< 1 Akoritho 10 >

1 Napala mwenga muntange muinja ni nlombo bango, ya kuwa tate bitu babile pae ya liunde ni bote bapeta mu bahari.
Now, brethren, I do not wish you to be ignorant, that all our fathers were under the cloud, and that all passed through the sea,
2 Bote batibatizwa bawe ba musa nkati ya liunde ni nkati ya bahari,
and were all immersed into Moses, in the cloud and in the sea;
3 ni bote balya chakulya chechelo cha roho.
and did all eat the same spiritual food,
4 Bote banywea munkanwa chechelo cha roho. Mana banywea kuoma mu'mwamba wa roho uliobafuata, ni mwamba woo wabile ni Kristo.
and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was the Christ.
5 Lakini Nnongo apendezwa kwaa muno ni baingi babe, ni miti zao zabile zatitawanyilwa mu'lijangwa.
But with the most of them God was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
6 Bai makowe aga yote yabile mifano kwitu, ili twenga kana tube bandu ba tamaniya ganoite kwaa kati bembe bapangite.
Now these things took place as examples for us, that we should not desire evil things, as they, also, desired.
7 Kana mube baabuduo sanamu, kati benge bembe baabile. Ayee nga kati yaaiandikilwe, “Bandu batame pae kabalya ni nywaa, ni batiuluka ni kucheza kwa tamaa ya umalaya.”
Neither be you idolaters, as some of them were, as it is written: Tho people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to engage in idolatrous sport.
8 Kana tuupange uasarati kati baingi bembe baapangite. Bawile lisoba limo bandu ishirini na tatu ka sababu yee.
Nor let us be guilty of lewdness, as some of them were guilty, and fell, in one day, twenty-three thousand.
9 Kana tumjaribu Kristo, kati baingi babe bapangite ni batiharibiwa ni nyoka.
Nor let us tempt the Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents.
10 Na kana munung'unike, kati baingi babe baanung'unike ni kuharibiwa ni malaika ba mauti.
Nor do you murmur, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
11 Bai makowe aga gapangite kati mifano kwitu. Gaandikilwe ili kutuonya twenga-tuliofikiriwa ni miishio ga zamani. (aiōn g165)
Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they are written for the instruction of us, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (aiōn g165)
12 Kwa eyo kila ywa ajionae kuwa ayemi awe makini kana aje tomboka.
Wherefore, let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he foil.
13 Ntopo lijaribu lyaliwapatike mwenga lyabile lya kawaida ya bandu. Ila Nnongo nga mwaminifu. Alowa kubaleka kwaa mjaribiwe pitya uwezo winu. Pamope ni jaribu ywembe alowa kuwapeya nnango wa pitya, ili muweze kulistamili.
No trial has come upon you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tried more than you are able to bear; but he will, with the trial, make a way to escape, so that you be able to bear up under it.
14 Kwa eyo, apendwa wango, muikimbie ibada ya sanamu.
Wherefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.
15 Nabaya ni mwenga bandu mubile ni malango, ili muamue nnani lyanilongela.
I speak as to wise men; judge you what I say.
16 Kikombe cha baraka twatibarikia, nga ushirika kwaa wa mwai ya Kristo? Mkate wolo tuumegao, nga ushirika kwaa wa yega ya Kristo?
The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the participation of the blood of the Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the participation of the body of the Christ?
17 Kwa kuwa mkate ni umo, twenga twabile banyansima mu'yega pamope. Twenga twabote twapokeya mkate yumo kwa pamope.
Because the loaf is one, we, the many, are one body, for we are all partakers of the one loaf.
18 Mugalole bandu ba Israel: Je! balo bote balya dhabihu ni ashiriki kwaa mu'madhabahu?
Look at Israel according to the flesh: are not those who eat the sacrifices partakers with the altar?
19 nilongela namani bai? Ya kuwa sanamu ni ilebe? Au ya kuwa chakulya chaboyilwe sadaka kwa sanamu ni ilebe?
What, then, do I say? That an idol is any thing? or, that what is sacrificed to an idol is any thing?
20 Lakini nalongela nnani ya ilebe yelo yaiboywile sadaka bandu apagani ba mataifa, ya kuwa batitoa ilebe yee kwa nchela na kwa Nnongo kwaa. Ni nenga napala kwaa mwenga shirikiana na nchela!
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God. I do not wish you to be partakers with demons.
21 Muweza kwaa nywea kikombe cha Ngwana ni kikombe cha nchela. Muweza pangika na ushirika katika meza ya Ngwana na katika meza ya Nchela.
You can not drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of demons: you can not be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of demons.
22 Au twatia Ngwana wivu? Twabile ni ngupu zaidi yake?
Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?
23 Ilebe yote ni halali, “lakini ni yote yaifaika kwaa. Ilebe yote ni halali,” lakini ni yote kwaa yabachenga bandu.
All meats are lawful for me; but all are not profitable; all are lawful, but all do not edify.
24 Ntopo hata yumo ywapala yanoite yake kae. Badala yake, kila yumo ywapala yanoite ya ywenge.
Let no one seek his own, but each the welfare of the other.
25 Mwaaweza lyaa kila kilebe chakipemewa kusoko kwa ajili ya dhamiri.
Any thing that is sold in the market, eat, asking no questions on account of conscience:
26 Mana “dfunia ni mali ya Ngwana, ni yooti yaijazayo.”
for the earth and its fullness are the Lord’s.
27 Ni mundu ywaaminiya kwaa akibaalika lyaa, ni mwapala yenda, mulye chochote cha awapeile bila kunaluya maswali ga dhamiri.
If any one of the unbelievers invites you to a feast, and you are disposed to go, eat any thing that is set before you, asking no questions for conscience sake.
28 Lakini mundu mana aabakiye, “Chakulya chee chaboka mu'sadaka ya apagani,” kana mulyee. Ayee nga kwa ajili yake ywaamakiye, na kwa ajili ya dhamiri.
But if any one say to you: This is sacrificed to idols; eat not, for the sake of him that pointed it out, and for conscience sake:
29 Ni nenga nimaanisha kwaa dhamiri yitu, ila dhamiri ya yolo ywenge. Mana mwanja namani uhuru wango uhukumilwe ni dhamiri ya mundu ywenge?
conscience, I say, not your own, but that of the other. Why, then, is my liberty judged by the conscience of another?
30 Mana itei nenga natumya chakulya kwa shukrani, kwa mwanja namani nitukanilwe kwa ilebe ambayo nimeshukuru kwacho?
If I partake with thanksgiving, why am I evil spoken of on account of that for which I give thanks?
31 Kwa eyo, chochote mwakilya au kunywa, au chochote chamukipanga, mpange yote kwa ajili ya utukufu wa Nnongo.
Whether, therefore, you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
32 Kana mbakoseshe Ayahudi au Ayunani, au likanisa lya Nnongo.
Give no occasion for stumbling, either to the Jews, or to the Greeks, or to the church of God;
33 Mujaribu kati nenga yanijaribie kubapendeza bandu bote kwa makowe yote. Nitafuta kwaa faida yango mwene, ila ya baingi. Ni nenga napanga lee ili bapate lopolelwa.
even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own good, but that of the many, in order that they may be saved.

< 1 Akoritho 10 >