< इजकिएल 19 >

1 “अब तैंले इस्राएलका अगुवाहरूका विरुद्धमा विलाप गर्,
[Yahweh said to me, “Ezekiel], sing a sad funeral [a which will be a parable] [two of the] kings of Israel.
2 र भन्‌, 'तेरी आमा को थिई? एक सिंहिनी, त्यो सिंहका डमरुसँग बस्थी । त्यसले आफ्ना डमरुहरूलाई हुर्काउँदै तिनीहरूका बिचमा बस्थी ।
Say [to the Israeli people], ‘[It is as though] [MET] your mother was a brave female lion who raised her cubs among [other] lions.
3 आफ्ना डमरुमध्‍ये एउटालाई हुर्काएर जवान बनाउने त्यो नै थिई । त्‍यो सिंह जसले आफ्नो शिकारलाई फहराउन सिक्‍यो र त्‍यसले मानिसहरूलाई खायो ।
She taught one of them to [for other animals to kill], and he [even] learned [kill and] eat people.
4 तब जातिहरूले त्‍यसको बारेमा सुने । त्यो तिनीहरूको जालमा पर्‍यो, र तिनीहरूले त्यसलाई अङ्‌कुसेले समातेर मिश्रदेशमा लगे ।
[When people from other] nations heard about him, they trapped him in a pit. Then they used hooks to drag him to Egypt.
5 त्‍यसले ऊ फर्केर आउँछ कि भनी आशा गरे तापनि आफ्‍नो आशा खेर गएको देखी । यसैले त्यसले आफ्नो अर्को डमरुलाई लिएर र त्यसलाई जवान सिंह हुनलाई हुर्काई ।
His mother waited for him [to return], but [soon] she stopped hoping/expecting [that he would return]. So she raised another cub who [also] became very fierce.
6 त्यो जवान सिंह अरू सिंहहरूका माझमा यताउता हिंड्‌डुल गर्न लाग्‍यो । त्‍यो एउटा बलियो जवान सिंह भएको थियो र त्‍यसले शिकारलाई फहराउन सिक्‍यो । त्‍यसले मानिसहरूलाई खान लाग्‍यो ।
He hunted along with [other] [for animals to kill], and he even learned [kill and] eat people.
7 त्‍यसले तिनीहरूका विधवाहरूलाई कब्जा गर्‍यो र तिनीहरूका सहरहरू उजाड पार्‍यो । त्‍यो गर्जेको आवाजले त्यो देश र त्‍यसको पूर्णतालाई त्यागियो ।
He destroyed forts, and he ruined cities. When he roared [loudly], everyone was terrified.
8 तर छेउछाउका इलाकाबाट जातिहरू त्‍यसको विरुद्धमा आए । तिनीहरूले त्‍यसमाथि पासो थापे । तिनीहरूको पासोमा त्‍यो पर्‍यो ।
So [people of other] nations planned to kill him, and men came from many places to spread out a net for him, and they caught him in a trap.
9 अङ्‌कुसेले समातेर तिनीहरूले त्‍यसलाई एउटा खोरमा हाले, र तिनीहरूले त्‍यसलाई बेबिलोनको राजाकहाँ लगे । तिनीहरूले त्‍यसलाई किल्लाहरूमा ल्याए ताकि इस्राएलका डाँडाहरूमा त्‍यसको आवाज फेरि कहिल्‍यै सुनिनेछैन ।
They tied him with chains and took him to Babylonia. And [there] he was locked in a prison, with the result that [no one on] the hills of Israel ever heard him roar again.’ [Also, say to the Israeli people, ]
10 तेरी आमा पानीको छेउमा तेरो रगतमा रोपिएको दाखको बोटजस्तै थिई । प्रशस्त पानीको कारणले त्यो फलवन्त र हाँगैहाँगाले पूर्ण थियो ।
‘[It is as though] [SIM] your mother was a grapevine that was planted along a stream. There was plenty of water, so it had lots of branches and produced [a lot of] grapes.
11 त्‍यसका हाँगाहरू बलिया थिए, जसलाई शासकको राजदण्‍डको लागि प्रयोग गरिए, र त्यसको आकार हाँगाहरूभन्‍दा माथि उठ्‍यो, र त्‍यसको उचाइचाहिं त्‍यसका पातहरूमा देखिन्‍थ्‍यो ।
That grapevine grew and became taller than all the nearby trees; [everyone could] see that it was very strong and healthy. And those branches were good for making scepters that symbolize the power/ [of a king].
12 तर त्यो दाखको बोट क्रोधमा उखेलियो, र जमिनमा फालियो, र पूर्वीय बतासले त्‍यसका फललाई सुकाइदियो । त्‍यसका बलिया हाँगाहरू भाँचिए र सुके, र आगोले ती भस्‍म पारिए ।
[Yahweh] became very angry, so he pulled up the vine by its roots and threw it on the ground, where the [very hot] winds from the desert dried up all its fruit. The strong branches wilted and were burned in a fire.
13 यसैले अब त्‍यो उजाड-स्‍थानमा, सुक्‍खा र पानी नभएको ठाउँमा रोपियो ।
Now that vine has been planted in a hot, dry desert.
14 किनकि त्‍यसका ठुला हाँगाहरूबाट आगो निस्‍क्‍यो, र त्‍यसका फलहरू भस्‍म पार्‍यो । त्‍यसमा कुनै बलियो हाँगा बाँकी रहेन, शासन गर्ने राजदण्ड पनि रहेन ।' यो एउटा विलापको गीत हो, र विलापको गीतको रूपमा गाउनुपर्छ ।”
A fire started to burn its stem, and then started to burn the branches and burned all the grapes. [Now] not [even] one strong branch remains; they will never become scepters for a king.’ That funeral song must be sung very sadly.”

< इजकिएल 19 >