< Baebrania 11 >

1 Nambeambe imani yabile nga hakika yabile nayo mundu muda atarajia kilebe pulani kwa ujasiri. Ni hakika ya kilebe chabile bado bonekaniya.
Now faith is a realization of things being hoped for, an evidence of things not seen.
2 Kwa mana yee apindo bitu batithibitika kwa imani yabe.
By it the ancients were approved.
3 Kwa imani twatifahamu kwamba ulimwengu waumbilwe kwa amri ya Nnongo, ili kwamba chelo chatibonekaniya chatitengenezwa kwaa bonekana ni ilebe ambayo yabile yatibonekana. (aiōn g165)
By faith we understand that the ages were created by a word from God, so that the things that are seen were made out of things invisible. (aiōn g165)
4 Ibile kwa mana ya imani kuwa Habili atikumtolea Nnongo sadaka ya kufaa kuliko kagapanga Kaini. Yaibile ni kwa mana yee atikusifiwa kuba mwene haki. Nnongo atikumsifu kwa mana ya zawadi yailetike. Kwa mana yoo, Habili bado abaya, ingawa atiwaa.
By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than did Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying concerning his gifts; and by means of it he still speaks, even though being dead.
5 Yaibile kwa imani kuba Enoko apotwilwe nnani na abonike kwaa kiwo.”Abonekine kwaa, kwa mana Nnongo atikuntola” kwa mana yabayilwe nnani yake kuba atikumpendeza Nnongo kabla ya kuntola kunani.
By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and could not be found because God had translated him; before his translation he had obtained witness that he was pleasing to God.
6 Ntopo imani yatiwezekana kwaa kumpendeza Nnongo, kwa mana ywaisa kwa Nnongo lazima aaminiye kuba Nnongo abile nkoti ni huapatia zawadi balo bankengamite.
Now without faith it is impossible to please Him, because the one approaching God must believe that He exists and that He becomes a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him.
7 Yabile kwa imani kuba Nuhu, abile akanyilwe ni Nnongo husiana na makowe ambago yaibile kwaa yatibonekine kwa heshima ya Nnongo kachuchengya safina kwaajili ya kulopwa familia yake. Kwa kupanga yee, atikuihukumu dunia ni kuba mrithi ba haki yaisa petya imani.
By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith.
8 Yaibile ni kwa imani kuwa Ibrahimu, paakemilwe alowa kueshimu no yendya pandu paapalikwa pokya kati urithi. Ayei bila yowa pandu gani pabile atiyenda.
By faith Abraham, upon being called to go forth to the place that he would receive as an inheritance, obeyed and went, though not being acquainted with where he was going.
9 Yabile ni kwa imani yabile yatiitama mu'nnema ya ahadi kati mgeni. Atitama mu'lihema pamope ni Isaka ni Yakobo, barithi babenge ni ahadi yeyelo.
By faith he migrated into the land of promise as into a foreign country, dwelling in tents, along with Isaac and Jacob, the fellow heirs of the same promise;
10 Ayee nga sababu atitarajia kuupata mji ambao ywaubuni na kuuchenga alowa pangilwa Nnongo.
for he was waiting expectantly for the city with the real foundations, whose designer and builder is God.
11 Yabile ni kwa imani panga Ibrahimu, na Sara mwene, wapokii ngupu ya tunga ndumbo ingawa babile apindo muno, kwa mana wamweni Nnongo kuwa mwaminifu, ywabile atiwaahidia mwana nnalome.
By faith Sarah herself also received power to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the normal age, since she judged Him faithful who had promised.
12 Kwa eyo kae boka kwa mundu yolo yumo ywaabile atikaribia kiwo batibelekwa bana babalangika kwaa. Babile banyansima kati itobdo za kumaunde kati mbeyu ya mchanga katika fukwe ga bahari.
And so from one man, actually an impotent, were begotten descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and as countless as the sand on the seashore.
13 Aba bote bawile katika imani bila pokya ahadi, ila, babile baibweni ni kuikaribisha kwa kutalu, batibaya panga babile ageni na apitaji nnani ya nnema,
These all died believing—not having received the promises, but having seen and welcomed them from a distance, thus confessing that they were aliens and sojourners on the earth.
14 Kwa balo balongela makowe kati aga babekite bayana kuwa waipala nchi yabe bene.
Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.
15 Kwa kweli, kati babile bakiiwaza nchi ambayo babokite, babile na nafasi ya kerebuka.
If they were actually remembering that land from which they had departed, they would have had opportunity to return.
16 Lakini kati ya ibile, batamaniya nnema waubile bora, ambayo, ni ya kumaunde. Kwa eyo Nnongo abweni kwaa kiya kemelwa Nnongo wabe, kwa mana atiutayarisha nnema kwaajili yabe.
Instead they are aspiring to a better home—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; in fact He has prepared a city for them.
17 Yabile ni kwa imani panga Ibrahimu baada ya jaribiwa, atimtoa Isaka. Nga nyoo, ywatipokya kwa puraha ahadi, alimtoa mwana wake mwene,
By faith Abraham, upon being tested, offered up Isaac; yes, he who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his only begotten,
18 ambaye nnani yake atilongelwa, “Boka kwa Isaka ubeleki wako walowa kemelwa.”
of whom it had been said, “Through Isaac will your seed be reckoned,”
19 Ibrahimu atangite panga Nnongo abile na uwezo wa kumfufua Isaka boka mu. kiwo, na kwa longela kwa lugha ya maumbo, atimpokya.
calculating that God was indeed able to raise him from the dead; from whence in fact he did receive him, figuratively speaking.
20 Yabile ni katika imani panga Isaka atimbariki Yakobo na Esau kuhusu makowe gaisa.
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
21 Ibile ni kwa imani panga Yakobo abile katika hali ya waa, atekumbarikiya kila yumo wa bana ba Yusufu. Yakobo aabudiya, kaegemeya nnani ya fimbo yake.
By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff.
22 Yabile ni kwa imani panga Yusufu muda wake wa mwisho ubile papipi, alongela nnani ya boka kwa bana ba Israel Misri na kabaagiza tola pamope nabo mifupa gake.
By faith Joseph, near the end, thought of the exodus of the sons of Israel and gave orders concerning his bones.
23 Ibile ni kwa imani panga Musa, paabelekilwe, atibikana kwaa muda wa miyei itatu na azazi bake kwa sababu bamweni kuwa ni mwana nchunu ywabile mzuri, na bayogopa kwaa amri ya mpwalume.
By faith Moses was hidden for three months by his parents, after he was born, because they saw he was a fine child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.
24 Ibile ni kwa imani panga Musa paabile mundu mpindo, akani kukemwa mwana wa nwawa wa Farao.
By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter,
25 Badala yake, achawa shiriki mateso pamope ni bandu ba Nnongo badala ya puraika ni anasa za sambi kwa muda nchunu.
choosing rather to be maltreated along with God's people than to have the temporary pleasure of sin,
26 Awazile kiya ya kunkengama Kristo kuwa ni utajiri nkolo kuliko hazina za Misri kwa mana atumbwi minyo katika zawadi muda wake woisa.
considering the reproach of Christ to be greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; because he was looking ahead to the reward.
27 Ibile ni kwa imani panga Musa aboka Misri. Ahofia kwaa hasira ya mpwalume, kwa mana atipumilia kwa lolekeya kwa ywabonekana kwaa.
By faith he left Egypt behind, not fearing the king's rage, because he persevered as though seeing Him who is invisible.
28 Ibile ni kwa imani panga aikamwi Pasaka na kunyunyiza mwai, ili panga mharibu wa mbeleki wa kwanza aweze kwaa kubakamwa wabeleki wa kwanza analome wa baisraeli.
By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch them.
29 Ibile ni kwa imani panga bapeta katika bahari ya shamu kati pannema nkavu. Muda bamisri batijaribu peta, balimezwa.
By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry ground, whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were swallowed up.
30 Ibile ni kwa imani panga ukuta ba Yeriko utombwike pae, baada ya kuuzunguka kwa masoba saba,
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, having been encircled for seven days.
31 Ibile ni kwa imani panga Rahabu yolo kahaba aangamiya kwaa pamope ni balo babile kwaa atiifu, kwa sababu abile abapokii bapelelezi na kubahifadhi salama.
By faith the prostitute Rahab, having received the spies in peace, did not perish with the disobedient.
32 Nibaye namani zaidi? Mana muda utosha kwaa longela ga Gideoni, Barak, Samsoni, Yeftha, Daudi, Samweli na manabii,
And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell about Gideon, about Barak and Samson and Jephtha, about David and Samuel and the prophets,
33 ambao pitya imani batizishinda falme, bapangite haki, bapokya ahadi.
who through faith subdued kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promises, closed lions' mouths,
34 Baikanikya mikanwa ya imba, batizima ngupu ya mwoto, bakwepite ncha ya upanga, baponywa boka mu matamwe, babile mashujaa vitani, na catisababisha majeshi ga ageni kupiya.
quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became mighty in battle, put to flight foreign armies.
35 Alwawa bapokii bandu ba kiwo babe kwa ndela ya ufufuo. Benge bateswile, bila yeketya kulekwa huru ili panga baweze pata uzoefu wa ufufuo ubile bora muno.
Women received their dead back by resurrection; while others were tortured, not accepting their deliverance, so that they might obtain a better resurrection.
36 Benge batiteswa kwa dhihaka na kwa kombwa, eloo, hata kwa tabilwa na kwa bekwa muligereza.
Still others were tried by mockings and scourgings, and even by chains and imprisonment.
37 Bapondwile maliwe. Batitekwanikwa ipande kwa misumeno. Batibulagwa kwa upanga. Batiyenda kwa ngozi ya ngondolo na ngozi ya mbuzi babile babapala, batiyendelya katika maumivu na mapangilwe yanoite kwaa.
They were stoned, they were sawed in two, they were tempted, they were murdered by sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, mistreated
38 (Ambayo ulimwengu wastahili kwaa kuwa nabo) batitanga tanga mmwitu, mukitombe, katika mapango na katika mashimo ga nnema.
—of whom the world was not worthy—wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground.
39 Ingawa bandu bote aba batiyeketiwa na Nnongo kwa sababu ya imani yabe, bapokya kwaa chaatiahidia.
Now all these did not receive the promise, though having been approved through faith,
40 Nnongo atiyongolya kutupatia kilebe kibile bora. ili panga bila twenga baweza kwaa kamilishwa.
God having planned something better for us, so that they should not be perfected without us.

< Baebrania 11 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark