< २ तिमोथी 2 >
1 त्यसैकारण, मेरा बालक, येशू ख्रीष्टमा भएको अनुग्रहमा बलियो होऊ ।
Do you, then, my Child, find strength in the help which comes from the union with Christ Jesus;
2 र धेरै गवाहीको माझमा तिमीले जे कुरा मबाट सुनेका छौ, अरूलाई पनि सिकाउन सक्ने विश्वासयोग्य मानिसहरूलाई सुम्पिदेऊ ।
and what you learnt from me, in the presence of many listeners, entrust to reliable men, who will be able in their turn to teach others.
3 येशू ख्रीष्टको असल सिपाहीझैँ मसँग कष्ट भोग ।
Share hardships with me, as a true soldier of Christ Jesus.
4 सेनामा भर्ना भएको कुनै पनि जवान आफ्नो जीवनको अन्य काममा लाग्दैन, ताकि उसले आफ्नो हाकिमलाई खुसी पार्न सकोस् ।
A soldier on active service, to please his superior officer, always avoids entangling himself in the affairs of ordinary life.
5 कोही खेलमा भाग लिन्छ भने, उसले नियमअनुसार नखेली मुकुट जित्न सक्दैन ।
No athlete is ever awarded the wreath of victory unless he has kept the rules.
6 परिश्रम गर्ने किसानले नै आफ्नो बालीको पहिले भाग प्राप्त गर्नुपर्छ ।
The labourer who does the work should be the first to receive a share of the fruits of the earth.
7 मैले भनेका कुरामा विचार गर, किनकि परमेश्वरले तिमीलाई सबै कुरामा समझशक्ति दिनुहुनेछ ।
Reflect upon what I say; the Lord will always help you to understand.
8 मैले सुसमाचारको सन्देशमा भनेअनुसार दाऊदको वंशबाट आउनुभएका येशू ख्रीष्टको सम्झना गर ।
Keep before your mind Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David, as told in the Good News entrusted to me;
9 जुन कुराको लागि मैले अपराधीझैँ बन्धनमा पर्ने अवस्थासम्म कष्ट भोगेँ । तर परमेश्वरको वचन बन्धनमा परेको छैन ।
in the service of which I am suffering hardships, even to being put in fetters as a criminal. But the Message of God is not fettered;
10 त्यसैकारण चुनिएकाहरूका लागि म सबै कुरा सहन्छु, ताकि तिनीहरूले अनन्तको महिमाका साथ येशू ख्रीष्टमा भएको मुक्ति प्राप्त गरून् । (aiōnios )
and that is why I submit to anything for the sake of God’s People, that they also may obtain the Salvation which comes from union with Christ Jesus, and imperishable glory. (aiōnios )
11 यो भनाइ भरोसायोग्य छः “हामी उहाँसँगै मर्यौँ भने, हामी उहाँसँगै जीवित पनि हुनेछौँ ।
How true this saying is — ‘If we have shared his death, we shall also share his life.
12 हामीले सह्यौँ भने, हामीले उहाँसँगै राज्य गर्नेछौँ । हामीले उहाँलाई इन्कार गर्यौँ भने, उहाँले पनि हामीलाई इन्कार गर्नुहुन्छ ।
If we continue to endure, we shall also share his throne. If we should ever disown him, he, too, will disown us.
13 हामी उहाँमा विश्वासयोग्य भएनौँ भने, उहाँ विश्वासयोग्य हुनुहुन्छ, किनकि उहाँले आफैलाई इन्कार गर्नुहुन्न ।
If we lose our trust, he is still to be trusted, for he cannot be false to himself!’
14 तिनीहरूलाई यी कुराहरूको निरन्तर सम्झना दिलाऊ । शब्दहरूमा तर्क-वितर्क नगर भनी तिनीहरूलाई परमेश्वरको अगाडि चेतावनी देओ, किनभने तिनीहरूले केही फाइदा गर्दैनन् र यी कुराहरू सुन्नेहरूलाई नोक्सान मात्र पुग्छ ।
Remind people of all this; urge them solemnly, as in the sight of God, to avoid controversy, a useless thing and the ruin of those who listen to it.
15 सत्यको वचनलाई होसियारीसाथ प्रयोग गर्ने शर्माउन नपर्ने कामदारजस्तै परमेश्वरको उपस्थितिमा स्वीकारयोग्य हुन भरमग्दुर प्रयत्न गर ।
Do your utmost to show yourself true to God, a workman with no reason to be ashamed, accurate in delivering the Message of the Truth.
16 भक्तिहीन कुरालाई त्याग, जसले तिमीहरूलाई अझ धेरै भक्तिहीनतातर्फ डोर्याउँछ ।
Avoid profane prattle. Those who indulge in it only get deeper into irreligious ways,
17 तिनीहरूको वचन निको नहुने सइनको घाउजस्तै फैलिनेछ । तिनीहरूमध्ये हुमेनियस र फिलेतस हुन् ।
and their teaching will spread like a cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are instances of this.
18 ती मानिसहरू सत्यताबाट टाढा हराइरहेका छन् र तिनीहरूले येशूको पुनरुत्थान पहिले नै भइसकेको छ भनेर भन्दछन्, र तिनीहरूमध्ये कतिको विश्वासलाई खल्बल्याइरहेका छन् ।
They have gone completely astray as regards the Truth; they say that a resurrection has already taken place, and so upset some people’s faith.
19 तथापि यस छाप सहितको परमेश्वरको दृढ जग स्थिर रहन्छ, “प्रभुले आफ्नाहरूलाई चिन्नुहुन्छ” र “जसले उहाँको नाउँ लिन्छ, त्यो सबै अधर्मबाट टाढा रहोस्” ।
Yet God’s firm foundation still stands unmoved, and it bears this inscription — ‘THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS’; and this — ‘LET ALL THOSE WHO USE THE NAME OF THE LORD TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS.’
20 सम्पन्न घरमा सुन र चाँदीका भाँडाहरू मात्र हुदैनन्, तर त्यहाँ माटा र काठका भाँडा पनि हुन्छन्, र कति आदर र कति अनादरको निम्ति प्रयोग हुन्छन् ।
Now in a large house there are not only things of gold and silver, but also others of wood and earthenware, some for better and some for common use.
21 कसैले अनादरयोग्य प्रयोगबाट आफैलाई शुद्ध पार्दछ भने, ऊ अलग गरिएको, मालिकको लागि उपयोगी र हरेक असल कामको लागि तयार भएको आदरको भाँडो हुन्छ ।
If, then, a man has escaped from the pollution of such errors as I have mentioned, he will be like a thing kept for better use, set apart, serviceable to its owner, ready for any good purpose.
22 जवानीको अभिलाषाबाट अलग बस, र शुद्ध हृदयले परमेश्वरलाई पुकार्नेहरूसँगै धार्मिकता, विश्वास, प्रेम, शान्तिको खोजी गर ।
Flee from the passions of youth, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, in the company of those who, with a pure heart, invoke the Lord.
23 तर मूर्ख र अज्ञानी प्रश्नहरूले वादविवाद ल्याउँछन् भन्ने जानेर तिनबाट अलग बस ।
Shun foolish and ignorant discussions, for you know that they only breed quarrels;
24 परमेश्वरका सेवकहरूले झगडा गर्नुहुँदैन, तर तिनीहरू सबैका लागि दयालु, सिकाउन सक्ने र धैर्यवान् हुनुपर्दछ ।
and a Servant of the Lord should never quarrel. He ought, on the contrary, to be courteous to every one, a skilful teacher, and forbearing.
25 उहाँका विरोधीहरूलाई विनम्रतामा सुधार्ने हुनुपर्छ । सायद परमेश्वरले तिनीहरूलाई सत्यताको ज्ञानको लागि पश्चात्ताप दिनुहुनेछ ।
He should instruct his opponents in a gentle spirit; for, possibly, God may give them a repentance that will lead to a fuller knowledge of Truth,
26 अनि दुष्टले आफ्नो इच्छा पुरा गर्नको लागि पारेको पासोबाट उम्किएर तिनीहरूको चेतना फर्किनेछ ।
and they may yet come to a sober mind, and escape from the snares of the Devil, when captured by the Lord’s Servant to do the will of God.