< Mathayo 21 >
1 Yesu ni anapunzi bake baikite karibu ni Yerusalemu na bayei mpaka Bethfag, kukitombe sa mizeituni, Boka po Yesu ngatumite anapunzi bake abele,
When they drew near to Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
2 Kabakokeya, “Muyende kukijiji cha kibii nnonge, na mwalowa kummona mwana wa mbonda bantabite palo, mukamwunde na kuniletya.
saying to them, "Go into the village that is opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them, and bring them to me.
3 Mundu mana kanaluya mwammakiye,'Ngwana indakumpala' ni mundu ywo alowa kunneka na mwuiche nakwe.”
And if anyone says anything to you, you are to say, 'Because the Lord needs them,' and he will send them at once."
4 Likowe lyoo lyapiti lyalibaite nabii lazima litimye. Kabakokeya,
This took place that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying,
5 Mum'bakiye mwale Sayuni. linga, mpwalume wako endaicha kachinu, mnyenyekevu na ampoki mwana wa mbonda, mwana wa mbonda mnele.
Say to the daughter of Zion, "Look, your King comes to you, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
6 Mwisho anapunzi bati buka no panga kati Yesu mwalangile.
The disciples went, and did just as Jesus directed them,
7 Baneti mbonda na mwana wake, no tandika ngobo na Yesu ngampokya.
and brought the donkey and the colt, and placed their clothes on them; and he sat on them.
8 Bingi nkati ya bandu balandike ngobo yabe mundela na benge batekwi matawi ga mikongo no tandika mundela.
A very large crowd spread their clothes on the road. Others cut branches from the trees, and spread them on the road.
9 Kipenga satilongolya Yesu na babamwindikiyae kabayoba, kabaya, “Hosana Mwana wa Daudi umebarikiwa ywaisa kwa lina lya Ngwana. Hosana kunani muno.
The crowds who went before him, and who followed kept shouting, "Hosanna to the son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest."
10 Yesu paikite Yerusalemu, mji woti watishtuka no baya, “Hayo wa nyai?”
When he had come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred up, saying, "Who is this?"
11 Kipenga chayangwa, “Hayo nga Yesu nabii, boka Nazareti ya Galilaya.”
The crowds said, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee."
12 Na mwisho Yesu ajingii mu'nyumba ya ibada ya Nnongo. Atikwapiya panja bote bababile kabapema no mpemeya mu'hekalu. Nga nokwa meza yabang'andae kamali na itengo ya babapemeyange ngunda.
Jesus entered into the temple, and drove out all of those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the money changers' tables and the seats of those who sold the doves.
13 Kabakokeya, “Yaandikilwe, nyumba yango yalowa kemelwa ya maombi. Lakini mwenga mwipangite lipango lya anyang'anyi.”
He said to them, "It is written, 'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a den of robbers."
14 Boka po ipofu ni ilema batikumwisilya muhekalu, ni ywembe atikwaponiya.
The blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.
15 Ila apindo ba makuhani na aandishi pababweni maajabu agapangite, na pabayowine bana kabapanga ndoti muhekalu na kubaya, “Hosana mwana wa Daudi,” batikasirika muno.
But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple and saying, "Hosanna to the son of David." they were indignant,
16 Batikumakiya, “Uyowine chabakibaya haba bandu?” Yesu ngabakiya, “Elo! Lakini muna wai kwaa soma, buka munkano wa aba bana na bana alele baba yonga benda sifu kinanoga?”
and said to him, "Do you hear what these are saying?" Jesus said to them, "Yes. Did you never read, 'Out of the mouth of children and infants you have prepared praise?'"
17 Boka po Yesu atikwaleka no yenda panja ya nnema akwo Bethania na agonjike kwokwo kwo.
He left them, and went out of the city to Bethany, and lodged there.
18 Kindae kabuyangana, boka mjini, abweni njala.
Now in the morning, as he returned to the city, he was hungry.
19 Abweni mtini bwega ya ndela. Atikuuyendea, lakini alibweni kwa litunda nnani yake ila makapi, atikuubakiya, “Buka lino kana wapambike kae.” na mtini wene watiyoma. (aiōn )
Seeing a fig tree by the road, he came to it, and found nothing on it but leaves. He said to it, "Let there be no fruit from you forever." Immediately the fig tree withered away. (aiōn )
20 Anapunzi pababweni, batishangala no baya, “Ibi kitiwi mkongo utiyoma mara jimo?
When the disciples saw it, they were amazed, saying, "How did the fig tree immediately wither away?"
21 Yesu kayangwa no kwabakiya, “kweli nenda kwamakiya, mana mubile na imani bila mashaka, mwalowa panga zaidi ya nkongo, mwalowa kukibakiya kitombe chelo kiboke kikatumbuki mu'bahari, ni yalowa pangilwa.
Jesus answered them, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you told this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' it would be done.
22 Chochote cha mwaloba kwo salya, mana muaminile mwalowa pakya.”
All things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
23 Yesu paikite muhekalu, apindo ba makuhani ni apindo babandu batikunyendelya wakati kapundisha na kunnaluya, “Kwa ngupu gani upanga makowe aga? Na nyai ywakupei mamlaka ago?
When he had come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, "By what authority do you do these things? Who gave you this authority?"
24 Yesu kayangwa ni kuamakiya, Na nenga mbala kwanaluya linga liswali limo. Mana mwalowa kunibakiya, ni nenga nilowa kuwabakiya ni kwa ngupu ilenga nipangite makowe aga.
Jesus answered them, "I also will ask you one question, which if you tell me, I likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things.
25 “Ubatixo wa Yohana waboka kumaunde au kwa bandu?”Kabakokeyana bene, kababaya, mana tubaye uboka kumaunde,'apala kutumakiya kwanini tuuaminite kwaa?'
The baptism of John, where was it from? From heaven or from people?" They reasoned with themselves, saying, "If we say, 'From heaven,' he will ask us, 'Why then did you not believe him?'
26 Lakini mana tubayite,'uboka kwa bandu,'twalowa yogopa kipenga sa bandu, mana bote bamweni Yohana kati nabii.”
But if we say, 'From people,' we fear the crowd, for all hold John as a prophet."
27 Boka po batikunkengama Yesu bakibaya, “Tutangite kwa” kabakokeya, “wala nenga niamakiya kwaa ngupu gani nipanga makowe aga.
They answered Jesus, and said, "We do not know." He also said to them, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.
28 Lakini muwaza namani? Mundu mwene bana abele. Kayenda kwa yumo ni kummakiya,'Mwana wango, nenda ukapange kazi kung'unda wa mizabibu.
But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first, and said, 'Son, go work today in the vineyard.'
29 Lino mwana kayangwa no baya,'niyenda kwaa.' Lakini baadae atibadilisha mawazo gake ni kuyenda.
He answered, 'I will not,' but afterward he changed his mind, and went.
30 Na mundu yo ayei kea mwana wake ywana ibele ni kumakiya kati ywa kwanza. Mwana ayo kayangwa na kummakiya, nilowa yenda ngwana,' lakini ayendike kwaa.
And he came to the other, and said the same thing. And he answered and said, 'I go, sir,' but he did not go.
31 Ywaako kati ya aba abele ywapangite chakipendike tate bake? Kababaya, mwana wa kwanza.” Yesu kabakokeya, “kweli nenda kuamakiya baba kusanya ushuru ni amalaya balowa jingya mu'utawala wa Nnongo bila mwenga jingya.
Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into the Kingdom of God before you.
32 Kwa mana Yohana aichile kwinu kwa ndela inyookile, lakini mwenga mwangana mwamini, wakati babakusanya ushuru ni amalya batikumwamini. Na mwenga, pamubweni aga gapangite, muweza kwaa kutubu ili badae mwamini.
For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. When you saw it, you did not even repent afterward, that you might believe him.
33 Mupekani mpwano wenge. Pabile ni mundu mwene lieneo likolo lya bwe. Apandike mzabibu pawaegelile, atumite baadhi ya apanga kazi bake kwa balo akulima ba mizabibu yotola mizabibu yake.
"Hear another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, set a hedge about it, dug a winepress in it, built a tower, leased it out to tenant farmers, and went on a journey.
34 Wakati wa mizabibu ikaribu na kwiuna, atumite atumishi kwa akulima wa mizabibu yotola mizabibu yake.
When the season for the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive his fruit.
35 Lakini akulima ba zabibu ngabatola balo atumishi bake batikumkombwa yumo, batikum'bulaga ywenge, ni yumo bamkombwi ni maliwe.
The tenants took his servants, beat one, killed another, and stoned another.
36 Kwa mara yenge, mmiliki atumite atumishi benge, banansima zaidi ya balo bakwanza lakini akulima wa mizabibu bapangite kati balo ba kwanza.
Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they treated them the same way.
37 Baada ya ago ngwana yolo atumite mwana wake, kabaya, “kwasababu ywa mwana wango balowa kumweshimu.”
But afterward he sent to them his son, saying, 'They will respect my son.'
38 Ila akulima ba mizabibu pabamweni kijana yolo, kababakiyana, “Hayo nga mrith, muiche, tumulage ni kumiliki urithi.'
But the tenants, when they saw the son, said among themselves, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and have his inheritance.'
39 Kabampotwa, kabantaikulya panja ya ng'unda wa mizabibu ni kummulaga.
So they took him, and threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
40 Je! mwene ng'unda wa mizabibu paalowa icha, alowa kwapanga buli akulima ba miabibu?”
When therefore the lord of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?"
41 Atikwabakiya, “alowa kwabomwana hobo bandu abya kwandela inanyata muno na mwisho alowa kukodisha ng'unda wa mizabibu kwa akulima bingi payalowa kelya.”
They told him, "He will utterly destroy those evil men, and will lease out the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him the fruit in its season."
42 Yesu kabakokeya, “Munasoma kwa maandiko, liwe lyabalikani aandishi libile liwe likolo lya papembe Alii lyapitike kwa Ngwana sangala paminyo gitu?'
Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures, 'The stone which the builders rejected, the same was made the head of the corner. This was from the Lord. It is marvelous in our eyes?'
43 Nga nyoo nganimakiya, utawala wa Nnongo ulowa boloywa buka kachinu na peyelwa mataifa genge gaga jali malunda gake.
"Therefore I tell you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and will be given to a nation bringing forth its fruit.
44 Ywoywoti ywalowa tomboka kunani ya liwe lyo alowa tekwanika ipande ipande na kwaywoywoti lyalya mtombokya, lyalwa kumtimba.”
He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it will fall, it will crush him."
45 Akolo ba makuhani na mafarisayo pabayowine mifano yake batangite alongelya bembe.
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he spoke about them.
46 Lakini kila pabapalage kummoywa bakiyogopage kipenga, kwa mwanja bamonage kati nabii.
When they sought to seize him, they feared the crowds, because they considered him to be a prophet.