< एस्तर 6 >

1 त्यस रात राजा सुत्‍न सकेनन् । तिनले सेवकहरूलाई आफ्नो राज्‍यकालका घटनाहरूको विवरणहरू ल्याउन हुकुम गरे, र राजाको सामु चर्को सोरमा ति पढियो ।
On that night the king was unable to sleep, so he gave orders to bring the books that recorded memorable deeds, and they were read before the king.
2 प्रवेशद्वारको पहरा दिने राजाका दुई जना अधिकारी बिग्थाना र तेरेशले राजा अहासूरसलाई हानि गर्ने कोसिस गरेका कुरा मोर्दकैले जानकरी गराएका थिए भनी त्‍यहाँ लेखिएको पाइयो ।
It was found recorded how Mordecai had furnished information regarding Bigthan and Teresh, two of the king’s attendants who guarded the entrance of the palace, who had attempted to kill King Ahasuerus.
3 राजाले सोधे, “यसो गरेका हुनाले मोर्दकैलाई सम्मान वा पद दिन के गरियो त?” तब राजाको सेवा गर्ने जवान मानिसहरूले जवाफ दिए, “तिनको लागि केही गरिएन ।”
“What honor and dignity have been conferred on Mordecai for this?” the king asked. When the king’s pages who waited on him replied “Nothing has been done for him,”
4 राजाले भने, “चोकमा को छ?” अब हामानचाहिं भर्खरै आफूले तयार गरेको फाँसीको काठमा मोर्दकैलाई झुण्ड्याउन भनी राजासित बिन्ती गर्न राजदरबारको बाहिर चोकमा आइपुगेका थिए ।
the king said, “Who is in the court?” Now Haman had just entered the outer court of the king’s house to speak to the king about hanging Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him.
5 राजाका सेवकहरूले तिनलाई भने, “हामान चोकमा उभिरहेका छन् ।” राजाले भने, “तिनी भित्र आऊन् ।”
So the king’s pages said to him, “Haman is standing there, in the court.” The king said, “Let him enter.”
6 जब हामान भित्र आए, तब राजाले तिनलाई सोधे, “राजाले सम्मान दिन इच्छा गरेको मानिसलाई के गरिनुपर्छ?” हामानले आफ्नो हृदयमा भने, “मबाहेक अरू कसलाई राजाले सम्मान दिने इच्छा गर्नुहुन्छ र?”
So Haman entered, and the king said to him, “What should be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor?” Haman said to himself, “Whom besides me could the king wish to honor?”
7 हामानले राजालाई भने, “जुन मानिसलाई राजाले सम्मान दिन इच्छा गर्नुभएको छ,
So he said to the king, “For the man whom the king wishes to honor
8 राजाकीय पोशाक, राजाले पहिरिनुभएको वस्‍त्र अनि राजाले सवार गर्नुभएको शिरमा राजकीय चिन्ह लगाइएको घोडा ल्‍याइयोस् ।
let a royal garment be brought, which the king has worn, and the horse on which the king has ridden and on whose head a royal diadem has been placed.
9 तब त्यो पोशाक र घोडा राजाका सबैभन्दा माननीय अधिकारीहरूमध्ये एक जनालाई दिइयोस् । राजाले सम्मान गर्न खोज्नुभएको मानिसलाई तिनीहरूले त्यो पोशाक पहिराऊन्, र तिनलाई घोडामा सवार गराएर सहरका सडकहरू घुमाऊन् । तिनीहरूले तिनको सामु घोषणा गरून्, 'राजाले सम्मान गर्ने इच्छा गर्नुभएको मानिसलाई यसै गरिन्छ' ।”
Then let the garment and the horse be placed in charge of one of the king’s noble officials. Let him clothe the man whom the king wishes to honor and let him lead that man on the horse through the city square, proclaiming before him, ‘This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor.’”
10 तब राजाले हामानलाई भने, “छिटो गर, तिमीले भनेझैँ पोशाक र घोडा लिएर आऊ, अनि राजाको ढाकामा बस्‍ने यहूदी मोर्दकैलाई यसै गर । तिमीले भनेका एउटै कुरा गर्न पनि नचुक ।”
Then the king said to Haman, “Make haste and take the garment and the horse, as you have said, and do this to Mordecai the Jew, who sits in the king’s gate. Omit nothing of all you have said.”
11 तब हामानले पोशाक र घोडा ल्‍याए । तिनले मोर्दकैलाई उक्‍त पोशाक लगाइदिए, र तिनलाई घोडामा सवार गराएर सहरका सडकहरूमा घुमाए । तिनको सामु तिनले घोषणा गरे, “राजाले सम्मान गर्न इच्छा गर्नुभएको मानिसलाई यसै गरिन्छ ।”
So Haman took the garment and the horse and clothed Mordecai, and made him ride through the city square and proclaimed before him, “This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor.”
12 मोर्दकै राजाको ढोकामा फर्के । तर हामानचाहिं शिर ढाकेर शोक गर्दै हतार गरी आफ्नो घरमा गए ।
Mordecai returned to the king’s gate, but Haman hurried to his house, mourning, with his head covered.
13 हामानले आफूमाथि आइपरेका सबै कुरा आफ्नी पत्‍नी जेरेश र आफ्ना सबै मित्रहरूलाई बताए । तब बुद्धिको निम्ति कहलिएका तिनका मानिसहरू र तिनकी पत्‍नी जेरेशले तिनलाई भने, “मोर्दकै जसको सामुन्‍ने तपाईंको पतनको सुरु भएको छ, त्यो यहूदी हो भने तपाईंले त्यसलाई पराजित गर्न सक्‍नुहुनेछैन, तर निश्‍चय नै त्यसको सामु तपाईं पतन हुनेछ ।”
Haman recounted to Zeresh his wife and to all his friends everything that had happened to him. Then his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, “If Mordecai before whom you have already been humiliated is of the Jewish people, you can do nothing against him but will surely fall before him.”
14 तिनीहरू तिनीसित कुराकानी गरिरहँदा राजाका अधिकारीहरू आइपुगे । एस्तरले तयार पारेको भोजमा लैजान तिनीहरूले हामानलाई हतार गरे ।
While they were still talking with him, the king’s attendants came and quickly took Haman to the banquet that Esther had prepared.

< एस्तर 6 >