< 2 शमूएल 6 >

1 दाऊदले फेरि पनि इस्राएलका चुनिएका सबै तिस हजार मानिसलाई एकसाथ भेला पारे ।
And he gathered again David every chosen [man] in Israel thirty thousand.
2 दाऊद उठे र यहूदाको बालाबाट पमरप्रभुको सन्दुक ल्याउनलाई आफूसँग भएका सबै मानिसलाई साथमा लिएर गए, जसलाई सर्वशकक्‍तिमान् परमप्रभुको नाउँद्वारा पुकारा गरिन्‍छ जो करूबहरूमाथि विराजमान हुनुहुन्छ ।
And he arose - and he went David and all the people which [was] with him from Baalah of Judah to bring up from there [the] ark of God which it is called [the] name [the] name of Yahweh of hosts [who] sits the cherubim on it.
3 तिनीहरूले परमप्रभुको सन्दुकलाई एउटा नयाँ गाडामा राखे । तिनीहरूले यसलाई अबीनादाबको घरबाट बाहिर ल्याए, जुन डाँडामाथि थियो । तिनका छोराहरू उज्‍जाह र अहियोले त्‍यो नयाँ गाडालाई ठेल्‍दै थिए ।
And they made to ride [the] ark of God to a cart a new and they carried it from [the] house of Abinadab which [was] on the hill and Uzzah and Ahio [the] sons of Abinadab [were] leading the cart new.
4 तिनीहरूले परमेश्‍वरको सन्दुकसहितको गाडालाई डाँडामा भएको अबीनादाको घरबाट बाहिर ल्याए । अहियो सन्दुकको अगिअगि हिंडिरहेका थिए ।
And they carried it from [the] house of Abinadab which [was] on the hill with [the] ark of God and Ahio [was] walking before the ark.
5 तब दाऊद र इस्राएलका सबै घरानाले परमप्रभुको सामु काठका साधनहरू, वीणा, सारङ्गी, खैंजडीहरू, मृदङ्ग र झ्यालीहरू बजाउँदै उत्सव मनाउन थाले ।
And David - and all [the] house of Israel [were] playing before Yahweh on all wood of fir trees and on harps and on lyres and on tambourines and on rattles and on cymbals.
6 जब तिनीहरू नाकोनको खलामा आइपुगे, तब गोरुहरूले ठेस खाए, र उज्‍जाहले परमेश्‍वरको सन्दुक समात्‍नलाई आफ्‍नो हात पसारे र तिनले त्‍यो समाते ।
And they came to [the] threshing floor of Nacon and he stretched out Uzzah to [the] ark of God and he took hold on it for they had stumbled the ox[en].
7 त्यसपछि परमप्रभुको रिस उज्‍जाहको विरुद्ध दन्कियो । तिनको पापको कारणले परमेश्‍वरले तिनलाई त्यहाँ आक्रमण गर्नुभयो । उज्‍जाह त्यहाँ नै परमेश्‍वरको सन्दुकनेर मरे ।
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Uzzah and he struck down him there God on the presumption and he died there beside [the] ark of God.
8 दाऊद रिसाए, किनभने परमप्रभुले उज्‍जाहलाई आक्रमण गर्नुभएको थियो र तिनले त्यस ठाउँलाई फारेस-उज्‍जाह भने । त्यस ठाउँलाई आज पनि फारेस-उज्‍जाह नै भनिन्छ ।
And it burned to David on that he had broken out Yahweh a breaking out against Uzzah and someone called the place that Perez Uzzah until the day this.
9 दाऊद त्यस दिन परमप्रभुसँग डराएका थिए । तिनले भने, “परमप्रभुको सन्दुक मकहाँ कसरी आउन सक्छ?”
And he feared David Yahweh on the day that and he said how? will it come to me [the] ark of Yahweh.
10 त्यसैले दाऊदले परमप्रभुको सन्दुकलाई दाऊदको सहरमा लान तत्पर भएनन् । बरु, तिनले यसलाई गित्ती ओबेद-एदोमको घरमा राखे ।
And not he was willing David to turn aside to himself [the] ark of Yahweh to [the] city of David and he turned aside it David [the] house of Obed-Edom the Gittite.
11 पमरप्रभुको सन्दुक गित्ती ओबेद-एदोमको घरमा तीन महिनासम्म रह्यो । त्यसैले परमप्रभुले तिनलाई र तिनका सबै घरानालाई आशिष् दिनुभयो ।
And it remained [the] ark of Yahweh [the] house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months and he blessed Yahweh Obed-Edom and all household his.
12 अब दाऊद राजालाई भनियो, “परमेश्‍वरको सन्दुकको कारणले परमप्रभुले एदोमको घर र तिनीसँग भएका हरेक कुरामा आशिष् दिनुभएको छ ।” त्यसैले दाऊद गए र तिनले परमेश्‍वरको सन्दुकलाई एदोमको घरबाट दाऊदको सहरमा आनन्द साथ ल्याए ।
And it was told to the king David saying he has blessed Yahweh [the] household of Obed-Edom and all that [belongs] to him for sake of [the] ark of God and he went David and he brought up [the] ark of God from [the] house of Obed-Edom [the] city of David with rejoicing.
13 जब परमप्रभुको सन्दुक बोक्‍नेहरू छ कदम अगि बढ्‍थे, तब तिनले एउटा साँढे र एउटा पोसेको बाछो बलि चढाउँथे ।
And it was that they had stepped [the] bearers of [the] ark of Yahweh six steps and he sacrificed an ox and a fatling.
14 पमरप्रभुको सामु आफ्‍नो सारा शक्ति लगाएर दाऊद नाचे । तिनले सूतीको एपोद मात्र लगाएका थिए ।
And David [was] dancing with all strength before Yahweh and David [was] girded an ephod of linen.
15 यसरी दाऊद र इस्राएलका सबै घरानाले परमप्रभुको सन्दुक रमाहट गर्दै र तुरही बजाउँदै लिएर आए ।
And David and all [the] house of Israel [were] bringing up [the] ark of Yahweh with shouting and with [the] sound of a trumpet.
16 अब जब परमप्रभुको सन्दुक दाऊदको सहरमा आयो, तब शाऊलकी छोरी मीकलले झ्यालबाट बाहिर हेरिन् । परमप्रभुको सामु दाऊद राजा उफ्रँदै र नाँच्दै गरेको तिनले देखिन् । तब आफ्‍नो हृदयमा तिनले उनलाई घृणा गरिन् ।
And it was [the] ark of Yahweh coming [the] city of David and Michal [the] daughter of Saul she looked down - through the window and she saw the king David leaping and dancing before Yahweh and she despised him in heart her.
17 तिनीहरू परमप्रभुको सन्दुक ल्याए र त्‍यसको निम्‍ति दाऊदले तयार पारेका बिचको पालमा त्‍यसको आफ्नै ठाउँमा त्‍यो राखे । तब दाऊदले परमप्रभुको सामु होमबलि र मेलबलिहरू चढाए ।
And they brought [the] ark of Yahweh and they set it in place its in [the] midst of the tent which he had pitched for it David and he offered up David burnt offerings before Yahweh and peace offerings.
18 जब दाऊदले होमबलि र मेलबलिहरू चढाएर सिद्ध्याए, तिनले मानिसहरूलाई सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभुको नाउँमा आशिष् दिए ।
And he finished David from offering up the burnt offering and the peace offerings and he blessed the people in [the] name of Yahweh of hosts.
19 त्यसपछि तिनले सबै मानिसका माझमा, सम्पूर्ण इस्राएलको भिडलाई पुरुष र महिला दुवैलाई एउटा रोटी, एक डल्लो खजूर र एक झुप्पा किसमिस बाँडिदिए । अनि सबै मानिस विदा भए । प्रत्‍येक व्‍यक्‍ति उसको आफ्‍नै घरमा फर्कियो ।
And he distributed to all the people to all [the] multitude of Israel to from a man and unto a woman to each a cake of bread one and a date-cake one and a raisin-cake one and it went all the people each to own house his.
20 त्यसपछि दाऊद आफ्‍नो परिवारलाई आशिष् दिन फर्केर गए । शऊलकी छोरी मीकल दाऊदलाई भेट्न आइन् र भनिन्, “इस्राएलको राजाको आज कति ठुलो इज्‍जत भएको, जसले आफ्नो सेविकाहरू र सेवकहरूको माझ निर्लज्‍ज रूपमा आफूलाई निवर्वस्‍त्र पार्ने कुपात्रले झैं आफैलाई निर्वस्‍त्र तुल्याए ।”
And he returned David to bless household his and she came out Michal [the] daughter of Saul to meet David and she said how! he has honored himself this day [the] king of Israel who he has uncovered himself this day to [the] eyes of [the] maidservants of servants his as uncovers himself shamelessly one of the worthless [men].
21 दाऊदले मीकललाई जवाफ दिए, “त्यो मैले परमप्रभुको सामु गरें, जसले मलाई तिम्रा बुबा र तिनका सबै परिवारमाथि चुन्‍नुभयो, जसले मलाई परमप्रभुका मानिसहरू इस्राएलमाथि अगुवा चुन्‍नुभयो । परमप्रभुको सामु म आनन्दित हुने छु ।
And he said David to Michal before Yahweh who he chose me more than father your and more than all household his to appoint me ruler over [the] people of Yahweh over Israel and I will play before Yahweh.
22 म योभन्दा अझ धेरै अप्रतिष्ठित हुने छु र म मेरै आँखामा अपमानिस हुने छु । तर तिमीले भनेकी यी सेविकाहरूद्वारा नै मेरो इज्‍जत गरिने छ ।”
And I will demean myself still more than this and I will be lowly in own eyes my and with the maidservants whom you have said with them I will be honored.
23 त्यसैले शाऊलकी छोरी मीकलको मृत्युको दिनसम्म पनि कुनै सन्तान भएन ।
And to Michal [the] daughter of Saul not it belonged to her a child until [the] day of death her.

< 2 शमूएल 6 >