< २ शमूएल 1 >

1 शाऊलको मृत्युपछि अमालेकीहरूलाई आक्रमण गरेर दाऊद फर्के र सिक्लगमा दुई दिनसम्म बसे ।
Now it came to pass, after Saul was dead, that David returned from the slaughter of the Amalecites, and abode two days in Siceleg.
2 तेस्रो दिनमा, शाऊलको छाउनीबाट एक जना मानिस लुगा च्यातेर र शिरमा धुलो छरेर आए । जब तिनी दाऊदकहाँ आए, तब तिनले आफ्‍नो अनुहार भुईंमा घोप्‍टो पारे र आफूलाई लमतन्‍न पारे ।
And on the third day, there appeared a man who came out of Saul’s camp, with his garments rent, and dust strewed on his head: and when he came to David, he fell upon his face, and adored.
3 दाऊदले तिनलाई सोधे, “तिमी कहाँबाट आएको हौ?” तिनले जवाफ दिए, “म इस्राएलको छाउनीबाट उम्केर भएको ।”
And David said to him: From whence comest thou? And he said to him: I am fled out of the camp of Israel.
4 दाऊदले तिनलाई भने, “कृपया मलाई भन, के के भएका छन्।” तिनले जवाफ दिए, “मानिसहरू युद्धबाट भागे । धेरै जना ढलेका छन् र धेरै जना मरेका छन् । शाऊल र उनका छोरा जोनाथन पनि मरेका छन् ।”
And David said unto him: What is the matter that is come to pass? tell me. He said: The people are fled from the battle, and many of the people are fallen and dead: moreover Saul and Jonathan his son are slain.
5 दाऊदले ती जवान मानिसलाई भने, “शाऊल र उनका छोरा जोनाथन मरेका छन् भनेर तिमीलाई कसरी थाहा भयो?”
And David said to the young man that told him: How knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son, are dead?
6 ती जवान मानिसले जवाफ दिए, “म संयोगवश गिल्बो डाँडामा पुगें र त्यहाँ शाऊल आफ्नो भालामा उनिएका थिए अनि रथहरू र घडचढीहरूले उनलाई भेट्न लागेका थिए ।
And the young man that told him, said: I came by chance upon mount Gelboe, and Saul leaned upon his spear: and the chariots and horsemen drew nigh unto him,
7 शाऊलले वरिपरि हेरे र मलाई देखे र मलाई बोलाए । मैले जवाफ दिएँ, 'म यहाँ छु ।'
And looking behind him, and seeing me, he called me. And I answered, Here am I.
8 उनले मलाई भने, 'तँ को होस्?' मैले जवाफ दिएँ, 'म अमालेकी हुँ ।'
And he said to me: Who art thou? And I said to him: I am an Amalecite.
9 उनले मलाई भने, “मेरो छेउमा आएर मलाई मार्, किनकि म ठुलो पीडाले मलाई समातेको छ, तर ममा अझै जीवन छ ।'
And he said to me: Stand over me, and kill me: for anguish is come upon me, and as yet my whole life is in me.
10 त्यसैले म उनको छेउमा गएँ र उनलाई मारे, किनभने उनी ढलेपछि बाँच्‍ने छैनन् भन्‍ने मैले थाहा पाएँ । त्यसपछि मैले उनको शिरको शिरपेच र हातको बाजु लिएँ र हजुर मेरो मलिकहाँ ल्याएको छु ।”
So standing over him, I killed him: for I knew that he could not live after the fall: and I took the diadem that was on his head, and the bracelet that was on his arm and have brought them hither to thee, my lord.
11 त्यसपछि दाऊदले आफ्नो लुगा च्याते र तिनीसँग भएका सबै मानिसहरूले त्यसै गरे ।
Then David took hold of his garments and rent them, and likewise all the men that were with him.
12 तिनीहरूले शाऊल, उनका छोरा जोनाथन, परमप्रभुका मानिसहरू र इस्राएलको घरानाको निम्ति विलाप गरे, रोए र साँझसम्म उपवास बसे, किनभने तिनीहरू तरवारद्वारा नाश भएका थिए ।
And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until evening for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Israel, because they were fallen by the sword.
13 दाऊदले ती जवान मानिसलाई सोधे, “तँ कहाँबाट आएको होस्?” तिनले जवाफ दिए, “म एक जना विदेशी अमालेकीको छोरा हुँ ।”
And David said to the young man that told him: Whence art thou? He answered: I am the son of a stranger of Amalee.
14 दाऊदले तिनलाई भने, “पमरप्रभुको अभिषिक्‍त राजालाई तेरो आफ्‍नै हातले मार्न तँलाई किन डर लागेन?”
David said to him: Why didst thou not fear to put out thy hand to kill the Lord’s anointed?
15 दाऊदले आफ्‍ना जवानमध्ये एक जनालाई बोलाएर भने, “जाऊ र यसलाई मार् ।” त्यसैले त्यो मानिस गयो र तिनलाई प्रहार गर्‍यो र ती अमालेकी मरे ।
And David calling one of his servants, said: Go near and fall upon him. And he struck him so that he died.
16 त्यसपछि दऊदले त्यो मृतक अमालेकीलाई भने, “तेरो रगत तेरै शिरमा परोस् किनभने तेरै मुखले तेरो विरुद्ध गवाही दिएको र भनेको छ, 'मैले परमप्रभुका अभिषिक्‍त राजालाई मारेको छु' ।”
And David said to him: Thy blood be upon thy own head: for thy own mouth hath spoken against thee, saying: I have slain the Lord’s anointed.
17 त्यसपछि दाऊदले शाऊल र जोनाथनको मृत्‍युमा यो विलापको गित गाए ।
And David made this kind of lamentation over Saul, and over Jonathan his son.
18 तिनले यहूदाका सन्तानलाई यो विलापको गित सिकाउन हुकुम दिए, जसलाई याशारको पुस्तकमा लिखिएको छः
(Also he commanded that they should teach the children of Juda the use of the bow, as it is written in the book of the just.) And he said: Consider, O Israel, for them that are dead, wounded on thy high places.
19 “ए इस्राएल तिम्रो महिमा मृत छ, तिम्रो उच्‍च स्थानहरूमा मारिएको छ । वीरहरू कसरी ढलेका छन्!
The illustrious of Israel are slain upon thy mountains: how are the valiant fallen?
20 यो कुरा गातमा नभन, यसलाई अश्कलोनका गल्तीहरूमा घोषणा नगर, ताकि पलिश्‍तीहरूका छोरीहरू रमाउन नपाउन्, ताकि बेखतनाका छोरीहरूले उत्सव मनाउन नसकुन् ।
Tell it not in Geth, publish it not in the streets of Ascalon: lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph,
21 ए गोल्बि डाँडा, तँमाथि कुनै शीत वा झरी नपरोस्, न त भेटीको निम्ति अन्‍न दिने मैदान नै होस्, किनकि त्यहाँ वीरहरूका ढाल अशुद्ध पारिएको छ । अब उप्रान्त शाऊलका ढालहरूमा तेल लगाइने छैन ।
Ye mountains of Gelboe, let neither dew, nor rain come upon you, neither be they fields of firstfruits: for there was cast away the shield of the valiant, the shield of Saul as though he had not been anointed with oil.
22 मारिएकाहरूको रगतबाट, वीरहरूका शरीरबाट जोनाथनका धानु पछि फर्किएन र शाऊलका तरवार रित्तो फर्केन ।
From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the valiant, the arrow of Jonathan never turned back, and the sword of Saul did not return empty.
23 शाऊल र जोनाथन जीवनमा प्रेमिलो र कृपालु थिए र आफ्‍नो मृत्‍युमा तिनीहरू छुटेनन् । तिनीहरू गिद्धभन्दा द्रूत र सिंहभन्दा बलिया थिए ।
Saul and Jonathan, lovely, and comely in their life, even in death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.
24 ए इस्राएलकी छोरीहरूको शाऊलको निम्ति रोओ जसले तिमीहरूलाई गरगहना साथै बैजनी रङ्को पहिरन पहिराइदिए र जसले तिमीहरूका लुगामा सुनका गहनाहरू लगाइदिए
Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you with scarlet in delights, who gave ornaments of gold for your attire.
25 युद्धको बिचमा वीरहरू कसरी ढलेका छन्! जोनाथन तिम्रो उच्‍च स्थानहरूमा मारिएका छन् ।
How are the valiant fallen in battle? Jonathan slain in the high places?
26 ए मेरो भाइ जोनाथन म तिम्रो निम्ति व्याकुल भएको छु । तिमी मेरो निम्ति साह्रै प्रिय थियौ । मप्रति तिम्रो प्रेम अद्भूत थियो, स्‍त्रीको प्रेमलाई नै माथ गर्ने थियो ।
I grieve for thee, my brother Jonathan: exceeding beautiful, and amiable to me above the love of women. As the mother loveth her only son, so did I love thee.
27 वीरहरू कसरी ढलेका छन्, र युद्धका हतियारहरू कसरी नष्‍ट भएका छन् ।”
How are the valiant fallen, and the weapons of war perished?

< २ शमूएल 1 >