< Ingoma Yezingoma 2 >
1 Ngilirozi leSharoni, umduze wezigodi.
I am the rose of the fielde, and the lilie of the valleys.
2 Njengomduze phakathi kwameva, unjalo mthandwa wami phakathi kwamadodakazi.
Like a lilie amog the thornes, so is my loue among the daughters.
3 Njengesihlahla sama-aphula phakathi kwezihlahla zeganga, sinjalo isithandwa sami phakathi kwamadodana. Ngahlala emthunzini waso ngathokoza kakhulu, lesithelo saso simnandi ekunambitheni kwami.
Like the apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my welbeloued among the sonnes of men: vnder his shadow had I delite, and sate downe: and his fruite was sweete vnto my mouth.
4 Sangisa endlini yewayini, lesiboniso saso phezu kwami siluthando.
Hee brought mee into the wine cellar, and loue was his banner ouer me.
5 Ngisekelani ngezinkwa zezithelo zevini ezonyisiweyo, lingiqinise ngama-aphula, ngoba ngiguliswa luthando.
Stay me with flagons, and comfort me with apples: for I am sicke of loue.
6 Isandla saso sokhohlo singaphansi kwekhanda lami, lesokunene saso siyangigona.
His left hande is vnder mine head, and his right hand doeth imbrace me.
7 Ngiyalifungisa, madodakazi eJerusalema, ngemiziki kumbe ngezimpala zeganga, ukuze lingaphazamisi lingavusi uthando aze athande.
I charge you, O daughters of Ierusalem, by the roes and by the hindes of the fielde, that ye stirre not vp, nor waken my loue, vntill she please.
8 Ilizwi lesithandwa sami! Khangela sona siyeza, siseqa phezu kwezintaba, siqolotsha phezu kwamaqaqa.
It is the voyce of my welbeloued: beholde, hee commeth leaping by the mountaines, and skipping by the hilles.
9 Isithandwa sami sinjengomziki kumbe njengethole lendluzele. Khangela simi ngemva komduli wethu, silunguza emawindini, sizibonakalisa eminxibeni yewindi.
My welbeloued is like a roe, or a yong hart: loe, he standeth behinde our wall, looking forth of the windowes, shewing him selfe through the grates.
10 Isithandwa sami saphendula sathi kimi: Vuka wena, mthandwa wami, omuhle wami, asihambe wena.
My welbeloued spake and said vnto me, Arise, my loue, my faire one, and come thy way.
11 Ngoba khangela, ubusika sebudlulile, izulu seliphelile, lihambile.
For beholde, winter is past: the raine is changed, and is gone away.
12 Amaluba ayabonakala emhlabeni, isikhathi sokuhlabelela sesifikile, lelizwi lejuba liyezwakala elizweni lakithi.
The flowers appeare in the earth: the time of the singing of birdes is come, and the voyce of the turtle is heard in our land.
13 Isihlahla somkhiwa sivuthisa imikhiwa yaso eluhlaza, lamavini alempoko aletha iphunga elimnandi. Vuka wena, mthandwa wami, omuhle wami wena, sihambe.
The figtree hath brought foorth her yong figges: and the vines with their small grapes haue cast a sauour: arise my loue, my faire one, and come away.
14 Juba lami, elisengoxweni yedwala, ekusithekeni kweliwa, ngitshengisa ubuso bakho, ngizwise ilizwi lakho, ngoba ilizwi lakho limnandi, lobuso bakho buyabukeka.
My doue, that art in the holes of ye rocke, in the secret places of the staires, shewe mee thy sight, let mee heare thy voyce: for thy voyce is sweete, and thy sight comely.
15 Sibambeleni amakhanka, amakhanka amancinyane, ona izivini, ngoba izivini zethu zilezimpoko.
Take vs the foxes, the little foxes, which destroy the vines: for our vines haue small grapes.
16 Isithandwa sami ngesami, lami ngingowaso, eselusa phakathi kwemiduze.
My welbeloued is mine, and I am his: hee feedeth among the lilies,
17 Kuze kube semadabukakusa, lamathunzi abaleke, phenduka, sithandwa sami, ube njengomziki kumbe njengethole lendluzele phezu kwezintaba zeBhetheri.
Vntil the day breake, and the shadowes flee away: returne, my welbeloued, and be like a roe, or a yong hart vpon the mountaines of Bether.