< १ पत्रुस 5 >
1 सङ्गी-एल्डर र ख्रीष्टका कष्ट अनि प्रकट हुने महिमामा सहभागी भएको व्यक्तिको हैसियतले म तिमीहरूका माझमा भएका एल्डरहरूलाई आग्रह गर्दछु ।
Elders (therefore *NO*) (*ko*) among you I exhort a fellow elder and witness of the of Christ sufferings, who [am] also of the being about to be revealed glory a partaker,
2 त्यसकारण, म एल्डरहरूलाई आग्रह गर्दछु, तिमीहरूका माझमा भएका परमेश्वरको बगालको हेरचाह गर, करले होइन तर तिमीहरूका आफ्नै र परमेश्वरको इच्छाअनुसार । बेइमानीपूर्वक कमाइने पैसाको लागि होइन, तर स्वेच्छाले ।
do shepherd the among you flock of God exercising oversight not under compulsion but willingly (according to God, *NO*) and not for base gain but eagerly;
3 तिमीहरूको हेरचाहमा रहेका मानिसहरूमाथि मालिकजस्तो व्यवहार नगर, तर बगालको लागि उदाहरण बन ।
not as exercising lordship over those in your charge but examples being to the flock;
4 मुख्य गोठालो प्रकट हुनुहुँदा तिमीहरूले कहिल्यै नाश नहुने महिमित मुकुट पाउनेछौ ।
And when was being revealed the Chief Shepherd you will receive the unfading of glory crown.
5 त्यसै गरी, तिमी युवकहरू वृद्धहरूको अधीनमा बस । तिमीहरू सबैले विनम्रताको वस्त्र धारण गर र एक-अर्काको सेवा गर किनकि परमेश्वरले अहङ्कारीहरूको विरोध गर्नुहुन्छ, तर नम्रहरूलाई अनुग्रह गर्नुहुन्छ ।
Likewise younger [ones], do be subjected to [your] elders, All now to one another (be submitting yourselves *k*) humility do gird on, because God [the] proud opposes, to [the] humble however He gives grace.
6 त्यसकारण, आफैँलाई उहाँको शक्तिशाली बाहुलीमुनि नम्र तुल्याओ, ताकि उहाँले उचित समयमा तिमीहरूलाई उच्च पार्नुभएको होस् ।
do be humbled therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that you He may exalt in [due] time,
7 तिम्रा सबै चिन्ता-फिक्री उहाँमा सुम्पिदेओ किनकि उहाँले तिमीहरूको वास्ता गर्नुहुन्छ ।
all the anxiety of you having cast upon Him, because with Him there is care about you.
8 सचेत र जागा रहो । तिमीहरूको शत्रु दियाबलस कसैलाई भेटेर निल्नको निम्ति गर्जने सिंहझैँ खोजिरहेको छ ।
do be sober-minded, do watch (that *k*) The adversary of You [the] devil as a lion roaring he prowls about seeking (whom to devour; *N(k)O*)
9 त्यसको विरुद्धमा खडा होओ । तिमीहरूको विश्वासमा दह्रिलो बन । यो जान कि संसारमा भएका तिमीहरूका भाइहरूले पनि यस्तै कष्टहरू भोगिरहेका छन् ।
whom do resist firm in the faith knowing the same sufferings throughout (the *no*) world in your brotherhood [is] being accomplished.
10 तिमीहरूको केही समयको कष्टपछि तिमीहरूलाई ख्रीष्टमा उहाँको महिमामा बोलाउनुहुने सबै अनुग्रहका परमेश्वरले तिमीहरूलाई सिद्ध, स्थापित र बलियो बनाउनुहुनेछ । (aiōnios )
The now God of all grace the [one] having called (you *N(K)O*) to the eternal of Him glory in Christ Jesus a little while [of you] having suffered He Himself (will perfect *N(k)O*) (you *k*) (he will confirm [you], he will strengthen [you], [and] he will establish [you]. *N(k)O*) (aiōnios )
11 सबै शक्ति सदा सर्वदा उहाँकै होस् । आमेन । (aiōn )
To Him [be] (the glory and *K*) the power to the ages (of the *ko*) (ages. *KO*) Amen. (aiōn )
12 म सिलासलाई विश्वासयोग्य भाइको रूपमा लिन्छु र तिनीबाट मैले तिमीहरूलाई केही कुरा छोटकरीमा लेखेको छु । म तिमीहरूलाई आग्रह गर्छु र तिमीहरूलाई साक्षी दिन्छु कि मैले लेखेको कुरा परमेश्वरको साँचो अनुग्रह हो । त्यसमा खडा होओ ।
Through Silvanus to you the faithful brother as I regard [him], through few [words] I have written exhorting and testifying this to be [the] true grace of God, in which (do stand firm. *N(k)O*)
13 तिमीहरूसँगै चुनिएकी बेबिलोनमा भएकीले र मेरो छोरो मर्कूसले तिमीहरूलाई अभिवादन पठाएका छन् ।
Greets you she in Babylon elected with [you] and Mark the son of mine.
14 प्रेमको पवित्र चुम्बनले एक-अर्कालाई अभिवादन गर । ख्रीष्ट येशूमा हुने तिमीहरू सबैलाई शान्ति होस् ।
do greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace [be] to you all who [are] in Christ (Jesus. Amen. *K*)