< २ यूहन्ना 1 >
1 एल्डरबाट चुनिएकी महिला र तिनका छोराछोरीहरूलाई, जसलाई म सत्यतामा प्रेम गर्दछु- र मैले मात्र होइन तिनीहरू सबैले पनि प्रेम गर्छन् जसले सत्यता जानेका छन्-
The elder, to Electa Cyria, and her children, whom I love sincerely; and not I only, but also all who have known the truth;
2 हामीभित्र जुन सत्यता छ र हामीसँग सदासर्वदा रहनेछ त्यही सत्यताले गर्दा प्रेम गर्छौं । (aiōn )
for the truth's sake, which is in us, and shall be with us forever: (aiōn )
3 परमेश्वर पिता र येशू ख्रीष्ट अर्थात् पिताको पुत्रबाट हामीमा अनुग्रह, दया र शान्ति सत्यता र प्रेममा रहोस् ।
Favor, mercy, and peace, be with you, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, with truth and love.
4 जसरी हामीले यो आज्ञा पिताबाट प्राप्त गर्यौँ त्यसरी नै तिम्रा केही छोराछोरीहरू सत्यतामा हिडेको मैँले भेट्टाएर म अति आनन्दित छु ।
I rejoiced greatly, when I found some of your children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father.
5 अब हे महिला, म तिमीलाई बिन्ती गर्दछु- मैले तिमीलाई नयाँ आज्ञा लेखिरहेको जस्तो होइन, तर हामीसँग सुरुदेखि भएको नै हो- कि हामीले एक अर्कालाई प्रेम गर्नुपर्छ ।
And now I beseech you, Cyria, not as writing to you a new commandment, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.
6 र प्रेम यो हो, कि हामी उहाँको आज्ञाहरूअनुसार हिड्नुपर्छ । तिमीले सुरुदेखि नै सुनेजस्तै आज्ञा यही हो कि तिमी यसमा हिड्नुपर्छ ।
And this is the love that we walk according to his commandments. This is the commandment, even as you have heard from the beginning, that you may walk in it;
7 किनकि धेरै छलीहरू संसारमा गएका छन्, जसले येशू शरीरमा आउनुभएको हो भनी स्वीकार गर्दैनन् । यो नै छली र ख्रीष्ट विरोधी हो ।
for many deceivers are entered into the world, who do not confess Jesus Christ did come in the flesh. This is the deceiver, and the antichrist.
8 आफैँलाई हेर, कि तिमीले ती कुराहरू नगुमाऊ जसको लागि हामी सबैले परिश्रम गरेका छौँ, तर तिमीले पूरा इनाम पाउन सक ।
Look to yourselves, that we may not lose the things which we have wrought, but may receive a full reward.
9 जो अगाडि बढिरहन्छ र ख्रीष्टको शिक्षामा रहँदैन त्यससँग परमेश्वर हुनुहुन्न । जो शिक्षामा रहन्छ योसँग पिता र पुत्र दुवै हुनुहुन्छ ।
Whoever transgresses, and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, has not God: he who abides in the doctrine of Christ, has both the Father and the Son.
10 यदि कोही तिमीकहाँ आउँछ र यो शिक्षा ल्याउँदैन भने त्यसलाई तिम्रो घरमा स्वागत नगर र त्यसलाई अभिवादन पनि नगर ।
If any one come to you, and bring not this doctrine; receive him not into your house, nor wish him success:
11 किनकि जसले त्यसलाई अभिवादन गर्छ त्यो त्यसको दुष्ट कामहरूमा सहभागी हुन्छ ।
for he who wishes him success, partakes in his evil deeds.
12 मैले तिमीलाई धेरै कुराहरू लेख्नु छ, तर मैले ती कुराहरू कागज र मसीले लेख्ने इच्छा गरिन । तर पनि म तिमीकहाँ आउने आशा गर्छु, ताकि हाम्रो आनन्द पूर्ण होस् ।
Having many things to write to you, I did not incline to communicate them by paper and ink; because I hope to come to you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be complete.
13 तिम्री चुनिएकी बहिनीका छोराछोरीहरूले तिमीलाई अभिवादन गर्छन् ।
The children of your beloved sister, salute you.