< यशैया 29 >

1 अरीएललाई धिक्‍कार, ए अरीएल, सहर जहाँ दाऊदले छाउनी हाले! वर्षमाथि वर्ष थप् । चाडहरू फेरो मार्दै आऊन्!
Woe to Ariel, to Ariel the city which David took: year is added to year: the solemnities are at an end.
2 तर म अरीएललाई घेरा हाल्नेछु, र त्यसले विलाप र शोक गर्नेछ । त्यो मेरो निम्ति बलिको वेदीजस्‍तो हुनेछ ।
And I will make a trench about Ariel, and it shall be in sorrow and mourning, and it shall be to me as Ariel.
3 तेरो विरुद्धमा गोलाकार छाउनी म हाल्‍नेछु र तेरो विरुद्धमा पर्खालसहित घेरा म हाल्‍नेछु, र तेरो विरद्ध घेरा-मचानले म घेर्नेछु ।
And I will make a circle round about thee, and will cast up a rampart against thee, and raise up bulwarks to besiege thee.
4 तँ जमिनमा ढालिनेछस् र जमिनबाट बोल्‍नेछस् । तँ धूलोबाट मलिन सोरमा बोल्‍नेछस् । तेरो आवाज जमिनबाट बोल्‍ने आत्माजस्तै हुनेछ र धूलोबाट तेरो आवाजले सुस्केर हाल्नेछ ।
Thou shalt be brought down, thou shalt speak out of the earth, and thy speech shall be heard out of the ground: and thy voice shall be from the earth like that of the python, and out of the ground thy speech shall mutter.
5 ठुलो सङ्‍ख्‍यामा भएका तेरा आक्रमणकारीहरू मसिनो धूलोजस्ता हुनेछन् र असंख्या निर्दयीहरू उडेर जाने भुसजस्तै हुनेछन् । यो तुरुन्तै, एकै क्षणमा नै हुनेछ ।
And the multitude of them that fan thee, shall be like small dust: and as ashes passing away, the multitude of them that have prevailed against thee.
6 सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभु तँकहाँ गर्जन, भूकम्म, ठुलो आवाज, शक्तिशाली हावाहुरी र हिंस्रक आँधी र भष्‍म पार्ने आगोको ज्वालासहित आउनुहुनेछ ।
And it shall be at an instant suddenly. A visitation shall come from the Lord of hosts in thunder, and with earthquake, and with a great noise of whirlwind and tempest, and with the flame of devouring fire.
7 यो सपनाजस्तो अर्थात् रातको दर्शनजस्तो हुने छः सबै जातिहरूका हुलले अरीएल र त्यसको किल्ला विरुद्ध लडाइँ गर्नेछन् । त्यसमाथि दावाब पार्न तिनीहरूले त्यसलाई र त्यसका किल्लाहरूलाई आक्रमण गर्नेछन् ।
And the multitude of all nations that have fought against Ariel, shall be as the dream of a vision by night, and all that have fought, and besieged and prevailed against it.
8 यो भोकाएको मानिसले खाइरहेको सपना देखेको, तर त्यो ब्युँझदा त्यसको पेट रित्तो भएजस्तै हुनेछ । यो तिर्खाएको मानिसले पानी पिइरहेको सपना देखेको, तर त्यो ब्युँझदा आफ्नो प्यास नमेटिएर छट्पटाइरहेको जस्तै हुनेछ । हो, सियोन पर्वतको विरुद्ध लडाइँ गर्ने धेरै जातिहरूलाई त्यस्तै हुनेछ ।
And as he that is hungry dreameth, and eateth, but when he is awake, his soul is empty: and as he that is thirsty dreameth, and drinketh, and after he is awake, is yet faint with thirst, and his soul is empty: so shall be the multitude of all the Gentiles, that have fought against mount Sion.
9 आफै चकित होओ र अचम्म मान । आफैलाई अन्धा बन र अन्धा होओ! मतवाला होओ, तर दाखमद्यले होइन । लरखराओ, तर मद्यले होइन ।
Be astonished, and wander, waver, and stagger: be drunk, and not with wine: stagger, and not with drunkenness.
10 किनकि परमप्रभुलले तिमीहरूमाथि गहिरो निद्राको आत्‍मा खन्याउनुभएको छ । उहाँले तिमीहरू अर्थात् अगमवक्ताहरूका आँखाहरू बन्द गर्नुभएको छ र तिमीहरू अर्थात् दर्शीहरूलाई शिरहरू ढाक्‍नुभएको छ ।
For the Lord hath mingled for you the spirit of a deep sleep, he will shut up your eyes, he will cover your prophets and princes, that see visions.
11 सबै प्रकाश तिमीहरूको निम्ति मोहोर लगाइएको एउटा पुस्तकजस्तो हुनेछ, जसलाई मानिसहरूले कोही जान्‍ने मानिसलाई “पढिदिनुहोस्” भन्‍दै देलान् । उसले पनि भन्छ, “म पढ्न सक्दिनँ, किनकि यसमा मोहोर लगाइएको छ ।”
And the vision of all shall be unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which when they shall deliver to one that is learned, they shall say: Read this: and he shall answer: I cannot, for it is sealed.
12 कोही पढ्न नसक्‍नेलाई “यो पढिदिनुहोस्” भन्दै दिंदा, उसले भन्‍छ, “म पढ्न सक्दिनँ ।”
And the book shall be given to one that knoweth no letters, and it shall be said to him: Read: and he shall answer: I know no letters.
13 परमप्रभु भन्‍नुभयो, “यी मानिसहरू आफ्‍ना मुखले मेरो नजिक आउँछन् र आफ्‍ना ओठले मेरो आदर गर्छन्, तर तिनीहरूका हृदय मबाट टाढा छ । मेरो निम्ति तिनीहरूले गर्ने आदरचाहिं मानिसहरूले सिकाएका आज्ञा मात्र हुन् ।
And the Lord said: Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips glorify me, but their heart is far from me, and they have feared me with the commandment and doctrines of men:
14 यसकारण, हेर्, म यी मानिसहरूका माझमा अचम्‍मका कुरा, आश्‍चर्यमाथि आश्‍चर्य गर्नलाई अघि बढ्‍नेछु । तिनीहरूका बुद्धिमान् मानिसहरूका बुद्धि नष्‍ट हुनेछ र तिनीहरूका विवेकशील मानिसहरूका समझ लोप हुनेछ ।”
Therefore behold I will proceed to cause an admiration in this people, by a great and wonderful miracle: for wisdom shall perish from their wise men, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
15 परमप्रभुबाट आफ्‍ना योजनाहरूलाई गहन रूपमा लुकाउनेहरू र अन्धाकारमा काम गर्नेहरूलाई धिक्‍कार! तिनीहरू भन्छन्, “हामीलाई कसले देख्छ, र हामीलाई कसले चिन्छ?”
Woe to you that are deep of heart, to hide your counsel from the Lord: and their works are in the dark, and they say: Who seeth us, and who knoweth us?
16 तिमीहरूले कुराहरूलाई उल्टा बनाउँछौ! के कुमालेलाई माटोजस्तै ठान्‍ने, ताकि बनाइएको थोकले आफूलाई बनाउनेलाई यसो भनोस्, “त्यसले मलाई बनाएको होइन” वा बनाएको थोकले आफूलाई बनाउनेलाई भन्‍ने, “त्यसले मलाई बुझ्दैन”?
This thought of yours is perverse: as if the clay should think against the potter, and the work should say to the maker thereof: Thou madest me not: or the thing framed should say to him that fashioned it: Thou understandest not.
17 केही क्षणमा नै लेबनानलाई खेत बनाइनेछ र खेतचाहिं जङ्गल हुनेछ ।
Is it not yet a very little while, and Libanus shall be turned into charmel, and charmel shall be esteemed as a forest?
18 त्यो दिनमा बहिराले वचनको पुस्तक सुन्‍नेछ र अन्‍धाका आँखाले गहन अन्धकारबाट देख्‍नेछ ।
And in that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and out of darkness and obscurity the eyes of the blind shall see.
19 अत्यचारमा परेकाहरूले फेरि परमप्रभुमा आनन्द मनाउनेछन् र मानिसहरू माझका भएका गरीबहरूले इस्राएलको परमपवित्रमा आनन्द मनाउनेछन् ।
And the meek shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
20 किनभने निर्दयीहरूको अन्त हुनेछ र गिल्ला गर्नेहरू लप हुनेछन् । दुष्‍ट गर्न रुचाउनेहरू सबै जनालाई निर्मूल पारिनेछ,
For he that did prevail hath failed, the scorner is consumed, and they are all cut off that watched for iniquity:
21 जसले एक वचनले मानिसलाई दोष लगाउने बनाउँछ । तिनीहरूले न्याय खोज्ने व्यक्‍तिलाई ढोकामा पासो थाप्छन् र झुठ बोलेर धर्मीलाई तल खसाल्‍छन् ।
That made men sin by word, and supplanted him that reproved them in the gate, and declined in vain from the just.
22 यसकारण, परमप्रभुले याकूबको घरानाको बारेमा, अब्राहमलाई उद्धार गर्नुहुने परमप्रभुले यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, “याकूब कुनै पनि हालतमा लज्‍जित हुनेछैन, न उसको मुहार नै पहेंलो हुनेछ ।
Therefore thus saith the Lord to the house of Jacob, he that redeemed Abraham: Jacob shall not now be confounded, neither shall his countenance now be ashamed:
23 तर उसले आफ्ना छोराछोरी अर्थात् मेरा हातका कामलाई देख्‍छ, तब तिनीहरूले मेरो नाउँलाई पवित्र तुल्याउनेछन् । तिनीहरूले याकूबको परमपवित्रको नाउँलाई पवित्र तुल्याउनेछन् र तिनीहरू इस्राएलको परमेश्‍वरको भयमा खडा हुनेछन् ।
But when he shall see his children, the work of my hands in the midst of him sanctifying my name, and they shall sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall glorify the God of Israel:
24 ती आत्मामा गल्ती गर्नेहरूले समझ प्राप्‍त गर्नेछन् र गनगन गर्नेहरूले ज्ञान सिक्‍नेछन् ।”
And they that erred in spirit, shall know understanding, and they that murmured, shall learn the law.

< यशैया 29 >