< Ingoma Yezingoma 5 >
1 Sengingenile esivandeni sami, dadewethu, mlobokazi, sengikhe imure yami lamakha ami, ngidle uhlanga loluju lwami kanye loluju lwami, nginathe iwayini lami lochago lwami. Dlanini, bangane, linathe, linathe kakhulu, bathandekayo.
I have come to garden my O sister my bride I have gathered myrrh my with spice my I have eaten honeycomb my with honey my I have drunk wine my with milk my eat O friends drink and become drunk O lovers.
2 Ngilele, kodwa inhliziyo yami iphapheme. Ilizwi lesithandwa sami liqoqoda, lisithi: Ngivulela, dadewethu, mthandwa wami, juba lami, opheleleyo wami, ngoba ikhanda lami ligcwele amazolo, inwele zami eziphotheneyo amathonsi ebusuku.
I [was] sleeping and heart my [was] awake [the] sound of - lover my knocking open to me O sister my friend my dove my perfect [one] my that head my [is] filled dew locks my dewdrops of night.
3 Ngikhuphile isigqoko sami, ngingasigqoka njani? Ngigezile inyawo zami, ngingazingcolisa njani?
I have taken off tunic my how? will I put on it I have washed feet my how? will I dirty them.
4 Isithandwa sami safaka isandla saso esikhaleni sesivalo, lemibilini yami yasiqubuleka.
Lover my he sent hand his from the hole and inward parts my they were turbulent on him.
5 Ngasukuma mina ukuvulela isithandwa sami; lezandla zami zathonta imure, leminwe yami imure egelezayo, ezibanjeni zekhiye.
I arose I to open to lover my and hands my they dripped myrrh and fingers my myrrh flowing on [the] handles of the bolt.
6 Mina ngasivulela isithandwa sami, kodwa isithandwa sami sasitshibilike sedlula. Umphefumulo wami wehluleka ekukhulumeni kwaso. Ngasidinga, kodwa kangisitholanga, ngasibiza, kodwa kasingiphendulanga.
I opened I to lover my and lover my he had turned away he had passed away being my it went out when turned aside he I sought him and not I found him I called him and not he answered me.
7 Abalindi ababebhodabhoda emzini bangifica, bangitshaya, bangilimaza; abalindi bemiduli bangithathela ijali yami.
They found me the watchmen who go around in the city they struck me they bruised me they lifted garment my from on me [the] watchmen of the walls.
8 Ngiyalifungisa, madodakazi eJerusalema, uba lithola othandekayo wami, lizamtshelani? Ukuthi ngiguliswa luthando.
I adjure you O daughters of Jerusalem if you will find lover my what? will you tell to him that [am] weak of love I.
9 Isithandwa sakho simedlula ngani omunye othandekayo, wena omuhle phakathi kwabesifazana? Isithandwa sakho simedlula ngani omunye othandekayo ukuthi usifungise njalo?
How [is]? lover your more than a lover O beautiful [one] among women how? [is] lover your more than a lover that thus you have adjured us.
10 Isithandwa sami simhlophe sibomvana, inhlokonkulu phakathi kwenkulungwane ezilitshumi.
Lover my [is] dazzling and ruddy [is] conspicuous more than ten thousand.
11 Ikhanda laso linjengegolide elicengeke kakhulu, inwele zaso eziphotheneyo ziyibulembu, zimnyama njengewabayi.
Head his [is] gold of pure gold locks his [are] curls black like raven.
12 Amehlo aso anjengamajuba ezifuleni zamanzi, agezwe ngochago, afakwe kakuhle.
Eyes his [are] like doves at channels of water washing in milk sitting on fullness.
13 Izihlathi zaso zinjengombheda wamakha, njengemibundu yamakha akhupha iphunga elimnandi. Indebe zaso zinjengemiduze, zithonta imure egelezayo.
Cheeks his [are] like [the] bed of spice towers of aromatic herbs lips his [are] lilies dripping myrrh flowing.
14 Izandla zaso zinjengendandatho zegolide ezigcwele ibherule. Isisu saso sinjengophondo lwendlovu olukhanyayo, luhuqwe ngesafire.
Hands his [are] rods of gold filled with chrysolite lower parts his [are] a plate of ivory covered sapphires.
15 Imilenze yaso zinsika zelitshe elimhlophe zimiswe ezisekelweni zegolide elicwengekileyo. Ukukhangeleka kwaso kunjengeLebhanoni, elikhethelo njengemisedari.
Legs his [are] pillars of marble founded on bases of pure gold appearance his [is] like Lebanon chosen like cedars.
16 Umlomo waso umnandi kakhulu, yebo sonke siyathandeka kakhulu. Lesi yisithandwa sami, njalo lesi ngumngane wami, madodakazi eJerusalema.
Mouth his [is] sweetness and all of him [is] desirableness this [is] lover my and this [is] friend my O daughters of Jerusalem.