< २ कोरिन्थी 2 >

1 तिमीहरूको दुःखपूर्ण अवस्थामा म फेरि तिमीहरूकहाँ नआउने निर्णय मैले गरेँ ।
But I have judged this with myself, not to come back to you in grief.
2 यदि मैले तिमीहरूलाई दुःखित तुल्याएँ भने, मैले जसलाई दुःखित तुल्याएँ उसले बाहेक अरू कसले मलाई खुसी तुल्याउन सक्छ र?
For if I grieve you, who also [is] it that gladdens me, if not he that is grieved through me?
3 मैले जे लेखेँ, त्यो यसकारण लेखेँ कि म तिमीहरूकहाँ आउँदा जुन व्यक्‍तिहरूद्वारा मैले आनन्द पाउनुपर्ने थियो तिनीहरूद्वारा म दुःखित नहोऊँ । मेरो आनन्द तिमीहरू सबैमा भएको जस्तै छ भन्‍ने कुरामा म निश्‍चित छु ।
And I have written this very [letter] [to you], that coming I may not have grief from those from whom I ought to have joy; trusting in you all that my joy is [that] of you all.
4 किनकि मैले ठुलो कष्‍ट, हृदयको पीडा र धेरै आँशुका साथमा तिमीहरूलाई लेखेँ । म तिमीहरूलाई कष्‍ट दिन चाहन्‍न थिएँ । बरु, तिमीहरूप्रति भएको मेरो प्रेमको गहिराइ तिमीहरूले थाहा पाओ भन्‍ने म चाहन्थेँ ।
For out of much tribulation and distress of heart I wrote to you, with many tears; not that ye may be grieved, but that ye may know the love which I have very abundantly towards you.
5 यदि कसैले दुःख दिएको छ भने, त्यसले मलाई मात्र छैन, तर केही हदसम्म (यसलाई कडा गरी नभन्‍ने हो भने) तिमीहरू सबैलाई पनि दुःखित तुल्याएको छ ।
But if any one has grieved, he has grieved, not me, but in part (that I may not overcharge [you]) all of you.
6 त्यो व्यक्‍तिलाई बहुमतद्वारा दिइएको सजाय पर्याप्‍त छ ।
Sufficient to such a one [is] this rebuke which [has been inflicted] by the many;
7 त्यसैले, अब सजायको साटो उसलाई क्षमा र सान्त्वना देओ । उसले धेरै दुःखबाट हरेस नखाओस् भनेर यसो गर ।
so that on the contrary ye should rather shew grace and encourage, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with excessive grief.
8 उसको निम्ति गरेको तिमीहरूको प्रेम सार्वजनिक रूपमा प्रकट गर ।
Wherefore I exhort you to assure him of [your] love.
9 तिमीहरूलाई जाँच गर्न सकूँ र तिमीहरू सबै कुरामा आज्ञाकारी छौ कि छैनौ भनी मैले बुझ्‍न सकूँ भनेर मैले तिमीहरूलाई लेखेँ ।
For to this end also I have written, that I might know, by putting you to the test, if as to everything ye are obedient.
10 यदि तिमीहरूले कसैलाई क्षमा दियौ भने, म पनि त्यस व्यक्‍तिलाई क्षमा दिनेछु । यदि मैले केही क्षमा दिएको छु भने, यो येशूको उपस्थितिमा तिमीहरूका निम्ति हो ।
But to whom ye forgive anything, I also; for I also, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, [it is] for your sakes in [the] person of Christ;
11 यसैले, शैतानले हामीलाई छक्याउने छैन । किनकि हामी त्यसका योजनाहरूको विषयमा अजान छैनौँ ।
that we might not have Satan get an advantage against us, for we are not ignorant of his thoughts.
12 जब म ख्रीष्‍टको सुसमाचार प्रचार गर्न त्रोआस सहर आएँ, त्यहाँ मेरो लागि प्रभुले ढोका खोलिदिनुभएको थियो ।
Now when I came to Troas for the [publication of the] glad tidings of the Christ, a door also being opened to me in [the] Lord,
13 तापनि, मलाई मनमा शान्ति मिलेन, किनकि मैले मेरा भाइ तीतसलाई त्यहाँ भेटिनँ । त्यसैले, उनीहरूलाई छोडेर म माकेडोनिया फर्कें ।
I had no rest in my spirit at not finding Titus my brother; but bidding them adieu, I came away to Macedonia.
14 तर परमेश्‍वरलाई धेरै धन्यवाद होस्, जसले हामीलाई सधैँ विजयमा अगुवाइ गर्नुहुन्छ । हामीद्वारा उहाँले सबैतिर ज्ञानको मिठो सुबास्‍ना छर्नुहुन्छ ।
But thanks [be] to God, who always leads us in triumph in the Christ, and makes manifest the odour of his knowledge through us in every place.
15 किनकि हामी परमेश्‍वरको निम्ति उद्धार पाएकाहरू र नष्‍ट भइरहेकाहरूका निम्ति ख्रीष्‍टका सुबास्‍ना हौँ ।
For we are a sweet odour of Christ to God, in the saved and in those that perish:
16 नष्‍ट भइरहेका मानिसहरूका लागि यो मृत्युदेखि मृत्युसम्मको सुबास्‍ना हो । अनि बचाइएकाहरूको लागि हामी जीवनदेखि जीवनसम्मको सुबास्‍ना हो । यी कुराहरूका लागि को योग्यको छ?
to the one an odour from death unto death, but to the others an odour from life unto life; and who [is] sufficient for these things?
17 हामी नाफाको लागि परमेश्‍वरको वचन बेच्‍ने धेरै मानिसहरूजस्ता होइनौँ । बरु, हामी ख्रीष्‍टमा शुद्ध अभिप्रायले परमेश्‍वरको दृष्‍टिमा उहाँले पठाउनुभएको जस्तै गरी बोल्दछौँ ।
For we do not, as the many, make a trade of the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, before God, we speak in Christ.

< २ कोरिन्थी 2 >