< हिब्रू 8 >

1 अब हामीले भनिरहेको कुरा यही होः हामीसँग एक जना प्रधान पुजारी हुनुहुन्छ जो स्‍वर्गको सिंहासनको दाहिनेपट्टि विराजमान हुनुहुन्छ ।
The main point of [all] that [I] have written is that we have a Supreme Priest like that. He has sat down to rule [MTY] with God [EUP] at the place of greatest honor in heaven.
2 मानिसले बनाएको होइन, तर परमेश्‍वरले बनाउनुभएको साँचो पवित्र बासस्थानमा उहाँ एक सेवक हुनुहुन्छ ।
He ministers in the Most Holy Place, that is, in the true place [of worship in heaven]. That is a place that [Moses’] tent [represented]. The Lord set up the true place of worship. No human [set it up].
3 किनकि हरेक प्रधान पुजारी भेटीहरू र बलिदानहरू दुवै चढाउन नियुक्त गरिएको हुन्छ । त्‍यसकारण, केही कुरा चढाउन आवश्‍यक छ ।
Every Supreme Priest was appointed {[God] appointed every Supreme Priest} to offer [to God] gifts and sacrifices [for people who sinned]. So, since [Christ became a Supreme Priest], he also had to offer something.
4 अब यदि ख्रीष्‍ट पृथ्‍वीमा हुनुभएको भए, उहाँ सबैका पुजारी हुनुहुने थिएन किनकि त्‍यहाँ व्‍यवस्‍थाअनुसार भेटी चढाउनेहरू छँदै छन् ।
Since there are already [Jewish] priests who offer gifts as God’s laws [require], if Christ were [now living] on the earth, he would not be a Supreme Priest.
5 तिनीहरूले स्‍वर्गीय कुराहरूको नक्‍कल र छायाँको मात्र सेवा गर्दछन् । जसरी मोशाले बासस्थान बनाउन लाग्दा परमेश्‍वरद्वारा मोशालाई चेतावनी दिइयो, परमेश्‍वरले भन्‍नुभयो, “हेर, तिमीलाई पहाडमा देखाइएको नमुनाबमोजिम तिमीले हरेक थोक बनाउनू ।”
The [Jewish] priests perform rituals which are only a model [DOU] of [what Christ would do in heaven] [MTY]. What [God] told Moses when Moses was about to set up the tent [for worshipping him supports the idea that those rituals were only a model. God said], “Be sure that you [(sg)] make everything according to the model that I showed you on [Sinai] Mountain!”
6 तर अहिले ख्रीष्‍टले प्राप्‍त गर्नुभएको सेवा-कार्य अझ धेरै उत्तम छ । किनभने उहाँले मध्‍यस्‍थता गर्नुभएको करार धेरै उत्तम छ, जुनचाहिँ उत्तम प्रतिज्ञाहरूमा स्‍थापना गरिएको छ ।
But now as it is, [Christ] ministers in a more excellent way [than the Jewish priests do]. Likewise, the [new] covenant that he established [between God and people] is better [than the old one. When the new covenant was established] {[God established the new covenant]}, he promised us better things [than the laws that God gave Moses did].
7 किनकि यदि पहिलो करार दोषरहित भएको भए, दोस्रो करारको आवश्‍यकता नै पर्दैन थियो ।
If that first covenant had been perfectly adequate [LIT], God would not have thought that he needed another [covenant/agreement to replace it]. But [it was not adequate, so he needed a new one].
8 किनकि जब परमेश्‍वरले मानिसको दोष भेट्टाउनुभयो, तब उहाँले भन्‍नुभयो, “हेर, परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्‍छ, ती दिन आउँदै छन्, जब म यहूदा र इस्राएलका घरानासँग नयाँ करार स्‍थापना गर्नेछु ।
Because God declared [that the Israelites] were guilty [of not obeying the first covenant, he wanted a new covenant. This is what] ([a prophet/Jeremiah]) [wrote about that]: The Lord says, “Listen! There will soon be a time when I will make a new covenant with the people [MTY] of Israel and the people [MTY] of Judah.
9 यो करार तिनीहरूका पिता-पुर्खाहरूसँग मैले बाँधेको जस्‍तो हुनेछैन, एक दिन मैले तिनीहरूको हात समातेर तिनीहरूलाई मिश्र देशबाट डोर्‍याएर ल्‍याएँ । किनकि तिनीहरूले मेरो करारलाई अटुट रूपमा पछ्याएनन्, र परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्‍छ, मैले तिनीहरूको बेवास्‍ता गरे ।
That covenant will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors when I led them out of Egypt [MET] [like a father leads a child] by the hand. They did not continue to [obey] my covenant, so I rejected them,” says the Lord.
10 परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्‍छ, ती दिनपछि म इस्राएलको घरानासँग यो करार बाँध्‍नेछु । म मेरो व्‍यवस्‍था तिनीहरूको मनमा राखिदिनेछु, र म तिनीहरूका हृदयमा पनि ती लेखिदिनेछु । म तिनीहरूका परमेश्‍वर हुनेछु, अनि तिनीहरू मेरा मानिसहरू हुनेछन् ।
“This is the covenant that I will make with the Israelites [MTY], after [the first covenant has ended] [MTY],” says the Lord: “I will enable them to understand my laws [MTY], and I will enable them to obey them (OR, truly know them) [MTY] sincerely. I will be their God, and they will be my people [DOU].
11 तिनीहरूले हरेक आफ्नो छिमेकीलाई सिकाउनेछैनन्, र आफ्नो हरेक भाइलाई परमप्रभुलाई चिन भन्‍नुपर्दैन । किनकि तिनीहरूमध्येका सानादेखि लिएर ठुलासम्‍म सबैले मलाई चिन्‍नेछन् ।
[As a result], no one will [need to] teach a fellow citizen or tell his fellow kinsmen, ‘[You need to] know the Lord,’ because all [my people] will know me: [My people] of every status [will know me].
12 किनकि तिनीहरूले गरेका अपराधहरूप्रति म अनुग्रह देखाउनेछु, र तिनीहरूले गरेका पापहरूको सम्झना म कहिल्यै गर्नेछैनँ ।”
I will mercifully [forgive them for] the wicked things they have done. I will no longer [consider] that [they are guilty for] [DOU] [their] sins.”
13 “नयाँ” भन्‍नुहुँदा उहाँले पहिलो करारलाई पुरानो बनाउनुभयो । र जुन काम नलाग्‍ने र पुरानो भएको छ, त्यो हराएर जानै लागेको छ ।
Since God spoke about a new [covenant], he considered that the first [covenant] was no longer in use, and that it would soon disappear, just like [anything that] gets old [will disappear] [MET, DOU].

< हिब्रू 8 >