< २ इतिहास 9 >
1 जब शेबाकी रानीले सोलोमनको ख्यातिको बारेमा सुनिन्, तब कठिन प्रश्नहरू लिएर तिनको जाँच गर्न तिनी यरूशलेममा आइन् । तिनी मसलाहरू, प्रशस्त सुन र धेरै बहुमूल्य रत्नहरूलाई ऊँटहरूमा लदाएर एक अत्यन्तै ठूलो लावालश्करसाथ आइन् । जब तिनी सोलोमनकहाँ आइन्, तब तिनले आफ्नो मनमा भएका सबै कुरा उनलाई भनिन् ।
Now the queen of Sheba, hearing great things of Solomon, came to Jerusalem to put his wisdom to the test with hard questions; and with her came a very great train, and camels weighted down with spices, and great stores of gold and jewels: and when she came to Solomon she had talk with him of everything in her mind.
2 सोलोमनले तिनका सबै प्रश्नहरूका जवाफ दिए । सोलोमनको निम्ति कुनै कुरा पनि प्रश्न कठिन भएन । तिनले जवाफ नदिएको कुनै पनि प्रश्न बाँकी रहेन ।
And Solomon gave her answers to all her questions; there was no secret which he did not make clear to her.
3 जब शेबाकी रानीले सोलोमनको बुद्धि, र तिनले बनाएको राजमहल देखिन्,
And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house which he had made,
4 तिनको टेबलको भोजन, तिनका सेवकहरूका बसाइ, तिनका सेवकहरूका काम र तिनीहरूका पोशाकहरू, र तिनका मद्य पियाउनेहरू र तिनका पोशाकहरू, र परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा तिनले चढाएका होमबलिहरू देखिन्, र तिनी आश्चर्यचकित भइन् ।
And the food at his table, and all his servants seated there, and those who were waiting on him in their places, and their robes, and his wine-servants and their robes, and the burned offerings which he made in the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her.
5 तिनले राजालाई भनिन्, “तपाईंका वचन र तपाईंको बुद्धिको विषयमा मैले आफ्नो देशमा सुनेको कुरा साँचो रहेछ ।
And she said to the king, The account which was given to me in my country of your acts and your wisdom was true.
6 म यहाँ नआएसम्म मैले जे सुनें त्यो मैले विश्वास गरिनँ, र अहिले मेरा आँखाले यी देखेका छन् । तपाईंको बुद्धि र सम्पत्तिको विषयमा मलाई आधा कुरा पनि भनिएको रहेनछ! तपाईंको ख्याति मैले सुनेको भन्दा बढी रहेछ ।
But I had no faith in what was said about you, till I came and saw for myself; and truly, word was not given me of half your great wisdom; you are much greater than they said.
7 तपाईंका मानिसहरू कति धन्यका हुन् र निरन्तर तपाईंको सामु खडा रहने तपाईंका सेवकहरू कति धन्यका हुन् किनभने तिनीहरूले तपाईंका बुद्धिका कुराहरू सुन्न पाउँछन् ।
Happy are your wives and happy these your servants whose place is ever before you, hearing your words of wisdom.
8 तपाईंसित प्रसन्न भई तपाईंलाई राजा नियुक्त गरेर उहाँको सिंहासनमा बसाल्नुहुने परमप्रभु तपाईंका परमेश्वर धन्यका होउन् । किनभने इस्राएललाई सदाको निम्ति स्थापित गराउनलाई तपाईंका परमेश्वरले त्यसलाई प्रेम गर्नुभयो । तपाईंले न्याय र धार्मिकता कायम राख्नलाई उहाँले तपाईंलाई तिनीहरूमाथि राजा बनाउनुभयो!”
Praise be to the Lord your God whose pleasure it was to put you on the seat of his kingdom to be king for the Lord your God: because, in his love for Israel, it was the purpose of your God to make them strong for ever, he made you king over them, to be their judge in righteousness.
9 तिनले राजालाई चार टन सुन, प्रशस्त मात्रामा मसला र बहुमूल्य रत्नहरू दिइन् । सोलोमन राजालाई शेबाकी रानीले दिएको जति धेरै मसलाहरू तिनलाई फेरि कसैले पनि दिएन ।
And she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and a great store of spices and jewels: never had such spices been seen as the queen of Sheba gave to Solomon.
10 ओपीरबाट सुन ल्याउने हीरामका सेवकहरू र सोलोमनका सेवकहरूले चन्दनको काठ र बहुमूल्य रत्नहरू पनि ल्याए ।
And the servants of Huram and the servants of Solomon, in addition to gold from Ophir, came back with sandal-wood and jewels.
11 चन्दनका काठबाट राजाले परमप्रभुको मन्दिर र राजमहलका सिंढी र संगीतकारहरूका निम्ति वीणा र सारङ्गीहरू पनि बनाए । यहूदा देशमा यसभन्दा अघि कहिल्यै पनि यस्ता काठहरू देखिएका थिएनन् ।
And with the sandal-wood the king made steps for the house of the Lord and for the king's house, and instruments of music for the makers of melody; never before had such been seen in the land of Judah.
12 शेबाकी रानीले जे इच्छा गरिन् र जे मागिन् ती हरेक कुरा सोलोमन राजाले तिनलाई दिए । तिनले राजालाई ल्याएर दिएका थोकभन्दा धेरै तिनले उनलाई दिए । यसरी उनी बिदा भइन् र आफ्ना सेवकहरूका साथ आफ्नो देशमा फर्किन् ।
And King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she made request for, in addition to what she had taken to the king. So she went back to her country with her servants.
13 सोलोमनकहाँ हरेक वर्षमा आएको सुनको तौल तेईस टन हुन्थ्यो,
Now the weight of gold which came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents;
14 यो व्यापारीहरू र कारोवारीले ल्याएका सुनबाहेको थियो । अरब देशका सबै राजा र प्रादेशिक गभर्नरहरूले पनि राजाको निम्ति सुन र चाँदी ल्याए ।
And in addition to what he got from traders of different sorts, all the kings of Arabia and the rulers of the country gave gold and silver to Solomon.
15 सोलोमन राजाले पिटेका सुनका दुई सय ठूला ढाल बनाए । प्रत्येक ढाल बनाउन साढे तिन किलोग्राम सुन लागेको थियो ।
And King Solomon made two hundred body-covers of hammered gold, every one having six hundred shekels of gold in it.
16 पिटेको सुनका तिन सय साना ढाल पनि तिनले बनाए । प्रत्येक ढालमा करीब डेढ किलोग्राम सुन थियो । राजाले लेबनानको वन भनिने राजमहलमा ती राखे ।
And he made three hundred smaller body-covers of hammered gold, using three hundred shekels of gold for every cover, and the king put them in the house of the Woods of Lebanon.
17 तब राजाले हस्ती-हाडको एउटा ठूलो सिंहासन बनाए र त्यसमा निखुर सुनको जलप लगाए ।
Then the king made a great ivory seat, plated with the best gold.
18 सिंहासनमा उक्लने छ वटा खुट्किला थिए, र सुनको एउटा पाउदान सिंहासनसँग जोडिएको थियो । आसनका दुवैतिर हात अड्याउने ठाउँ थिए दुवै छेउमा दुई वटा सिंह खडा थिए ।
There were six steps up to it, and a foot-rest of gold fixed to it, and arms on the two sides of the seat, with two lions at the side of the arms.
19 छ वटै खुट्किलाका दुवैपट्टि एक-एक वटा गरी जम्मा बाह्र वटा सिंह खडा थिए । कुनै पनि राज्यमा यस्तो किसिमको सिंहासन थिएन ।
And twelve lions were placed on one side and on the other side on the six steps: there was nothing like it in any kingdom.
20 सोलोमनका पिउने कचौरा सबै सुनका थिए, र लेबनानको वन भनिने राजमहलमा भएका पिउने कचौरा सबै सुनका थिए । चाँदीको केही पनि थिएन, किनभने सोलोमनको समयमा चाँदीलाई बहुमूल्य ठानिइन ।
All King Solomon's drinking-vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the Woods of Lebanon were of the best gold: no one gave a thought to silver in the days of Solomon.
21 हिरामका समुद्री जहाजका साथमा राजाका पनि जहाजहरू थिए । हरेक तिन वर्षमा एक पल्ट यी जहाजहरूले सुन, चाँदी, हस्ती-हाड, ढेडुहरू र बाँदरहरू लिएर आउँथ्यो ।
For the king had Tarshish-ships sailing with the servants of Huram: once every three years the Tarshish-ships came back with gold and silver, ivory and monkeys and peacocks.
22 यसरी सोलोमन राजाले धन-सम्पत्ति र बुद्धिमा पृथ्वीका अरू सबै राजालाई जितेका थिए ।
And King Solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in wealth and in wisdom.
23 परमेश्वरले सोलोमनको हृदयमा हालिदिनुभएको तिनको बुद्धि सुन्न पृथ्वीका सबै राजाले तिनको उपस्थितिमा बस्न खोज्थे ।
And all the kings of the earth came to see Solomon and to give ear to his wisdom, which God had put into his heart.
24 आउने हरेकले आफ्नो सौगात चाँदी र सुनका भाँडाहरू, लुगाहरू, हातहतियार र मसलाहरू अनि घोडा र खच्चरहरू वर्षैपिच्छे ल्याउँथे ।
And everyone took with him an offering, vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and robes, and coats of metal, and spices, and horses and beasts for transport, regularly year by year.
25 सोलोमनसँग आफ्ना घोडा र रथहरूका निम्ति चार हजार तबेला थिए । अनि तिनका बाह्र हजार घोडचडी थिए, जसलाई तिनले रथहरू राख्ने सहरहरूमा र अरूलाई चाहिं आफूसित यरूशलेममा राखे ।
Solomon had four thousand buildings for his horses and his war-carriages, and twelve thousand horsemen whom he kept, some in the carriage-towns and some with the king in Jerusalem.
26 तिनले यूफ्रेटिस नदीदेखि पलिश्तीहरूका देश र मिश्रदेशको सिमानासम्मै राज्य गरे ।
And he was ruler over all the kings from the River to the land of the Philistines, as far as the limit of Egypt.
27 राजासँग यरूशलेममा चाँदीचाहिं ढुङ्गैसरह थिए । तिनले देवदारुको काठचाहिं पहाडका जङ्गली अञ्जीरका बोटहरूसरह तुल्याए ।
The king made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem and cedars like the sycamore-trees of the lowlands in number.
28 तिनीहरूले सोलोमनका निम्ति मिश्रदेश र अरू सबै देशबाट घोडाहरू ल्याए ।
They got horses for Solomon from Egypt and from every land.
29 सोलोमनको शासनकालका अरू घटनाहरू सुरुदेखि अन्त्यसम्मै नातान अगमवक्ताको इतिहास, शीलोनी अहियाहको अगमवाणी र दर्शी इद्दोका दर्शनको पुस्तकमा (जसमा नबातका छोरा यारोबामको विषयमा पनि जानकारी छ) वर्णन गरिएका छैनन् र?
Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are they not recorded in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the words of Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh, and in the visions of Iddo the seer about Jeroboam, the son of Nebat?
30 सोलोमनले यरूशलेममा सारा इस्राएलमाथि चालिस वर्ष राज्य गरे ।
Solomon was king over Israel in Jerusalem for forty years.
31 त्यसपछि तिनी आफ्ना पर्खाहरूसित सुते, र मानिसहरूले तिनका बुबा दाऊदको सहरमा गाडे । तिनका ठाउँमा तिनका छोरा रहबाम राजा भए
And Solomon went to rest with his fathers, and was put into the earth in the town of David his father; and Rehoboam his son became king in his place.