< यर्मिया 7 >

1 परमप्रभुको यो वचन यर्मियाकहाँ यसो भनेर आयो,
The word which it came to Jeremiah from with Yahweh saying.
2 “परमप्रभुको मन्दिरको मूल ढोकामा खडा हो र यो वचन घोषणा गर् । यसो भन्, 'परमप्रभुलाई आराधना चढाउन यी ढोकाहरूबाट प्रवेश गर्ने यहूदाका सबै मानिसहरू हो, परमप्रभुको वचन सुन ।
Stand in [the] gate of [the] house of Yahweh and you will proclaim there the word this and you will say hear [the] word of Yahweh O all Judah who come in the gates these to bow down to Yahweh.
3 सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छः तिमीहरूका मार्ग र अभ्यास असल बनाओ, र म तिमीहरूलाई यस ठाउँमा बसिरहन दिनेछु ।
Thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel make good ways your and deeds your so let me cause to dwell you in the place this.
4 छलपूर्ण वचनहरूमा आफू भर नपर र यसो नभन, 'परमप्रभुको मन्दिर! परमप्रभुको मन्दिर! परमप्रभुको मन्दिर!'
May not you trust for yourselves to words of deception saying [the] temple of Yahweh [the] temple of Yahweh [are] [the] temple of Yahweh they.
5 किनकि तिमीहरूले वास्तवमै तिमीहरूका मार्ग र अभ्यासहरू असल बनायौ भने, अनि तिमीहरूले मानिस र त्यसको छिमेकीको बिचमा न्यायलाई पूर्ण रूपमा कायम राख्यौ भने,
That except certainly you will make good ways your and deeds your certainly [if] you will do justice between everyone and between neighbor his.
6 तिमीहरूले देशमा बस्‍ने मानिस, अनाथ वा विधवालाई शोषण गरेनौ र यस ठाउँमा निर्दोषको रगत बगाएनौ र आफैलाई हानि पुर्‍याउन अरू देवताहरूको पछि लागेनौ भने,
[the] sojourner [the] fatherless And [the] widow not you must oppress and blood innocent may not you shed in the place this and after gods other not you must walk for harm of you.
7 म तिमीहरूलाई यस ठाउँमा बस्‍न दिनेछु, जुन देश मैले प्राचीन समयदेखि नै सदाको लागि तिमीहरूका पुर्खाहरूलाई दिएँ ।
And I will cause to dwell you in the place this in the land which I gave to ancestors your from antiquity and until perpetuity.
8 हेर! तिमीहरूले छलपूर्ण वचनहरूमाथि भरोसा गर्दैछौ जसले तिमीहरूको मदत गर्दैनन् ।
Here! you [are] relying for yourselves on words of deception to not to profit.
9 के तिमीहरू चोर्छौ, मार्छौ, र व्यभिचार गर्छौ? के तिमीहरू छलपूर्वक शपथ खान्‍छौ अनि बाल देवतालाई धुप चढाउँछौ र तिमीहरूले नचिनेका अरू देवताहरूको पछि लाग्छौ?
¿ Will you steal - will you murder? and will you commit adultery? and will you swear? to falsehood and will you make smoke? to Baal and will you walk? after gods other which not you have known.
10 त्यसपछि तिमीहरू आउँछौ अनि मेरो नाउँले बोलाइने यस मन्‍दिरमा मेरो सामु खडा हुन्‍छौ र यसो भन्छौ, “हामी बचाइएका छौं”, यसरी तिमीहरू यी सबै घृणित कामहरू गर्न सक्‍छौ?
And you will come and you will stand before me in the house this which it is called name my on it and you will say we are delivered so as to do all the abominations these.
11 के मेरो नाउँले पुकारिने यो घर तिमीहरूको दृष्‍टिमा डाँकुहरूको ओडार हो? तर हेर, मैले यो देखेको छु, यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो ।’
¿ A den of robbers has it become the house this which it is called name my on it in view your also I here! I have seen [the] utterance of Yahweh.
12 ‘त्यसैले शीलोमा भएको मेरो ठाउँ जाओ, जहाँ सुरुमा मैले मेरो नाउँ रहने अनुमति दिएँ, र मेरो जाति इस्राएलको दुष्‍टताको कारणले मैले यसलाई के गरें त्‍यो हेर ।
That go please to place my which [was] in Shiloh where I caused to dwell name my there at the former [time] and see [that] which I did to it because of [the] wickedness of people my Israel.
13 त्यसैले अब यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो, तिमीहरूका यी सबै अभ्यासको बारेमा तिमीहरूसित म बेलाबेलामा बोलेँ, तर तिमीहरूले सुनेनौ । मैले तिमीहरूलाई बोलाएँ, तर तिमीहरूले जवाफ दिएनौ ।
And therefore because did you all the deeds these [the] utterance of Yahweh and I spoke to you rising early and speaking and not you listened and I called you and not you answered.
14 त्यसकारण मैले शीलोलाई जे गरें, मेरो नाउँद्वारा बोलाइने यस मन्दिरलाई पनि म त्यसै गर्नेछु, तिमीहरूले भरोसा गरेको यो घर हो, जुन मैले तिमीहरू र तिमीहरूका पुर्खाहरूलाई दिएँ ।
And I will do to the house - which it is called name my on it which you [are] trusting in it and to the place which I gave to you and to ancestors your just as I did to Shiloh.
15 जसरी मैले तिमीहरूका सबै दाजुभाइ अर्थात् एफ्राइमका सबै सन्तानलाई निकालेँ, त्यसरी नै मेरो सामुबाट म तिमीहरूलाई निकाल्नेछु ।”
And I will cast out you from on face my just as I cast out all relatives your all [the] offspring of Ephraim.
16 “ए यर्मिया, तैंलेचाहिं यी मानिसहरूको लागि प्रार्थना नगर्, र तिनीहरूको पक्षमा विलाप नगर्, न त बिन्ती चढा, किनकि म तेरो कुरा सुन्दिनँ ।
And you may not you pray - for the people this and may not you lift up for them a cry of entreaty and a prayer and may not you entreat me for not I [will be] hearing you.
17 यहूदाका सहरहरू र यरूशलेमका सडकहरूमा तिनीहरूले के गरिरहेका छन् भनी के तँ देख्दैनस्?
¿ [are] not You seeing what? [are] they doing in [the] cities of Judah and in [the] streets of Jerusalem.
18 छोराछोरीले दाउरा बटुल्दैछन्, र बुबाहरू आगो बाल्दैछन् । तिनीहरूले मलाई चिढ्याउनलाई स्वर्गकी रानीको निम्ति फुरौला बनाउन स्‍त्रीहरू पिठो मुछ्दैछन्, र अरू देवताहरूका लागि अर्घबलि खन्याउँदैछन् ।
The children [are] gathering wood and the fathers [are] kindling the fire and the women [are] kneading dough to make cakes for [the] queen of the heavens and they are pouring out drink offerings to gods other so as to provoke to anger me.
19 के तिनीहरूले साँच्‍चै मलाई चिढ्याउँदै छन् त? यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो, के लाज तिनीहरूमाथि नै आइपरोस् भनेर तिनीहरूले आफैलाई चिढ्याइरहेका होइनन् र?
¿ Me [are] they provoking [the] utterance of Yahweh ¿ not themselves for [the] sake of [the] shame of faces their.
20 त्यसकारण परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'हेर, यस ठाउँमा मानिस र पशु दुवैमाथि, शेतबारीका रूखहरू र जमिनका फलमाथि मेरो रिस र क्रोधको ज्वाला फुट्नेछ । यसले जलाउनेछ, र कहिल्यै निभाइनेछैन ।”
Therefore thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh here! anger my and rage my [are] about to be poured out against the place this on humankind and on the animal[s] and on [the] tree[s] of the field and on [the] fruit of the ground and it will burn and not it will be quenched.
21 इस्राएलका सर्वशक्तिमान् परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, ‘तिमीहरूका बलिदानहरूमा होमबलिहरू मिसाओ, र तीबाट मासु पनि मिसाओ ।
Thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel burnt offerings your add to sacrifices your and eat meat.
22 किनकि मैले तिमीहरूका पुर्खाहरूलाई मिश्रदेशबाट ल्याउँदा तिमध्‍ये कुनै कुरा पनि मैले इच्‍छा गरिन । होमबलि र बलिदानहरूको विषयमा मैले तिनीहरूलाई कुनै आज्ञा दिइनँ ।
For not I spoke with ancestors your and not I commanded them on [the] day (brought out I *Q(K)*) them from [the] land of Egypt on matters of burnt offering and sacrifice.
23 मैले तिनीहरूलाई यो आज्ञा मात्र दिएँ, “मेरो आवाजलाई सुन, र म तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वर हुनेछु, र तिमीहरू मेरा मानिसहरू हुनेछौ । त्यसैले तिमीहरूको भलो होस् भनेर मैले तिमीहरूलाई दिएका सबै आज्ञामा हिंड ।”
That except the matter this I commanded them saying listen to voice my and I will become for you God and you you will become for me a people and you will walk in every way which I will command you so that it may go well for you.
24 तर तिनीहरूले सुनेनन्, वा ध्यान नै दिए । तिनीहरू आफ्‍ना दुष्‍ट हृदयका आफ्नै हठी योजनामुताबिक जिए । त्यसैले तिनीहरू पछिल्तिर गए, अगिल्तिर बढेनन् ।
And not they listened and not they inclined ear their and they walked in counsels in [the] stubbornness of heart their evil and they were backwards and not forwards.
25 तिमीहरूका पुर्खाहरू मिश्रदेशबाट आएको समयदेखि आजको दिनसम्म मैले आफ्‍ना हरेक सेवक र अगमवक्ताहरू तिमीहरूकहाँ पठाएको छु । मैले तिनीहरूलाई पठाउन जोड गरिरहेँ ।
From the day when they came out ancestors your from [the] land of Egypt until the day this and I sent to you all servants my the prophets day rising early and sending.
26 तर तिनीहरूले मेरो कुरा सुनेनन् । तिनीहरूले ध्यानै दिएनन् । बरु, तिनीहरू अटेरी भए । आफ्‍ना पुर्खाहरूभन्दा तिनीहरू अझै दुष्‍ट भए ।’
And not they listened to me and not they inclined ear their and they stiffened neck their they did evil more than ancestors their.
27 त्यसैले यी सबै वचन तिनीहरूलाई सुना, तर तिनीहरूले तेरो कुरा सुन्‍नेछैनन् । तिनीहरूलाई यी कुराको घोषणा गर्, तर तिनीहरूले तँलाई जवाफ दिनेछैनन् ।
And you will say to them all the words these and not they will listen to you and you will call to them and not they will answer you.
28 तिनीहरूलाई यसो भन्, “यो परमप्रभु आफ्ना परमेश्‍वरको आवाज नसुन्‍ने र अनुशासन पालन नगर्ने जाति हो । सत्यता नष्‍ट गरिएको छ, र तिनीहरूका मुखबाट बहिष्कृत गरिएको छ ।
And you will say to them this [is] the nation which not they listened to [the] voice of Yahweh God its and not they accepted correction it has perished faithfulness and it has been cut off from mouth their.
29 आफ्नो कपाल काट र आफूलाई खौरी । खुला ठाउँहरूमा मृत्‍यु संस्‍कारको गीत गा । किनकि परमप्रभुले आफ्नो क्रोधमा यस पुस्तालाई इन्कार गर्नुभएको छ र त्याग्‍नुभएको छ ।
Cut off hair your and throw [it] away and take up on bare heights a lamentation for he has rejected Yahweh and he has abandoned [the] generation of fury his.
30 किनकि यहूदाका छोराहरूले मेरो दृष्‍टिमा दुष्‍ट काम गरेका छन्, यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो । मेरो नाउँद्वारा पुकारिने यस मन्दिरलाई अपवित्र तुल्याउनलाई तिनीहरूले त्‍यसमा घृणित कुराहरू राखेका छन् ।
For they have done [the] people of Judah the evil in view my [the] utterance of Yahweh they have put detestable things their in the house which it is called name my on it to make unclean it.
31 अनि बेन-हिन्‍नोमको बेँसीमा तिनीहरूले तोपेतका अग्ला ठाउँहरू बनाए । तिनीहरूले आफ्ना छोराछोरीलाई आगोमा जलाउन त्‍यो बनाए । यो कुरो मैले तिनीहरूलाई आज्ञा दिएको थिइनँ, न त मेरो मनमा नै पसेको थियो ।
And they have built [the] high places of Topheth which [is] in [the] valley of Ben Hinnom to burn sons their and daughters their in the fire which not I commanded and not it came up on heart my.
32 यसैले हेर, यस्‍ता दिनहरू आउँदैछन्, यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो, त्‍यसबेला त्‍यो फेरि तोपेत वा हिन्‍नोमको बेँसी भनिने छैनन् । त्‍यो हत्याको बेँसी भनिनेछ । तोपेतमा खाली ठाउँ रहुञ्जेलसम्म तिनीहरूले त्यहा लाशहरू गाड्नेछन् ।
Therefore here! days [are] coming [the] utterance of Yahweh and not it will be said again Topheth and [the] valley of Ben Hinnom that except [the] valley of slaughter and people will bury in Topheth from not room.
33 यो जातिका लाशहरू आकाशका चराहरू र जङ्गली जनावरहरूका लागि आहारा हुनेछन्, र तिनीहरूलाई तर्साएर लखेट्ने कोही पनि हुनेछैन ।
And it will become [the] corpse[s] of the people this food for [the] bird[s] of the heavens and for [the] animal[s] of the earth and there not [will be one who] terrifies.
34 यहूदाका सहरहरू र यरूशलेमका सडकहरूबाट हर्ष र आनन्दको आवाज, दुलहा र दुलहीको सोरलाई म अन्त्य गरिदिनेछु, किनकि यो देश उजाड हुनेछ ।”
And I will cause to cease - from [the] cities of Judah and from [the] streets of Jerusalem [the] sound of joy and [the] sound of gladness [the] sound of a bridegroom and [the] sound of a bride for a desolation it will become the land.

< यर्मिया 7 >