< १ शमूएल 29 >

1 अब पलिश्‍तीहरूले आफ्‍ना सारा फौजलाई अपेकमा एकसाथ भेला पारे । इस्रएलीहरूले यिजरेलको पानीको मूलनेर छाउनी हाले ।
So the Philistims were gathered together with all their armies in Aphek: and the Israelites pitched by the fountaine, which is in Izreel.
2 पलिश्‍तीहरूका शासकहरू सय र हजारको पङ्तिमा अघि बढे । दाऊद र तिनका मानिसहरू आकीशका पछिल्तिरका अङ्‍गरक्षकहरू थिए ।
And the princes of the Philistims went foorth by hundreths and thousandes, but Dauid and his men came behinde with Achish.
3 तब पलिश्तीहरूका शासकहरूले भने, “यी हिब्रूहरूले यहाँ के गरिरहेका छन्?” आकीशले पलिश्तीहरूका अरू शासकहरूलाई भने, “यिनी इस्राएलका राजा शाऊलका सेवक दाऊद होइन् जो मकहाँ आएको दिनदेखि आजसम्म मैले कुनै दोष भेट्टाएको छैन जो यी दिनहरू वा वर्षहरूमा मसँग बसेका छन्?”
Then saide the princes of the Philistims, What doe these Ebrewes here? And Achish said vnto the princes of the Philistims, Is not this Dauid the seruant of Saul the King of Israel, who hath bene with me these dayes, or these yeeres, and I haue found nothing in him, since he dwelt with me vnto this day?
4 तर पलिश्‍तीहरूका शासकहरू तिनीसँग रिसाए र भने, “उसलाई फिर्ता पठाउनुहोस्, कि उसलाई दिइएको ठाउँमा फर्कोस् । ऊ हामीसँग युद्ध जानेछैन, किनकि ऊ युद्धको समयमा हाम्रै विरुद्धमा जाइलग्‍नेछ । किनकि उसले हाम्रा मानिसहरूको शिर काट्नुभन्दा अरू कसरी आफ्नो मालिकप्रति आफूलाई स्वीकारयोग्य बनाउन सक्‍छ र?
But the princes of the Philistims were wroth with him, and the princes of the Philistims said vnto him, Sende this fellow backe, that he may goe againe to his place which thou hast appointed him, and let him not goe downe with vs to battell, least that in the battell he be an aduersarie to vs: for wherewith should he obteine the fauour of his master? shoulde it not be with the heades of these men?
5 के यिनै दाऊद होइनन् जसको बारेमा तिनीहरूले यसो भनेर एकआपस नाँच्दै गएका थिए, 'शाऊलले हजारौंलाई मारे र दाऊदले दसौं हजारलाई मारे'?”
Is not this Dauid, of whome they sang in daunces, saying, Saul slewe his thousande, and Dauid his ten thousande?
6 त्यसपछि आकीशले दाऊदलाई बलाए र तिनलाई भने, “जस्तो परमप्रभु जीवित हुनुहुन्छ, तिमी असल भएका छौ र तिमी मेरो फौजसँगै बाहिर जाने र भित्र आउने कुरा मेरो दृष्‍टिमा असल नै छ । किनकि तिमी आएको दिनदेखि आजको दिनसम्म मैले तिमीसँग कुनै खराबी भेट्टाएको छैन । तापनि शासकहरूले तिमीलाई रुचाउँदैनन् ।
Then Achish called Dauid, and said vnto him, As the Lord liueth, thou hast bene vpright and good in my sight, when thou wentest out and in with mee in the hoste, neither haue I founde euill with thee, since thou camest to me vnto this day, but the princes doe not fauour thee.
7 त्यसैले अब फर्क र शान्तिसँग जाऊ, ताकि तिमीले पलिश्‍ती शासकहरूलाई अप्रशन्‍न तुल्याउनेछैनौ ।
Wherefore nowe returne, and go in peace, that thou displease not the princes of the Philistims.
8 दाऊदले आकीशलाई भने, “तर मैले के गरेको छु? म तपाईंको सामुन्‍ने आजको दिनसम्म बस्‍दा तपाईंले आफ्नो दासमा के भेट्टाउनुभएको छ, ताकि म मेरा मालिक राजाका शत्रुहरू विरुद्ध जान र युद्ध गर्न सक्‍दिन?”
And Dauid said vnto Achish, But what haue I done? and what hast thou founde in thy seruant as long as I haue bene with thee vnto this day, that I may not goe and fight against the enemies of my lorde the King?
9 आकीशले दाऊदलाई जवाफ दिए र भने, “तिमी मेरो दृष्‍टिमा परमेश्‍वरको दूत जत्तिकै दोषरहित छौ । तापनि पलिश्‍ती शासकहरूले भनेका छन्, 'यिनी हामीसँग युद्धमा जानुहुँदैन ।'
Achish then answered, and said to Dauid, I knowe thou pleasest mee, as an Angell of God: but the princes of the Philistims haue saide, Let him not goe vp with vs to battell.
10 त्यसैले तिमीसँग आएका आफ्नो मालिकका सेवकहरूसँगै बिहान सबेरै उठ । बिहान जति सक्‍दो सबेरै र उज्यालो हुनुअघि नै गइहाल ।”
Wherefore now rise vp earely in the morning with thy masters seruants that are come with thee: and when ye be vp earely, assoone as ye haue light, depart.
11 त्यसैले दाऊद बिहान सबेरै उठे, तिनी र तिनका मानिसहरू पलिश्तीहरूको देशमा फर्कन बिहान सबेरै हिंडे । तर पलिश्तीहरू माथि यिजरेलतिर गए ।
So Dauid and his men rose vp earely to depart in the morning, and to returne into the lande of the Philistims: and the Philistims went vp to Izreel.

< १ शमूएल 29 >