< उत्पत्ति 24 >

1 अब्राहाम दिन धेरै खाएर बुढा भइसकेका थिए र परमप्रभुले तिनलाई सबै कुरामा आशिष्‌ दिनुभएको थियो ।
And Abraham he was old he had come in days and Yahweh he had blessed Abraham in everything.
2 अब्राहामले आफ्‍नो घरको सबै भन्दा पुरानो र तिनीसँग भएका सबै कुराहरूका अख्‍तियार गर्ने प्रमुख नोकरलाई भने, “तेरो हात मेरो तिघ्रामुनि राख्‌
And he said Abraham to servant his old of household his who was ruling over all that [belonged] to him put please hand your under thigh my.
3 अनि तैँले अहिले म बसेको ठाउँका कनानीका छोरीहरूमध्‍ये कसैलाई पनि मेरो छोरोकी पत्‍नीको रूपमा ल्याइदिने छैनस् भनी म तँलाई स्‍वर्ग र पृथ्‍वीका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको यो शपथ खान लाउँछु ।
So I may make swear you by Yahweh [the] God of the heavens and [the] God of the earth that not you will take a wife for son my from [the] daughters of the Canaanite[s] whom I [am] dwelling in midst its.
4 तर तैँले मेरो देशमा मेरै कुटुम्‍बकहाँ गएर मेरो छोरा इसहाकको लागि एउटी पत्‍नी ल्‍याउनेछस् ।”
For to land my and to kindred my you will go and you will take a wife for son my for Isaac.
5 त्यस नोकरले तिनलाई भन्यो, “यदि त्‍यो स्‍त्री मेरो पछि लागेर यस देशमा आउने इच्‍छा गरिन भने मैले के गर्ने? के मैले तपाईंका छोरालाई जुन देशबाट तपाईं आउनुभयो त्‍यहीँ नै लैजाने?”
And he said to him the servant perhaps not she will be willing the woman to go after me to the land this ¿ really will I take back son your to the land where you came out from there.
6 अब्राहामले त्‍यसलाई भने, “तैँले मेरो छोरालाई त्‍यहाँ फर्काएर नलानू!
And he said to him Abraham take heed to yourself lest you should take back son my there towards.
7 मलाई मेरा पिताको घर र मेरो जन्‍मभूमिबाट यहाँ ल्‍याउनुहुने स्‍वर्ग र पृथ्‍वीका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरले शपथ खाई मसँग यसो भनेर प्रतिज्ञा गर्नुभएको छ, ‘तेरा सन्‍तानलाई म यो देश दिनेछु,’ उहाँले नै आफ्‍ना दूत तेरो अगिअगि पठाउनुहुनेछ, र तैँले मेरो छोराको लागि त्‍यहाँबाट एउटी पत्‍नी ल्‍याउनेछस् ।
Yahweh - [the] God of the heavens who he took me from [the] household of father my and from [the] land of kindred my and who he spoke to me and who he swore an oath to me saying to offspring your I will give the land this he he will send angel his before you and you will take a wife for son my from there.
8 त्‍यो केटी तेरो पछि आउन इच्‍छा गरिन भने तँ मेरो यो शपथबाट मुक्‍त हुनेछस् । केवल तैँले मेरो छोरालाई चाहिँ त्‍यहाँ फर्काएर नलैजानू ।”
And if not she will be willing the woman to go after you and you will be free from oath my this only son my not you must take back there towards.
9 त्यसैले त्‍यस नोकरले आफ्‍ना मालिक अब्राहामको तिघ्रामुनि हात राखेर यस विषयमा तिनीसित शपथ खायो ।
And he put the servant hand his under [the] thigh of Abraham master his and he swore an oath to him on the matter this.
10 आफ्‍ना मालिकका दशवटा ऊँट लिएर त्यो नोकर बिदा भयो । त्यसले आफ्ना मालिकबाट सबै किसिमका सौगात पनि लिएर गयो । ऊ बिदा भएर अराम-नाहारैमतिर नाहोरको सहरमा गयो ।
And he took the servant ten camels from [the] camels of master his and he went and every good thing of master his [was] in hand his and he arose and he went to Aram Naharaim to [the] city of Nahor.
11 त्यसले ऊँटहरूलाई सहरको बाहिर इनारको नजिकै घुँडा टेक्‍न लगायो । त्यो साँझपख स्‍त्रीहरू पानी भर्न आउने बेला थियो ।
And he made kneel the camels from [the] outside of the city to [the] well of the water to [the] time of evening to [the] time of [the] going out of the [women who] draw water.
12 अनि त्यसले प्रार्थना गर्‍यो, “हे परमप्रभु मेरा मालिकका परमेश्‍वर, आज मलाई मेरो काममा सफल गराएर मेरा मालिक अब्राहामलाई आफ्‍नो दया देखाउनुहोस्‌ ।
And he said - O Yahweh [the] God of master my Abraham make happen please before me this day and do covenant loyalty with master my Abraham.
13 हेर्नुहोस्, म यो इनारनेर उभिरहेको छु, र सहरका मानिसहरूका छोरीहरू पानी भर्नलाई आउँदै छन्‌ ।
Here! I [am] standing at [the] spring of the water and [the] daughters of [the] people of the city [are] coming out to draw water.
14 यसैले यसो होस्‌: जुन कन्‍यालाई म ‘तिम्रो गाग्रो मतिर पानी पिउनलाई ढल्‍काइदेऊ’ भनुँला, र जसले मलाई ‘खानुहोस्, म तपाईंका ऊँटहरूलाई पनि खुवाइदिन्‍छु’ भन्‍छिन्, तिनलाई नै तपाईंले आफ्‍ना दास इसहाकको निम्‍ति रोज्‍नुभएको होस्‌ । तपाईंले मेरा मालिकलाई करारको दया देखाउनुभएको रहेछ भन्‍ने म त्‍यसैबाट थाहा पाउनेछु ।”
And it will be the young woman whom I will say to her bend down please jar your so I may drink and she will say drink and also camels your I will give a drink to her you have appointed for servant your for Isaac and by it I will know that you have done covenant loyalty with master my.
15 त्‍यसले यो भनिसकेको पनि थिएन, रिबेका काँधमा गाग्रो राखेर आइन्‌ । तिनी अब्राहामका भाइ नाहोरकी पत्‍नी मिल्‍काको छोरो बतूएलकी छोरी थिइन् ।
And it was he not yet he had finished to speak and there! Rebekah [was] coming out who she had been born to Bethuel [the] son of Milcah [the] wife of Nahor [the] brother of Abraham and jar her [was] on shoulder her.
16 ती जवान स्‍त्री अत्‍यन्‍त सुन्‍दरी र कुमारी थिइन् । तिनको कुनै मानिससित पनि सहवास भएको थिएन । इनारमा ओर्लेर तिनले गाग्रोमा पानी भरिन्‌ र उक्‍लेर आइन्‌ ।
And the young woman [was] good of appearance exceedingly a virgin and a man not he had known her and she went down the spring towards and she filled jar her and she came up.
17 तब त्‍यो नोकर तिनलाई भेट गर्न दगुर्‍यो र भन्‍यो, “कृपया तिम्रो गाग्रोबाट मलाई अलिकता पानी पिउन देऊ ।”
And he ran the servant to meet her and he said give to drink me please a little of water from jar your.
18 तिनले “हजूर, पिउनुहोस्‌” भनेर तुरुन्‍तै गाग्रो झारिन्, र आफ्‍नो हातमा गाग्रो राखेर त्‍यसलाई पानी पियाइन् ।
And she said drink O lord my and she hurried and she put down jar her on hand her and she gave a drink him.
19 त्‍यसलाई पिउन दिइसकेपछि तिनले भनिन्, “तपाईंका ऊँटहरूका निम्‍ति पनि तिनीहरूले पिई नसकुञ्‍जेल म पानी उघाएर दिनेछु ।”
And she finished to give a drink him and she said also for camels your I will draw water until they have finished to drink.
20 तब तिनले झट्टै आफ्‍नो गाग्रोको पानी डुँडमा खन्‍याएर फेरि पानी उघाउन इनारतिर दौडेर गइन्, र तिनले सबै ऊँटहरूका निम्‍ति पनि पानी उघाइदिइन्‌ ।
And she hurried and she emptied jar her into the watering channel and she ran again to the well to draw water and she drew water for all camels his.
21 त्‍यो मानिसचाहिँ परमप्रभुले आफ्‍नो यात्रा सफल गरिदिनुभएको हो कि होइन भनी थाहा पाउनलाई चुप लागेर तिनलाई हेरिरह्यो ।
And the man [was] gazing to her being silent to know ¿ had he made successful Yahweh journey his or? not.
22 ऊँटहरूले पानी खाइसकेपछि त्‍यस मानिसले छ ग्राम तौलका सुनको एउटा नत्‍थ र एक सय ग्राम जति तौलका सुनका बालाहरू झिकेर
And it was just as they had finished the camels to drink and he took the man a ring of gold [was] a beka weight its and two bracelets on hands her [was] ten of gold weight their.
23 भन्‍यो, “तिमी कसकी छोरी हौ? कृपया मलाई भन, के तिम्रा बुबाको घरमा रात गुजार्नको निम्ति हाम्रो निम्ति ठाउँ छ?”
And he said daughter of whom? [are] you tell please to me ¿ [is] there [the] house of father your room for us to stay [the] night.
24 तिनले त्‍यसलाई भनिन्, “म नाहोरबाट मिल्‍काले जन्‍माएका बतूएलकी छोरी हुँ ।”
And she said to him [am] [the] daughter of Bethuel I [the] son of Milcah whom she bore to Nahor.
25 तिनले त्‍यसलाई अझै भनिन्, “हामीसँग दाना र पराल प्रशस्‍त छन्, र रात गुजार्नलााई कोठा पनि छन्‌ ।”
And she said to him both straw as well as fodder much which [is] with us also room to stay [the] night.
26 तब त्‍यस मानिसले आफ्‍नो शिर निहुराएर परमप्रभुको आराधना गर्‍यो ।
And he bowed low the man and he bowed down to Yahweh.
27 त्यसले भन्यो, “परमप्रभु, मेरा मालिक अब्राहामका परमेश्‍वर धन्‍यका हुनुहुन्‍छ, जसले मेरा मालिकप्रतिको करारको दया र विश्‍वस्‍तता त्‍याग्‍नुभएको छैन । परमप्रभुले नै मलाई डोर्‍याएर मेरा मालिकका कुटुम्‍बको घरमा ल्‍याइदिनुभएको छ ।”
And he said [be] blessed Yahweh [the] God of master my Abraham who not he has left covenant loyalty his and faithfulness his from with master my I on the journey he has led me Yahweh [the] house of [the] relatives of master my.
28 तब ती कन्‍या गइन् र आफ्‍नी आमाका परिवारलाई सबै कुरा बताइन्‌ ।
And she ran the young woman and she told to [the] household of mother her according to the things these.
29 रिबेकाका लाबान नाउँ भएका एक जना दाजु थिए । लाबान दौडेर बाहिर बाटोमा इनारनेर भएका त्‍यस मानिसतिर गए ।
And [belonged] to Rebekah a brother and name his [was] Laban and he ran Laban to the man the outside towards to the spring.
30 जब उनले आफ्‍नी बहिनीको नाकमा नत्‍थ र हातमा बाला देखे र “त्‍यस मानिसले मलाई यसो भन्‍यो” भन्‍ने कुरा आफ्‍नी बहिनीबाट सुने, तब उनी त्‍यस मानिसकहाँ गए, त्यो मानिस इनारको छेउमा ऊँटहरूका नजिकै उभिइरहेको थियो ।
And it was - when saw the ring and the bracelets on [the] hands of sister his and just as heard he [the] words of Rebekah sister his saying thus he spoke to me the man and he went to the man and there! [he was] standing with the camels at the spring.
31 त्यसपछि लाबानले भने, “हे परमप्रभुका आशीर्वादी जन, आउनुहोस्‌ । किन बाहिरै उभिरहनुहुन्‍छ? मैले तपाईंको निम्‍ति घर र ऊँटहरूका लागि ठाउँ तयार पारिराखेको छु ।”
And he said come O [one] blessed of Yahweh why? are you standing on the outside and I I have made clear the house and a place for the camels.
32 तब त्‍यो मानिस घरमा गयो र ऊँटहरूका भारीहरू झार्‍यो । उँटहरूलाई पराल र दाना दिइयो, अनि त्यस मानिस र त्‍यससित हुने मानिसहरूका निम्‍ति खुट्टा धुने पानी पनि दिइयो ।
And he went the man the house towards and he unharnessed the camels and he gave straw and fodder to the camels and water to wash feet his and [the] feet of the men who [were] with him.
33 तिनीहरूले त्‍यसको सामु खानेकुरा पनि राखिदिए, तर त्‍यसले भन्‍यो, “जबसम्‍म मेरो समाचार म भन्‍दिनँ तबसम्‍म म केही खान्‍नँ ।” तब लाबानले भने, “ल, भन्‍नुहोस्‌ ।”
(And it was put *Q(K)*) before him to eat and he said not I will eat until I have spoken words my and he said speak.
34 त्‍यसले भन्‍यो, “म अब्राहामको एक नोकर हुँ ।
And he said [am] [the] servant of Abraham I.
35 परमप्रभुले मेरा मालिकलाई धेरै आशिष्‌ दिनुभएको छ र तिनी एक ठुला मानिस भएका छन्‌ । उहाँले तिनलाई बगालहरू र बथानहरू, सुनचाँदी, दास-दासी, ऊँटहरू र गधाहरू दिनुभएको छ ।
And Yahweh he has blessed master my exceedingly and he has become great and he has given to him sheep and cattle and silver and gold and [male] servants and female servants and camels and donkeys.
36 मेरा मालिककी पत्‍नी साराले बुढेसकालमा तिनको निम्‍ति एक जना छोरो जन्माइन्, र उनैलाई तिनले आफ्‍ना सबै कुरा दिएका छन्‌ ।
And she has borne Sarah [the] wife of master my a son to master my after old age her and he has given to him all that [belongs] to him.
37 मेरो मालिकले मलाई यसो भनेर शपथ खान लाएका छन्, ‘तैँले मेरो छोराको लागि म अहिले बसेको देशका कनानीहरूका छोरीहरूमध्‍ये कुनै पनि विवाह गर्नलाई नल्‍याउनू ।
And he made swear an oath me master my saying not (you must take *LA(bh)*) a wife for son my from [the] daughters of the Canaanite[s] whom I [am] dwelling in land its.
38 बरु, तैँले मेरा पिताका परिवार र मेरा कुटुम्बहरूकहाँ गएर मेरो छोराको निम्ति पत्‍नी ल्याउनू ।'
If not to [the] house of father my you will go and to family my and you will take a wife for son my.
39 मैले मेरो मालिकलाई भनेँ, 'सायद त्‍यो स्‍त्री मेरो साथमा आउन मान्दिन होला?'
And I said to master my perhaps not she will go the woman after me.
40 तिनले मलाई भने, ‘जुन परमप्रभुको सामुन्‍ने म हिँड्‌छु, उहाँले नै आफ्‍ना दूत तँसित पठाउनुहुनेछ, र तेरो कार्य सफल हुनेछ, ताकि तैैँले मेरो कुटुम्‍ब र मेरा पिताको घरबाट मेरो छोराको लागि एउटी पत्‍नी ल्‍याउनेछस्‌ ।
And he said to me Yahweh whom I have walked about before him he will send angel his with you and he will make successful journey your and you will take a wife for son my from family my and from [the] household of father my.
41 तर तँ मेरो कुटुम्‍बकहाँ पुगिस् र तिनीहरूले तिनलाई दिएनन् भने तँ मेरो यस शपथबाट छुट्‌नेछस्‌ ।'
Then you will be free from oath my for you will go to family my and if not they will give [her] to you and you will be free from oath my.
42 यसैले आज इनारमा आइपुगेर मैले यसो भनेँ, 'हे परमप्रभु, मेरा मालिक अब्राहामका परमेश्‍वर, मेरो यात्रा सफल गराइदिने तपाईंको इच्छा भए,
And I came this day to the spring and I said O Yahweh [the] God of master my Abraham if [are] there you please [are] making successful journey my which I [am] going on it.
43 म इनारको छेउमा उभिरहेछु, पानी भर्नलाई आउने स्‍त्रीलाई मैले 'तिम्रो गाग्रोबाट मलाई अलिकता पानी पिउन देऊ,' भन्‍दा
Here! I [am] standing at [the] spring of the water and it will be the young woman who will come out to draw water and I will say to her give to drink me please a little of water from jar your.
44 तिनले मलाई “खानुहोस्, र म तपाईंका ऊँटहरूलाई पनि पानी उघाइदिनेछु,” भनिन् भने, मेरा मालिकका छोराको लागि परमप्रभुले ठहराउनुभएको स्‍त्री त्यही होस् ।
And she will say to me both you drink and also for camels your I will draw water she [be] the woman whom he has appointed Yahweh for [the] son of master my.
45 “मैले यी कुरा मनमनै भनिसक्‍न अगि नै, हेर्नुहोस्, रिबेका काँधमा आफ्‍नो गाग्रो बोकेर आइन्, र इनारमा ओर्लेर पानी उघाइन्‌ । मैले तिनलाई भनेँ, ‘कृपया मलाई पानी पिउन देऊ ।’
I not yet I had finished to speak to heart my and there! Rebekah [was] coming out and jar her [was] on shoulder her and she went down the spring towards and she drew water and I said to her give a drink me please.
46 “तिनले तुरुन्‍तै आफ्‍नो काँधबाट गाग्रो झारेर भनिन्, ‘पिउनुहोस् र म तपाईंका ऊँटहरूका निम्‍ति पनि पानी पिउन दिनेछु ।’ तब मैले पानी पिएँ, र तिनले मेरा ऊँटहरूलाई पनि पानी पिउन दिइन्‌ ।
And she hurried and she put down jar her from on her and she said drink and also camels your I will give a drink to and I drank and also the camels she gave a drink.
47 “मैले तिनलाई ‘तिमी कसकी छोरी हौ?’ भनी सोधेँ । “तिनले भनिन्, ‘नाहोर र मिल्‍काका छोरा बतूएलकी छोरी हुँ ।’ तब मैले तिनको नाकमा नत्‍थ र हातमा बालाहरू लगाइदिएँ ।
And I asked her and I said daughter of whom? [are] you and she said [the] daughter of Bethuel [the] son of Nahor whom she bore to him Milcah and I put the ring on nose her and the bracelets on hands her.
48 अनि मैले आफ्‍नो शिर निहुराएर परमप्रभुको आराधना गरेँ, र मेरा मालिक अब्राहामका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरलाई धन्‍यको भनेँ, जसले मेरा मालिककै भाइकी नातिनी तिनका छोराको निम्‍ति पत्ता लगाउन मलाई ठिक बाटोमा डोर्‍याउनुभएको थियो ।
And I bowed low and I bowed down to Yahweh and I blessed Yahweh [the] God of master my Abraham who he had led me in [the] way of truth to take [the] daughter of [the] brother of master my for son his.
49 अब तपाईंहरू मेरा मालिकसँग करारको विश्‍वासयोग्‍यता र भरोसायोग्य व्‍यवहार गर्नुहुन्‍छ भने मलाई भन्‍नुहोस्‌ । होइन भने पनि मलाई भन्‍नुहोस्, र म दाहिने-देब्रे जता हुन्‍छ लागुँला ।”
And now if [are] there you doing loyalty and faithfulness with master my tell to me and if not tell to me so I may turn to right or to left.
50 तब लाबान र बतूएलले जवाफ दिए, “यो कुरा परमप्रभुबाट नै हुन आएको हो । हामी तपाईंलाई खराब अथवा असल केही भन्‍न सक्‍दैनौँ ।
And he answered Laban and Bethuel and they said from Yahweh it has come out the matter not we are able to speak to you evil or good.
51 हेर्नुस्, रिबेका तपाईँको सामुन्‍ने छे । त्‍यसलाई लिएर जानुस्, र परमप्रभुले भन्‍नुभएजस्‍तै गरी त्यो तपाईंका मालिकका छोराकी पत्‍नी होस्‌ ।”
Here! Rebekah [is] before you take [her] and go so may she be a wife for [the] son of master your just as he has spoken Yahweh.
52 तिनीहरूका कुरा सुनेपछि अब्राहामको नोकरले भूइँमा निहुरेर परमप्रभुलाई दण्‍डवत्‌ गर्‍यो ।
And it was just as he heard [the] servant of Abraham words their and he bowed down [the] ground towards to Yahweh.
53 तब त्‍यसले सुन र चाँदीका गहनाहरू र लुगाहरू ल्‍याएर रिबेकालाई दियो । त्‍यसले तिनका दाजु र आमालाई पनि मूल्‍यवान्‌ उपहारहरू दियो ।
And he brought out the servant articles of silver and articles of gold and garments and he gave [them] to Rebekah and precious gifts he gave to brother her and to mother her.
54 तब त्‍यो र त्‍यसका साथमा भएका मानिसहरूले खाए र पिए । तिनीहरूले त्‍यो रात त्‍यहीँ बिताए अनि बिहान उठेपछि त्‍यसले भन्‍यो, “मेरा मालिककहाँ जान अब मलाई बिदा दिनुहोस्‌ ।”
And they ate and they drank he and the men who [were] with him and they stayed [the] night and they arose in the morning and he said send away me to master my.
55 रिबेकाका दाजु र आमाले भने, “कन्‍यालाई कम्तीमा पनि दस दिन यहीँ हामीसँग रहन दिनुहोस्‌ । त्‍यसपछि तिनी गए हुन्‍छ ।”
And he said brother her and mother her let her remain the young woman with us days or ten (after *L(S)*) she will go.
56 तर त्‍यसले तिनीहरूलाई भन्‍यो, “परमप्रभुले मेरो यात्रा सफल गराउनुभएको हुनाले मलाई नअलमल्‍याउनुहोस्‌ । मलाई जान दिनुहोस्, र म मेरा मालिककहाँ जानेछु ।”
And he said to them may not you delay me and Yahweh he has made successful journey my send away me so let me go to master my.
57 तिनीहरूले भने, “हामी कन्‍यालाई बोलाउँछौँ र तिनलाई सोध्छौँ ।”
And they said let us summon the young woman and let us ask mouth her.
58 अनि तिनीहरूले रिबेकालाई डाकेर सोधे, “के तिमी यस मानिसको साथमा जान्‍छ्यौ?” तिनले भनिन्, “म जान्‍छु ।”
And they summoned Rebekah and they said to her ¿ will you go with the man this and she said I will go.
59 यसैकारण तिनीहरूले आफ्‍नी बहिनी रिबेकालाई तिनकी सेविकासँगै अब्राहामको नोकर र त्‍यसका मानिसहरूका साथमा पठाइदिए ।
And they sent away Rebekah sister their and suckling-nurse her and [the] servant of Abraham and men his.
60 तिनीहरूले रिबेकालाई आशिष्‌ दिएर भने, “हे हाम्री बहिनी, तिमी हजारौँ हजारका आमा होऊ, र तिम्रा सन्‍तानले तिनीहरूसँग दुश्‍मनी गर्नेहरूका सहरका प्रवेशद्वारहरू कब्‍जा गरून्‌ ।”
And they blessed Rebekah and they said to her O sister our you become thousands of ten thousand so may it take possession of offspring your [the] gate of [those who] hate it.
61 तब रिबेका उठिन् र तिनका सहेलीहरूसँग ऊँटहरूमा चढेर त्‍यस मानिसको पछि लागिन् । यसरी रिबेकालाई लिएर त्‍यो नोकर आफ्‍नो बाटो लाग्‍यो ।
And she arose Rebekah and maids her and they rode on the camels and they went after the man and he took the servant Rebekah and he went.
62 अब इसहाक नेगेवमा बसोबास गरिरहेका थिए, उनी बेअर-लहै-रोइबाट भर्खरै आएका थिए ।
And Isaac he came from going Beer Lahai Roi and he [was] dwelling in [the] land of the Negev.
63 इसहाक साँझपख एकाग्रताका निम्ति बाहिर निस्‍केका थिए । उनले आँखा उठाएर हेर्दा ऊँटहरू आइरहेका देखे ।
And he went out Isaac to meditate in the field to [the] turning of evening and he lifted up eyes his and he saw and there! camels [were] coming.
64 रिबेकाले पनि आँखा उठाएर हेर्दा इसहाकलाई देखिन्, र ऊँटबाट ओर्लिन् ।
And she lifted up Rebekah eyes her and she saw Isaac and she fell from on the camel.
65 तिनले नोकरलाई भनिन्, “हामीलाई भेट्‌न बाहिर हिँड्‌दै आउने मानिस को हुन्‌?” त्‍यस नोकरले भन्‍यो, “उनी त मेरा मालिक हुन्‌ ।” तब रिबेकाले घुम्‍टो हालेर आफ्‍नो अनुहार छोपिन्‌ ।
And she said to the servant who? [is] the man this who is walking in the field to meet us and he said the servant it [is] master my and she took the veil and she covered herself.
66 त्‍यसपछि आफूले गरेका सबै काम त्‍यस नोकरले इसहाकलाई बतायो ।
And he recounted the servant to Isaac all the things which he had done.
67 इसहाकले रिबेकालाई आफ्‍नी आमा साराको पालमा लगे, र विवाह गरे । अनि तिनी उनकी पत्‍नी भइन्, र उनले तिनलाई प्रेम गरे । यसरी आफ्‍नी आमाको मृत्‍युपछि इसहाकले सान्‍त्‍वना पाए ।'
And he brought her Isaac the tent of towards Sarah mother his and he took Rebekah and she became of him a wife and he loved her and he was comforted Isaac after mother his.

< उत्पत्ति 24 >