< उत्पत्ति 23 >

1 सारा एक सय सत्ताइस वर्ष बाँचिन्‌ । साराका जीवनमा वर्षहरू यी नै थिए ।
And they were [the] life of Sarah one hundred year[s] and twenty year[s] and seven years [the] years of [the] life of Sarah.
2 सारा कनान देशको किर्यत-अर्बा अर्थात्‌ हेब्रोनमा मरिन्‌ । अब्राहामले साराको निम्‍ति शोक र विलाप गरे ।
And she died Sarah at Kiriath Arba that [is] Hebron in [the] land of Canaan and he went Abraham to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.
3 त्यसपछि अब्राहाम आफ्नी पत्‍नीको लाश भएको ठाउँबाट उठे, र हेतका छोराहरूलाई यसो भने,
And he arose Abraham from on [the] face of dead his and he spoke to [the] people of Heth saying.
4 “म तपाईंहरूका बिचमा एक प्रवासी हुँ । मसँग भएको लाशलाई गाड्‌न चिहानको लागि तपाईंहरूसँग भएको कुनै जमिन मलाई दिनुहोस् ।”
[am] a sojourner And a resident alien I with you give to me a possession of a burial site with you so let me bury dead my from to before me.
5 हेतका छोराहरूले अब्राहामलाई भने,
And they answered [the] people of Heth Abraham saying to him.
6 “मालिक, हाम्रा कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस् । तपाईं हाम्रो बिचमा परमेश्‍वरका राजकुमार हुनुहुन्छ । हाम्रा चिहानमध्‍ये सबैभन्‍दा असलचाहिँ छानेर लाश गाड्‌नुहोस्‌ । तपाईंले लाशलाई गाड्नुहोस्, हामीमध्‍ये कसैले पनि आफ्‍नो चिहान तपाईंलाई दिन इन्‍कार गर्नेछैन ।”
Listen to us - O lord my [are] a prince of God you in midst of us in [the] choicest of burial sites our bury dead your anyone of us burial site his not he will withhold from you from burying dead your.
7 तब अब्राहामले उठेर त्यस देशका मानिसहरू अर्थात् हेतका छोराहरूका अगि निहुरेर दण्‍डवत्‌ गरे ।
And he arose Abraham and he bowed down to [the] people of the land to [the] people of Heth.
8 तिनले तिनीहरूलाई यसो भने, “यदि मैले यो लाश गाड्न तपाईंहरूलाई मन्‍जुर छ भने मेरो कुरो सुन्‍नुहोस् र सोहोरका छोरा एप्रोनसित मेरो निम्‍ति बिन्‍ती गरिदिनुहोस् ।
And he spoke with them saying if there with desire your to bury dead my from to before me listen to me and entreat for me Ephron [the] son of Zohar.
9 उनका खेतको छेउमा भएको आफ्‍नो मक्‍पेलाको ओडार मलाई बेच्‍न भनिदिनुहोस् । उनले त्यो जमिन पुरा दाममा गाड्ने ठाउँको निम्ति सार्वजनिक रूपमा मलाई बेचून् ।”
So may he give to me [the] cave of Machpelah which [belongs] to him which [is] at [the] end of field his for silver full let him give it to me in midst of you to a possession of a burial site.
10 त्‍यस बेला एप्रोन हेतका छोराहरूका माझमा बसिरहेका थिए, र जति जना उनका सहरको प्रवेशद्वारको अगाडि आएका थिए, ती सबैले सुन्‍ने गरी हित्ती एप्रोनले अब्राहामलाई भने,
And Ephron [was] sitting in among [the] people of Heth and he answered Ephron the Hethite Abraham in [the] ears of [the] people of Heth to all [those who were] entering [the] gate of city his saying.
11 “होइन, मेरा प्रभु, मेरो कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस्‌ । म तपाईंलाई त्‍यो खेत र त्‍यसमा भएको ओडार पनि दिन्‍छु । मेरा मानिसहरूका छोराहरूकै सामुन्‍ने म त्‍यो तपाईंलाई दिन्‍छु। म तपाईंलाई लाश गाड्नको निम्ति त्यो दिन्छु ।”
No O lord my listen to me the field I give to you and the cave which [is] in it to you I give it to [the] eyes of [the] sons of people my I give it to you bury dead your.
12 अब्राहामले फेरि त्‍यस देशका मानिसहरूलाई दण्‍डवत्‌ गरे ।
And he bowed down Abraham before [the] people of the land.
13 अनि तिनले त्‍यस ठाउँका मानिसहरूले सुन्‍ने गरी एप्रोनलाई भने, “तर यदि तपाईंको मन्‍जुरी भए मेरो कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस् । म त्‍यस जग्‍गाको मोल तिर्नेछु । मबाट पैसा लिनुहोस्, र म त्यहाँ लाश गाड्नेछु
And he spoke to Ephron in [the] ears of [the] people of the land saying nevertheless if you if listen to me I give [the] money of the field take [it] from me so let me bury dead my there.
14 ।” एप्रोनले अब्राहामलाई भने,
And he answered Ephron Abraham saying to him.
15 “हे मेरा प्रभु, मेरो कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस्‌ । जग्‍गाको मोल चाँदीका चार सय सिक्‍का हो, तर मेरो र तपाईंको बीचमा त्‍यो के हो र? लाशलाई गाड्‌नुहोस्‌ ।”
O lord my listen to me land of four hundred shekel[s] of silver between me and between you what? [is] it and dead your bury.
16 अब्राहामले एप्रोनको कुरा माने र तिनले एप्रोनलाई हेतका छोराहरूका सामुन्‍ने उनले भने जस्तै व्‍यापारीहरूमा प्रचलित तौलबमोजिम चाँदीका चार सय सिक्‍का जोखेर उनलाई दिए ।
And he listened Abraham to Ephron and he weighed out Abraham for Ephron the money which he had spoken in [the] ears of [the] people of Heth four hundred shekel[s] of silver passing along to the trader.
17 यसरी मक्‍पेलामा मम्रेनेरको एप्रोनको खेत र त्‍यसभित्र भएका ओडार र रूखहरूसमेत एप्रोनले
And it was confirmed - [the] field of Ephron which [was] in Machpelah which [was] before Mamre the field and the cave which [was] in it and every tree which [was] in the field which [was] in all border its round about.
18 त्‍यस सहरका ढोकाको अगाडि आएकाहरू हेतका छोराहरू सबैका सामु अब्राहामको अधिकारमा दिए ।
To Abraham to a possession to [the] eyes of [the] people of Heth for all [those who were] entering [the] gate of city his.
19 त्‍यसपछि अब्राहामले आफ्‍नी पत्‍नी सारालाई कनान देशमा मम्रेनेरको, अर्थात्‌ हेब्रोनमा भएको मक्‍पेलाक खेतको ओडारमा गाडे ।
And after thus he buried Abraham Sarah wife his into [the] cave of [the] field of Machpelah on [the] face of Mamre that [is] Hebron in [the] land of Canaan.
20 यसरी त्‍यो खेत र त्‍यसमा भएको ओडारसमेत हित्तीहरूका तर्फबाट चिहानको रूपमा अब्राहामको अधिकारमा भयो ।
And it was confirmed the field and the cave which [was] in it to Abraham to a possession of a burial site from with [the] people of Heth.

< उत्पत्ति 23 >