरू हो, मेरा वचन सुन्‍नुहोस् । हे ज्ञान भएकाहरू हो, मेरा कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस् ।
Hear O wise [men] words my and O [those who] know give ear to me.
3 जिब्रोले भोजनको स्वाद लिएझैं, कानले शब्दहरूलाई जाँच्ने कोसिस गर्छ ।
For [the] ear words it tests and [the] palate it tastes to eat.
4 जे न्‍यायोचित छ, सो हामी आफ्‍नो निम्‍ति रोजौं । जे असल छ, सो हामी आफ्‍नो बिचमा खोजौं ।
Justice let us choose for ourselves let us recognize between ourselves what? [is] good.
5 किनकि अय्यूबले भनेका छन्, 'म धर्मी छु, तर परमेश्‍वरले मेरा अधिकारहरू हटाउनुभएको छ ।
For he has said Job I am righteous and God he has taken away right my.
6 मेरा अधिकारहरू भए पनि मलाई झुटो ठानिएको छ । म पापी नभए पनि मेरो घाउ निको हुँदैन ।'
On right my will I lie? [is] incurable arrow my not transgression.
7 अय्यूब कस्ता मानिस हुन्, जसले गिल्लालाई पनि पानीझैं पिउँछन्,
Who? [is] a man like Job he drinks mockery like water.
8 जो दुष्‍ट काम गर्नेहरूको सङ्गतमा जान्छन्, र जो दुष्‍ट मानिसहरूसितै हिंड्छन् ।
And he travels for company with doers of evil and to walk with people of wickedness.
9 किनकि तिनले भनेका छन्, 'परमेश्‍वरले जे इच्‍छा गर्नुहुन्‍छ त्‍यो गर्नमा मानिसलाई कुनै रमाहट हुँदैन ।'
For he has said not it profits a man when is pleased he with God.
10 त्यसैले हे सुझबुझ भएका मानिसहरू हो, मेरो कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस् । परमेश्‍वरले कदापि दुष्‍ट काम गर्नुहुन्‍न । सर्वशक्तिमान्‌ले कदापि पाप गर्नुहुन्‍न ।
Therefore - O people of heart listen to me far be it to God from wickedness and [the] Almighty from unrighteousness.
11 किनकि उहाँले व्यक्तिको कामअनुसारको प्रतिफल दिनुहुन्छ । उहाँले हरेक मानिसलाई उसका आफ्नै चालअनुसारको इनाम दिनुहुन्छ ।
For [the] work of a person he will repay to him and according to [the] way of a person he will make find him.
12 वास्तवमा परमेश्‍वरले कुनै दुष्‍ट काम गर्नुहुन्‍न, न त सर्वशक्तिमान्‌ले कदापि न्यायलाई बङ्ग्याउनुहुन्छ ।
Also truly God not he acts wickedly and [the] Almighty not he perverts justice.
13 कसले उहाँलाई पृथ्वीको निरीक्षक तुल्याएको हो र? कसले सारा संसार उहाँको अधीनमा राखिदिएको हो र?
Who? did he assign on him [the] earth towards and who? did he put [the] world all of it.
14 उहाँले आफ्ना मनसायहरू आफैमा मात्र राख्‍नुभएको भए, र उहाँले कहिलै आफ्ना आत्मा र सास आफैमा फर्काउनुभए,
If he will set to it heart his spirit his and breath his to himself he will gather.
15 तब सारा प्राणी एकसाथ नष्‍ट हुन्‍थे । मानव-जाति फेरि पनि माटोमा नै फर्कन्‍थ्‍यो ।
It will expire all flesh together and humankind to dust it will return.
16 अब तपाईंसित सुझबुझ छ भने, यो कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस् । मेरो वचनको आवाजलाई सुन्‍नुहोस् ।
And if understanding hear! this give ear! to [the] sound of words my.
17 के न्यायलाई घृणा गर्नेले शासन गर्न सक्छ? के तपाईंले परमेश्‍वरलाई दोषी ठहराउनुहुन्‍छ जो धर्मी र शक्तिशाली हुनुहुन्छ?
¿ Also [one who] hates justice will he govern and or? [the] righteous [one] [the] mighty [one] will you condemn as guilty.
18 परमेश्‍वरले राजालाई भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'तँ निकम्मा होस्' वा कुलीनहरूलाई भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'तिमीहरू दुष्‍ट हौ ।'
¿ To say to a king worthless person wicked [one] to noble [people].
19 परमेश्‍वरले अगुवाहरूको पक्ष लिनुहुन्‍न, र गरिबहरूलाई भन्दा बढी मान धनीहरूलाई गर्नुहुन्‍न, किनकि तिनीहरू सबै उहाँका हातका काम हुन् ।
Who not he lifts up - [the] faces of princes and not he regards a rich person before a poor [person] for [are the] work of hands his all of them.
20 एकै क्षणमा तिनीहरू मर्नेछन् । मध्यरातमा मानिसहरू हल्लिन्‍छन् र बितेर जान्‍छन् । शक्तिशाली मानिसहरू लगिन्‍छन्, तर मानवीय हातले होइन ।
A moment - they die and [the] middle of [the] night they are shaken a people so they may pass away and people may remove [the] mighty not by a hand.
21 किनकि परमेश्‍वरको दृष्‍टि मानिसको चालमा हुन्‍छ । उहाँले त्यसका सबै कदम हेर्नुहुन्छ ।
For eyes his [are] on [the] ways of everyone and all steps his he sees.
22 यस्तो कुनै अन्धकार वा बाक्लो अँध्यारो छैन, जहाँ अधर्म गर्नेहरूले आफैलाई लुकाउन सक्छन् ।
There not [is] darkness and there not [is] deep darkness to hide themselves there [those who] do wickedness.
23 किनकि परमेश्‍वरले व्‍यक्‍तिको थप जाँच गर्नुपर्दैन । कुनै पनि व्यक्ति इन्‍साफको लागि उहाँको सामु जानु आवश्यक छैन ।
For not on a person he will appoint again to go to God in judgment.
24 उहाँले शक्तिशाली मानिसहरूलाई तिनीहरूका चालको कारणले टुक्रा-टुक्रा पार्नुहुन्छ जसको थप अनुसन्धान आवश्यक नै हुँदैन । उहाँले तिनीहरूका ठाउँमा अरूलाई राख्‍नुहुन्छ ।
He breaks mighty [ones] not inquiry and he appointed others in place of them.
25 यसरी तिनीहरूका कामहरूका जानकारी उहाँलाई हुन्‍छ । उहाँले यी मानिसहरूलाई रातमा पल्टाउनुहुन्छ । तिनीहरू नष्‍ट हुन्छन् ।
Therefore he is acquainted with deeds their and he overthrows [them] night so they may be crushed.
26 अरूले देख्‍नेगरी खुला ठाउँमा, उहाँले तिनीहरूका दुष्‍ट कामहरूको लागि अपराधीहरूलाई झैं तिनीहरूलाई मार्नुहुन्छ,
In place of wicked [people] he slaps them in a place of [those who] see.
27 किनकि उहाँको अनुसरण गर्नबाट तिनीहरू तर्के, र उहाँका कुनै पनि मार्गको अनुसरण गर्न इन्कार गरे ।
That there-fore they turned aside from after him and all ways his not they considered.
28 यसरी गरिब मानिसहरूको रोदन उहाँको कानले सुन्‍ने तिनीहरूले बनाए । कष्‍टमा परेका मानिसहरूको रोदन उहाँले सुन्‍नुभयो ।
To cause to come to him [the] outcry of [the] poor and [the] outcry of afflicted [people] he heard.
29 जब उहाँ चुप लाग्‍नुहुन्‍छ, तब कसले उहाँलाई दोषी ठहराउन सक्छ र? उहाँले आफ्नो अनुहार लुकाउनुहुन्‍छ भने कसले उहाँलाई भेट्‍न सक्छ र? उहाँले जाति र व्यक्तिमाथि समान किसिमले शासन गर्नुहुन्छ,
And he he will keep quiet - and who? will he condemn [him] as guilty and he may hide face and who? will he observe him and over a nation and over a person alike.
30 जसको कारणले पापी मानिसले शासन गर्न नपाओस्, यसरी मानिसहरूलाई पासोमा पार्ने कोही नहोस् ।
From reigning a person godless from snares of a people.
31 मानौँ, कसैले परमेश्‍वरलाई भन्छ, 'म निश्‍चय नै दोषी छु, तर म फेरि पाप गर्नेछैनँ ।
For to God ¿ has anyone said I have borne not I will act corruptly.
32 मैले देख्‍न नसक्‍ने कुरा मलाई सिकाउनुहोस् । मैले पाप गरेको छु, तर त्‍यो काम म फेरि गर्नेछैनँ ।'
Apart from [that which] I see O you instruct me if unrighteousness I have done not I will repeat.
33 तपाईंको विचारमा, परमेश्‍वरले गर्नुहुने कुरा तपाईंलाई मन पर्दैन भन्‍दैमा, के परमेश्‍वरले त्यो व्यक्तिको पापलाई दण्ड दिनैपर्छ र? तपाईंले नै चुन्‍ने हो, मैल होइन । त्यसैले आफूले जानेका कुरा भन्‍नुहोस् ।
¿ From with you will he repay it if you have rejected for you you will choose and not I and what? do you know speak.
34 सुझबुझ भएका मानिसहरूले मलाई भन्‍नेछन्— वास्तवमा मेरो कुरा सुन्‍ने हरेक बुद्धिमान् मानिसले भन्‍नेछ,
People of heart they will say to me and a man wise [who] listens to me.
35 'अय्यूब ज्ञानविनै बोल्छन् । तिनका शब्‍दहरूमा बुद्धिका कुरा छैनन् ।'
Job not with knowledge he speaks and words his not [are] with insight.
36 अय्यूबले दुष्‍ट मानिसहरूले झैं कुरा गरेको हुनाले, तिनको भनेका स-साना कुरा लिएर जाँच गर्न सकिए त!
Would that! he will be tested Job until perpetuity on answers among people of wickedness.
37 किनकि आफ्नो पापमा तिनले विद्रोह थप्छन् । हाम्रा बिचमा गिल्ला गर्दै तिनी थपडी मार्छन् । तिनी परमेश्‍वरको विरुद्धमा वचनको थुप्रो लगाउँछन् ।”
For he adds to sin his transgression between us he claps and he multiplies words his to God.

< इयोब 34 >