< यर्मिया 52 >

1 सिदकियाहले राज्‍य गर्न सुरु गर्दा तिनी एक्‍काइस वर्षका थिए । तिनले यरूशलेममा एघार वर्ष राज्य गरे । तिनकी आमाको नाउँ हमुतल थियो । उनी लिब्नाका यर्मियाकी छोरी थिइन् ।
son: aged twenty and one year Zedekiah in/on/with to reign he and one ten year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and name mother his (Hamutal *Q(K)*) daughter Jeremiah from Libnah
2 परमप्रभुको दृष्‍टिमा जे खराब थियो, तिनले त्यही गरे । यहोयाकीमले गरेका हरेक कुरा तिनले गरे ।
and to make: do [the] bad: evil in/on/with eye: seeing LORD like/as all which to make: do Jehoiakim
3 परमप्रभुले आफ्नो सामुबाट तिनीहरूलाई नधपाउनुभएसम्म उहाँको क्रोधद्वारा यी सबै घटना यरूशलेम र यहूदामा घटे । तब सिदकियाह बेबिलोनको विरुद्धमा विद्रोह गरे ।
for upon face: anger LORD to be in/on/with Jerusalem and Judah till to throw he [obj] them from upon face his and to rebel Zedekiah in/on/with king Babylon
4 राजा सिदकियाहको शासनकालको नवौं वर्षको दसौं महिनाको दसौं दिनमा बेबिलोनका राजा नबूकदनेसर यरूशलेमको विरुद्धमा आफ्ना सबै सेनासँगै आए । तिनीहरूले यसको सामु छाउनी हाले, र तिनीहरूले यसको चारैतिर घेराबन्दी गरे ।
and to be in/on/with year [the] ninth to/for to reign him in/on/with month [the] tenth in/on/with ten to/for month to come (in): come Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon he/she/it and all strength: soldiers his upon Jerusalem and to camp upon her and to build upon her siegework around
5 यसरी राजा सिदकियाहको शासनकालको एघारौं वर्षसम्म सहरलाई घेराबन्दी गरियो ।
and to come (in): besiege [the] city in/on/with siege till eleven ten year to/for king Zedekiah
6 चौथो महिनाको नवौं दिनसम्म सहरमा यस्तो घोर अनिकाल पर्‍यो, कि देशका मानिसहरूका लागि कुनै खानेकुरा नै थिएन ।
in/on/with month [the] fourth in/on/with nine to/for month and to strengthen: strengthen [the] famine in/on/with city and not to be food to/for people [the] land: country/planet
7 तब सहरको पर्खाल भत्काइयो, र कल्दीहरू सहरको चारैतिर भए तापनि सहरको पर्खाललाई भत्काएर सबै योद्धा रातमा राजाको बगैंचानेर भएका दुईवटा पर्खालको बिचको ढोकाको बाटो भएर भागे । तिनीहरू अराबाको दिशातिर गए ।
and to break up/open [the] city and all human [the] battle to flee and to come out: come from [the] city night way: direction gate between [the] wall which upon garden [the] king and Chaldea upon [the] city around and to go: went way: direction [the] Arabah
8 तर कल्दीहरूका सेनाले राजा सिदकियाहलाई खेदे, र यरीहो नजिकैको यर्दन नदीका मैदानहरूमा भेट्टाए । तिनका सबै सेना तिनीबाट तितर-बितर भए ।
and to pursue strength: soldiers Chaldea after [the] king and to overtake [obj] Zedekiah in/on/with plain Jericho and all strength: soldiers his to scatter from upon him
9 तिनीहरूले राजालाई समाते र हमात देशको रिब्लामा बेबिलोनका राजाकहाँ तिनलाई ल्याए जहाँ राजाले तिनलाई दण्डको फैसला सुनाए ।
and to capture [obj] [the] king and to ascend: rise [obj] him to(wards) king Babylon Riblah [to] in/on/with land: country/planet Hamath and to speak: promise with him justice: judgement
10 बेबिलोनका राजाले सिदकियाहका छोराहरूलाई तिनकै आँखाका सामु मारे, र रिब्लामा तिनले यहूदाका सबै अगुवालाई पनि मारे ।
and to slaughter king Babylon [obj] son: child Zedekiah to/for eye his and also [obj] all ruler Judah to slaughter in/on/with Riblah [to]
11 तब तिनले सिदकियाहका आँखा निकाले, तिनलाई काँसाका साङ्लाहरूले बाँधे र बेबिलोनमा ल्याए । तिनको मृत्यु नभएसम्म नै बेबिलोनका राजाले तिनलाई झ्यालखानामा राखे ।
and [obj] eye Zedekiah to blind and to bind him in/on/with bronze and to come (in): bring him king Babylon Babylon [to] and to give: put him (house: home *Q(K)*) [the] punishment till day death his
12 अब बेबिलोनका राजा नबूकदनेसरको राज्‍य सुरु गरेको उन्‍नाइसौं वर्षको पाँचौं महिनाको दसौं दिनमा नबूजरदान यरूशलेममा आए । तिनी राजाका अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डर अनि बेबिलोनका राजाका सेवक थिए ।
and in/on/with month [the] fifth in/on/with ten to/for month he/she/it year nine ten year to/for king Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon to come (in): come Nebuzaradan chief guard to stand: appoint to/for face: before king Babylon in/on/with Jerusalem
13 तिनले परमप्रभुको मन्दिर, राजदरबार र यरूशलेमका सबै घर जलाए । अनि सहरमा भएका हरेक महत्त्वपूर्ण भवन तिनले जलाए ।
and to burn [obj] house: temple LORD and [obj] house: home [the] king and [obj] all house: home Jerusalem and [obj] all house: home [the] great: large to burn in/on/with fire
14 यरूशलेमको वरिपरि भएका पर्खालहरूका सन्‍दर्भमा, अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डरको अधीनमा रहेका बेबिलोनका सबै सेनाले ती नष्‍ट पारे ।
and [obj] all wall Jerusalem around to tear all strength: soldiers Chaldea which with chief guard
15 सबैभन्दा गरिब मानिसहरू, सहरमा बाँकी रहेका मानिसहरू, बेबिलोनका राजाकहाँ भागेर गएकाहरू र बाँकी रहेका कारीगरहरूका विषयमा, अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डर नबूजरदानले तीमध्‍ये कसैलाई निर्वासनमा लगे ।
and from poor [the] people and [obj] remainder [the] people [the] to remain in/on/with city and [obj] [the] to fall: deserting which to fall: deserting to(wards) king Babylon and [obj] remainder [the] artisan to reveal: remove Nebuzaradan chief guard
16 तर अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डर नबूजरदानले दाखबारी र खेतहरूमा काम गर्न देशका सबैभन्दा गरिबहरूलाई त्यहीं छोडे ।
and from poor [the] land: country/planet to remain Nebuzaradan chief guard to/for to tend vineyards and to/for to till
17 परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा राखिएका काँसाका स्तम्भहरू, आधारहरू र काँसाको विशाल खड्कुँलो विषयमा कल्दीहरूले ती टुक्राटुक्रा पारे, र सबै काँसाचाहिं बेबिलोनमा लगे ।
and [obj] pillar [the] bronze which to/for house: temple LORD and [obj] [the] base and [obj] sea [the] bronze which in/on/with house: temple LORD to break Chaldea and to lift: bear [obj] all bronze their Babylon [to]
18 भाँडाहरू, बेल्चाहरू, सलेदाका चिम्टाहरू, चम्चाहरू र मन्दिरमा पुजारीहरूले सेवा गर्दा प्रयोग गरिने काँसाका सबै सामान पनि, कल्दीहरूले तीसबै लगे ।
and [obj] [the] pot and [obj] [the] shovel and [obj] [the] snuffer and [obj] [the] bowl and [obj] [the] palm: dish and [obj] all article/utensil [the] bronze which to minister in/on/with them to take: take
19 राजाका अङ्गरक्षकका कमान्‍डरले कञ्‍चन सुन वा चाँदीले बनेका स्‍नान-बाटाहरू, धुपौराहरू, छर्कने बाटाहरू, भाँडाहरू, सामदानहरू, अर्घ-बलिमा चढाइने कचौरा र बाटाहरू पनि लगे ।
and [obj] [the] basin and [obj] [the] censer and [obj] [the] bowl and [obj] [the] pot and [obj] [the] lampstand and [obj] [the] palm: dish and [obj] [the] bowl which gold gold and which silver: money silver: money to take: take chief guard
20 सोलोमनले मन्दिरको लागि बनाएका दुईवटा स्तम्भ, विशाल खड्कुँलो भनेर चिनिने काँसाको बाटा, त्‍यसमुनि भएका बाह्रवटा काँसाका साँढे जोख्‍नै नसक्‍ने गरी धेरै काँसा थियो ।
[the] pillar two [the] sea one and [the] cattle two ten bronze which underneath: under [the] base which to make [the] king Solomon to/for house: temple LORD not to be weight to/for bronze their all [the] article/utensil [the] these
21 स्तम्भहरू प्रत्‍येकका उचाइ अठार हात थियो, र गोलाइ बाह्र हात थियो । प्रत्येकको मोटाइ चार अङ्गुल चौडा र खोक्रो थियो ।
and [the] pillar eight ten cubit (height *Q(K)*) [the] pillar [the] one and thread two ten cubit to turn: surround him and thickness his four finger be hollow
22 स्तम्भमाथि एउटा स्तम्भ-शिर थियो । स्तम्भ-शिर पाँच हात अग्लो थियो, र यो काँसाको जाली र दारिमका बुट्टाले चारैतिर भरिएको थियो । अर्को स्तम्भ पनि त्यसका दारिमहरूसहित पहिलेको जस्तै थियो ।
and capital upon him bronze and height [the] capital [the] one five cubit and latticework and pomegranate upon [the] capital around [the] all bronze and like/as these to/for pillar [the] second and pomegranate
23 स्तम्भ-शिरका छेउ-छेउमा छयानब्‍बेवटा दारिम थिए । चारैतिर जालीलाई घेरिराखेका दारिमहरू जम्‍मा एक सयवटा थिए ।
and to be [the] pomegranate ninety and six spirit: side [to] all [the] pomegranate hundred upon [the] latticework around
24 अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डरले मुख्य पुजारी बन्दी सरायाह, दोस्रो दर्जाका पुजारी सपन्याह र तिन जना द्वारपाललाई लिएर गए ।
and to take: take chief guard [obj] Seraiah priest [the] head: leader and [obj] Zephaniah priest [the] second and [obj] three to keep: guard [the] threshold
25 तिनले सिपाहीहरूको जिम्मामा भएका अधिकारी, सहरमा अझै बाँकी रहेका राजाका सात जना सल्लाहकारलाई सहरबाट कैद गरेर लगे । तिनले देशका मानिसहरूलाई सेनाम भर्ती गर्ने मुख्य अधिकारी र देशमा भएका अन्य साठी जना विशिष्‍ट मानिसलाई पनि कैद गरेर लगे ।
and from [the] city to take: take eunuch one which to be overseer upon human [the] battle and seven human from to see: approach face [the] king which to find in/on/with city and [obj] secretary ruler [the] army [the] to serve [obj] people [the] land: country/planet and sixty man from people [the] land: country/planet [the] to find in/on/with midst [the] city
26 तब अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डर नबूजरदानले तिनीहरूलाई रिब्लामा बेबिलोनका राजाकहाँ लगे ।
and to take: take [obj] them Nebuzaradan chief guard and to go: take [obj] them to(wards) king Babylon Riblah [to]
27 बेबिलोनका राजाले हमात देशको रिब्लामा तिनीहरूलाई मारे । यसरी यहूदा आफ्नो देशबाट निर्वासनमा लगियो ।
and to smite [obj] them king Babylon and to die them in/on/with Riblah in/on/with land: country/planet Hamath and to reveal: remove Judah from upon land: soil his
28 नबूकदनेसरले निर्वासनमा लगेका मानिसहरू यी नै थिएः सातौँ वर्षमा ३,०२३ जना यहूदी ।
this [the] people which to reveal: remove Nebuchadnezzar in/on/with year seven Jew three thousand and twenty and three
29 नबूकदनेसरको अठारौं वर्षमा तिनले यरूशलेमबाट ८३२ जना मानिसलाई लगे ।
in/on/with year eight ten to/for Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem soul: person eight hundred thirty and two
30 नबूकदनेसरको तेइसौं वर्षमा अङ्गरक्षकहरूका कमान्‍डर नबूजरदानले यहूदाका ७४५ जना मानिसलाई लगे । निर्वासित भएका जम्मा मानिस ४,६०० जना थिए ।
in/on/with year three and twenty to/for Nebuchadnezzar to reveal: remove Nebuzaradan chief guard Jew soul: person seven hundred forty and five all soul: person four thousand and six hundred
31 यहूदाका राजा यहोयाकीन निर्वासन भएको सैंतिसौं वर्षको बाह्रौं महिनाको पच्‍चिसौं दिनमा, बेबिलोनका राजा एबील-मरोदकले यहूदाका राजा यहोयाकीनलाई कैदबाट मुक्त गरे । एबील-मरोदकले राज्‍य सुरु गरेको वर्षमा यसो गरियो ।
and to be in/on/with thirty and seven year to/for captivity Jehoiachin king Judah in/on/with two ten month in/on/with twenty and five to/for month to lift: kindness Evil-merodach Evil-merodach king Babylon in/on/with year royalty his [obj] head: leader Jehoiachin king Judah and to come out: send [obj] him from house: home ([the] prison *Q(K)*)
32 राजाले तिनीसित दयापूर्वक बोले, र बेबिलोनमा तिनीसित भएका अन्य राजाहरूलाई भन्दा तिनलाई प्रतिष्ठित स्थान दिए ।
and to speak: speak with him welfare and to give: give [obj] throne: seat his from above to/for throne: seat ([the] king *Q(K)*) which with him in/on/with Babylon
33 एबील-मरोदकले यहोयाकीनका कैदका लुगाहरू हटाए, र यहोयाकीनले आफ्नो बाँकी जीवनभर नियमित रूपमा राजाको टेबुलमा खानपान गरे,
and to change [obj] garment prison his and to eat food: allowance to/for face his continually all day life his
34 र तिनको मृत्यु नभएसम्म नै तिनको बाँकी जीवनभर हरेक दिन तिनलाई नियमित रूपमा खानाको भत्ता दिइयो ।
and ration his ration continually to give: give to/for him from with king Babylon word: portion day: daily in/on/with day: daily his till day death his all day life his

< यर्मिया 52 >